cover of episode The Smartest Conversation on Cyber in the Defense Department You've Heard in a Long Time

The Smartest Conversation on Cyber in the Defense Department You've Heard in a Long Time

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War on the Rocks

Alexis Bonnell
Anne-Marie Schumann
Melissa Griffith
Tyler Sweatt
Melissa Griffith博士探讨了其学术研究历程,从政治学到网络安全与国家安全的交叉领域,强调了技术风险与国家安全和国防之间的关联。她还分析了不同文化背景下对网络安全术语的理解差异,以及在快速变化的环境中,采用更具成本效益的系统策略。 Anne-Marie Schumann女士分享了她从情报分析员到海军部首席网络顾问的职业发展,并重点阐述了其作为授权官员的经验,强调了在风险规避和满足国防需求之间的平衡,以及团队合作和同理心在应对网络安全挑战中的重要性。她还分析了乌克兰冲突中网络行动的快速节奏,以及在和平时期做好准备的重要性。 Alexis Bonnell女士回顾了她从互联网协会到空军研究实验室首席信息官的职业生涯,并分享了其在推动组织适应变化和促进创新方面的经验。她强调了流程和检查清单对交付速度的影响,以及将网络安全视为一种服务而非合规性问题的必要性。她还介绍了空军研究实验室在评估人工智能技术时使用的方法,包括撰写新闻稿、进行预后分析和进行10-10练习,并探讨了在快速变化的环境中,快速启动、维护和停止项目的重要性。 Tyler Sweatt先生分享了他从军队到创业公司的职业经历,并阐述了其在促进国家安全和国防与商业软件之间关系方面的观点。他认为国防部在网络安全方面存在对变化的抵制,这阻碍了新能力和框架的采用,并导致了对变化的风险规避。他还强调了时间作为有限资源的重要性,以及在时间上获得对对手的不公平优势的必要性。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

Ryan was joined by Melissa Griffith (SAIS-Johns Hopkins), Anne Marie Schumann (Department of the Navy), Alexis Bonnell (Air Force Research Laboratory), and Tyler Sweatt (Second Front) for a free-wheeling, candid, and thoughtful conversation on the challenges of cyber security in the Defense Department. You won't want to miss this. Please keep in mind that the views expressed by Schumann and Bonnell are their own and do not represent those of their organizations, the Department of the Navy, the Department of the Air Force, the Department of Defense, or any part of the U.S. government.