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Iranian ballistic missiles have entered the Ukraine War chat

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The Naked Pravda

五角大楼证实伊朗已向俄罗斯提供近程弹道导弹,这将导致更多乌克兰平民丧生。五角大楼发言人莱德少将认为,这可能并非一次性交易,俄罗斯未来可能会继续寻求这种能力。美国国务卿布林肯表示,这使得俄罗斯能够将自身远程弹道导弹用于更远的目标。Nicole Grajewski博士分析了这些导弹的技术细节,认为伊朗选择提供射程较短的导弹可能是为了避免因违反导弹技术控制制度而受到更严厉的制裁。她还讨论了这些导弹对乌克兰战场的影响,以及伊朗和俄罗斯在军事合作中的政治考量。她认为,伊朗向俄罗斯提供导弹的行为违反了导弹技术控制制度的第二类规定,并分析了这从制裁角度和西方国家如何惩罚伊朗的角度来看的重要性。她还探讨了伊朗国内对与俄罗斯合作的不同观点,以及俄罗斯内部对与伊朗合作的观点是否一致。她认为,伊朗向俄罗斯提供导弹的行为,从制裁角度和西方国家如何惩罚伊朗的角度来看,其技术细节非常重要。她还分析了这些导弹对乌克兰战场的影响,以及伊朗和俄罗斯在军事合作中的政治考量。她认为,伊朗提供的导弹将提高俄罗斯压倒乌克兰防御系统的能力,并增强俄罗斯在乌克兰战场上的实力,但并非俄罗斯军事行动的必要条件。她还讨论了伊朗和俄罗斯军事文化的差异,以及她对全球军备贸易和联盟如何影响冲突的悲观看法。 伊朗向俄罗斯提供导弹可能并非一次性交易,俄罗斯未来可能会继续寻求这种能力。这使得俄罗斯能够将自身远程弹道导弹用于更远的目标。 伊朗提供的近程弹道导弹具有高精度,与伊朗此前使用的远程导弹不同。伊朗选择提供射程较短的导弹可能是为了避免因违反导弹技术控制制度而受到更严厉的制裁。伊朗向俄罗斯提供导弹的行为违反了导弹技术控制制度的第二类规定。伊朗提供的导弹将提高俄罗斯压倒乌克兰防御系统的能力。伊朗参与乌克兰战争,可以从战场上获得西方武器系统的数据,并以此为荣。 如果特朗普没有退出伊朗核协议,那么伊朗的无人机和弹道导弹可能不会出现在乌克兰。退出伊朗核协议加剧了俄伊关系,导致伊朗更依赖俄罗斯,并且伊朗国内强硬派势力崛起。尽管俄伊两国在军事合作方面关系密切,但在某些问题上(例如关于赞吉扎走廊)仍然存在不信任感。伊朗国内对俄罗斯的不信任感主要存在于改革派或温和派阵营中。尽管俄罗斯国防部长绍伊古似乎在俄伊军事合作中发挥了重要作用,但俄罗斯内部对与伊朗合作的观点可能并不统一。伊朗有能力以低成本生产导弹,这部分是因为伊朗国内生产,也是因为这是伊朗的设计目标。伊朗和俄罗斯的军事文化存在显著差异。对俄罗斯和伊朗的军事发展轨迹感到悲观。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the technical details of the newly transferred close-range ballistic missiles from Iran to Russia, their potential impact on the battlefield, and the implications under the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR).
  • Iran has supplied Russia with close-range ballistic missiles.
  • These missiles are expected to increase civilian casualties in Ukraine.
  • The transfer may violate the MTCR, but falls under Category 2, leading to less severe consequences than Category 1 violations.
  • The missiles will enhance Russia's ability to overwhelm Ukrainian defense systems.

Shownotes Transcript

The Pentagon says it’s confirmed that Iran has given “a number of close-range ballistic missiles to Russia.” While Washington isn’t sure exactly how many rockets are being handed over to Moscow, the U.S. Defense Department assesses that Russia could begin putting them to use within a few weeks, “leading to the deaths of even more Ukrainian civilians.”

“One has to assume that if Iran is providing Russia with these types of missiles, that it’s very likely it would not be a one-time good deal, that this would be a source of capability that Russia would seek to tap in the future,” Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Major General Pat Ryder told reporters on September 10. That same day, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in London that the new supply of Iranian missiles will allow Russia to use more of its own longer-range ballistic missiles for targets that are farther from the frontline.

To find out where the Russian-Iranian partnership is headed and what, if anything, changes in the Ukraine War with Tehran sending ballistic missiles to Moscow, The Naked Pravda spoke to Dr. Nicole Grajewski), a fellow in the Nuclear Policy Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and an associate researcher with the Belfer Center’s Project on Managing the Atom at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. Dr. Grajewski also has a forthcoming book, titled Russia and Iran: Partners in Defiance from Syria to Ukraine).

Timestamps for this episode:


(1:54) Technical details about these ballistic missiles

(5:05) The role of sanctions and the Iran nuclear deal

**(8:51) **Iranian drones and ballistic missiles in Ukraine

(10:16) Russian-Iranian military cooperation

(16:07) Factional politics in Iran and Russia

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