cover of episode The Army Wants You to Write. Three Soldiers Explain Why

The Army Wants You to Write. Three Soldiers Explain Why

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War on the Rocks

Emily Lopez
Leighton Summerlin
Ryan Evans
Zachary Griffiths
Leighton Summerlin:作为一名士兵,我亲身经历了写作对军队学习和适应能力提升的重要性。通过写作,我们可以分享经验教训,促进反思,最终加快陆军的学习和适应速度。我参与哈丁项目,也是希望能够推动更多士兵参与写作,分享他们的经验和知识。 在成为年度优秀教官后,我开始重视写作,并通过写作来分享经验和知识。我的文章被推荐给哈丁项目团队,这促使我加入了这个项目。我相信,基层士兵的写作对于分享经验和知识至关重要,他们的经验对于改进军事行动至关重要。 我们正在努力降低写作门槛,鼓励更多士兵参与写作,分享他们的经验和知识。通过“泥泞靴子论坛”,我们将鼓励更多高级士官写作,分享他们的经验和知识。 Zachary Griffiths:哈丁项目旨在恢复美国陆军的专业写作,提升专业期刊的活力,促进专业讨论,这对于未来赢得战争至关重要。陆军期刊活力不足,发表内容减少,频率降低,这需要改进。 项目组通过提供支持和指导来解决士兵们对写作风险的担忧。士兵们往往高估了在军中写作的风险,公开表达不同意见通常不会带来严重后果。 我们即将出版《军事评论》特刊,提供写作指导和工具,鼓励有意义的异议。与其他国家的军队相比,美国军队拥有言论自由的优势,这使得专业写作更加重要。 项目组对陆军期刊的管理和汇报体系进行了改革,增加了军人编辑,以加强期刊与基层部队的联系。我们还推出了哈丁奖学金项目,旨在培养军人编辑,提升陆军期刊的质量。 Emily Lopez:有效的沟通对于团队和任务的成功至关重要。在担任民政事务小组组长时,我意识到写作的重要性。在研究生院学习政治写作后,我开始更加自信地写作,并积极投稿。 很多士兵不知道如何开始写作,项目组的目标是降低写作门槛。陆军期刊与个人日记类似,都能促进反思和学习,最终目标是加快陆军的学习和适应速度。 “出发线”网站将为士兵提供一个发表超出期刊主题范围文章的平台,并促进不同兵种之间的知识交流和跨领域思考。陆军期刊转向滚动出版,以适应战场变化的快速节奏。 特种作战中心提名了一名军官和一名士官参加哈丁项目,这体现了对士官写作的重视。专业写作可以帮助非战斗兵种更好地表达他们的声音和贡献。

Deep Dive

This chapter introduces the Harding Project, an Army initiative to encourage professional writing among soldiers. It details the involvement of three soldiers—Sergeant First Class Leighton Summerlin, Lieutenant Colonel Zach Griffiths, and Major Emily Lopez—and their roles in the project's inception and execution. The initiative aims to reinvigorate military journals and foster professional discourse.
  • The Harding Project aims to renew professional writing in the U.S. Army.
  • It was initiated by the Chief of Staff of the Army and Sergeant Major of the Army.
  • Three soldiers—Sgt. 1st Class Summerlin, Maj. Lopez, and Lt. Col. Griffiths—played key roles in the project.

Shownotes Transcript

The U.S. Army, from the chief of staff on down, is putting its weight behind getting soldiers to take writing and publishing more seriously as an important part of the profession of arms. From the Harding Project to the revitalization of branch journals to the Line of Departure website (coming this fall) to a special forthcoming issue of Military Review on the topic, there is a lot of energy, action, and momentum behind this. Three soldiers — one non-commissioned officer and two officers — join Ryan to talk about why professional writing is so important for the writing and the solider. We hope you enjoy this conversation with Sgt. 1st Class Leyton Summerlin, Maj. Emily Lopez, and Lt. Col. Zachary Griffiths. The views they express do not represent those of the U.S. Army, the Defense Department, or any part of the U.S. government.