cover of episode As Ukraine Stumbles and Russia Advances, What Does it Mean?

As Ukraine Stumbles and Russia Advances, What Does it Mean?

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War on the Rocks

Mike Kofman
Ryan Evans
Ryan Evans: 俄军在乌克兰多个战线取得进展,尤其是在库尔斯克和顿巴斯地区。乌克兰军队面临兵力不足和后勤困难,防守线可能收缩。哈尔科夫战线相对稳定,但库皮扬斯克地区可能失守。扎波罗热地区也可能面临新的俄军进攻。 Mike Kofman: 俄军兵力补充情况有所改善,使用朝鲜军队并非软弱的表现,而是为了减轻在库尔斯克地区的压力,并使俄军能够继续在顿巴斯地区进攻。乌克兰军队面临的主要问题是兵力不足,特别是步兵,动员工作未能有效解决这个问题。新组建的部队战斗力不足,现有部队也因人员损失而不断碎片化。乌克兰有效地利用无人机弥补了兵力不足,但在炮火方面优势不再明显。 Rob & Dara: 乌克兰士兵士气低落,需要改变现状,避免最坏的情况发生。需要迅速采取行动以改变乌克兰战争的负面趋势。 Mike Kofman: 乌克兰能否持续作战取决于多个因素,包括美国政府的政策、乌克兰自身的应对措施以及稳定前线的能力。乌克兰目前未能解决其核心问题,战争对双方来说都是不可持续的,俄罗斯的战略目标是延长战争时间。乌克兰在人员动员、部队管理和部队部署方面存在问题,未能有效利用现有兵力。

Deep Dive

Russian forces are making gains in certain areas, but Ukraine is holding on. The introduction of North Korean troops raises questions about their impact and the overall direction of the conflict. The situation in Kursk is particularly precarious for Ukrainian forces.
  • Russia has retaken about 40% of what Ukraine held in Kursk.
  • North Korean troops may be used as expendable forces by Russia.
  • Ukraine's hold on Kursk appears tenuous.
  • The southern Donetsk front is the most problematic for Ukraine.
  • Russia is making steady progress in areas like Kshasev Yar.

Shownotes Transcript

Mike Kofman came by WOTR HQ to discuss the state of the front and findings from his most recent research trip to Ukraine. From North Korean troops, to manpower woes, to Donald Trump coming back to the Oval Office, what does it all add up to for Ukraine?