cover of episode Two Fronts in The War Against the West

Two Fronts in The War Against the West

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Foreign Podicy

Bernard-Henri Lévy
Cliff May
Oleksandra Matviichuk
Cliff May认为西方国家对威胁其生存的“暴君轴心”反应迟缓,乌克兰和以色列是受威胁最严重的民主国家。他认为普京对乌克兰发动战争是为了征服和摧毁其独立性,而伊朗则试图消灭以色列。 Bernard-Henri Lévy认为俄罗斯对乌克兰的战争是一场旨在消灭乌克兰及其文化和身份认同的战争,以色列也面临着类似的灭绝威胁,哈马斯及其支持者公开宣称要消灭以色列。他认为乌克兰和以色列在面对灭绝战争时站在同一战线上,并且西方国家对俄罗斯吞并克里米亚的反应过于迟缓。他还认为普京将自己视为沙皇,试图恢复俄罗斯帝国,而乌克兰是其计划的关键部分。他认为俄罗斯在车臣、摩尔多瓦等地犯下的战争罪行长期未受惩罚,助长了其侵略行为。 Oleksandra Matviichuk认为2014年乌克兰革命后,俄罗斯入侵乌克兰,并非因为北约扩张,而是因为害怕乌克兰的自由理念。她认为普京害怕的是靠近俄罗斯边界的自由思想,而非北约。她还指出俄罗斯帝国主义的本质是扩张,认为其边界无限。她认为国际法目前未能阻止俄罗斯在乌克兰犯下的战争罪行,联合国系统未能阻止俄罗斯的侵略行为,联合国大会主要由独裁政权组成,无法有效运作。她认为如果不改革国际体系,类似的战争将会更多地发生。她认为乌克兰是一个古老的民族,但也是一个年轻的民主国家,俄罗斯的目标是消灭乌克兰民族和文化,俄罗斯绑架乌克兰儿童的政策是种族灭绝政策。她认为乌克兰人和俄罗斯人在价值观方面存在根本差异,与普京谈判不可能带来和平,只会导致俄罗斯的进一步侵略,俄罗斯的目标是恢复俄罗斯帝国,因此不会寻求真正的和平。

Deep Dive

The podcast starts by establishing the context of the threats against the West, identifying an "axis of tyrants" as the main aggressors and highlighting the insufficient response from Western leaders. The discussion focuses on the dire situations in Ukraine and Israel as the most immediately threatened democracies.
  • Insufficient Western response to threats against democracies.
  • Identification of an "axis of tyrants" as the main aggressors.
  • Ukraine and Israel highlighted as the most endangered democracies.

Shownotes Transcript

America and other free nations are threatened by enemies – an axis of tyrants, of aggressors, of authoritarians, of revanchists – all those terms are apt. But the response of Western leaders continues to be woefully inadequate.The most imminently endangered democratic societies: Ukraine and Israel.Host **Cliff May **discusses with Bernard Henri-Lévy and Oleksandra Matviichuk.