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The Military America Needs

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Foreign Podicy

Cliff May
Mark Montgomery
Cliff May: 讨论了美国不应因为普京的威胁而退缩,软弱只会助长普京及其盟友的气焰。他还指出普京从也门和朝鲜招募士兵,并与伊朗和中国合作对抗美国。May认为,为了让美国再次伟大,普京等侵略者应该不敢轻易挑衅,在冲突发生时应该退让。 Mark Montgomery: 认为当前的国际局势是一个威慑问题,美国必须坚定地维护自由、民主和法治等价值观,不能被侵略者吓倒。他指出中国、俄罗斯、朝鲜和伊朗组成了一个联盟,相互支持,共同对抗美国,并在乌克兰和以色列同时对抗美国及其盟友。尽管这些国家意识形态不同,但他们的目标是一致的,即削弱美国的影响力。Montgomery认为,朝鲜向乌克兰派遣精锐部队,这表明其与俄罗斯的联盟已超越单纯的交易关系,中国对俄罗斯的支持是其联盟中最重要的一部分,通过经济手段支持俄罗斯的战争努力。他还指出金正恩寻求技术援助以提高其导弹的精确度,这使得其对美国的威胁更加严重。如果美国对普京的核威胁退缩,那么金正恩也可能发出类似的威胁。 Mark Montgomery: 还讨论了美国国防开支在过去20年中一直不稳定,需要增加。他认为,衡量国防开支的最佳指标是国防开支占GDP的比例,因为GDP增长反映了武器系统成本的增长。他还指出,拜登政府对俄罗斯的制裁执行不力,美国应该增加国内石油和天然气的产量,并与沙特合作,以降低油价并惩罚俄罗斯。在采取措施削弱俄罗斯后,美国应该与普京谈判停火协议,美国应该在处于实力地位时与普京谈判,而不是在普京提出要求时谈判。普京只有在感受到痛苦时才会谈判停火,他的目标是恢复俄罗斯/苏联帝国,只有在感受到痛苦时才会谈判。

Deep Dive

The episode begins by discussing President Biden's decision to allow Ukraine to use long-range missiles against Russian military targets, provoking Putin's anger. The discussion then expands to include reports of Putin's recruitment of foreign fighters from Yemen and North Korea to bolster the war effort in Ukraine.
  • Ukraine uses US-supplied missiles to strike Russia
  • Putin angered by Ukrainian counteroffensive
  • Putin recruits hundreds of Yemenis via Houthi rebels
  • Putin imports 10,000 North Korean soldiers

Shownotes Transcript

Last week, President Biden finally (belatedly) allowed Ukraine to use U.S.-supplied long-range missiles to strike military targets in Russia. This made Vladimir Putin very angry.

Some argue that we should be careful not to anger or provoke Putin and that if he issues threats, then we had better back down. But such weakness only emboldens Putin and his axis of aggressors in Tehran, Beijing, and Pyongyang who are helping him wage his illegal war in Ukraine.

In exchange for Russian weapons that can be used to target commercial shipping and U.S. Navy vessels, Tehran-backed Houthi rebels helped Putin recruit hundreds of Yemenis to fight in Ukraine; North Korea has provided Putin some 10,000 soldiers; and China’s communist rulers in Beijing are also supporting Putin’s illegal war in Ukraine.

Despite a bleak reality, FDD’s Mark Montgomery says in a new essay for a report published by the Vandenberg Coalition and the McCain Institute that “there is much the incoming administration can do to improve U.S. military capabilities to deter and, if necessary, defeat potential threats.”

He joins host Cliff May to discuss.