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Understanding China Through Chinese Intellectual Debates

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China Global

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Alicja Bachulska
Bonnie Glaser
Bonnie Glaser认为需要认真对待中国知识分子的观点,因为这些观点即使没有被习近平直接采纳,也可能对政策制定产生影响。 Alicja Bachulska认为中国正在输出其思想,这在西方观察家之间并未得到充分认识。她指出,虽然中国知识界在习近平领导下存在宣传,但仍有一些批判性声音,这些声音反映了中国公共舆论的现状。她还区分了与政府合作的知识分子(“中国解决方案者”)和那些在论述边缘试图参与讨论的人。她强调,即使“中国解决方案者”可能并不完全相信他们所说的话,但他们传递的信息对中共政权至关重要,因此不能简单地将其视为宣传。她还讨论了“伟大变革”叙事在中国论述中的重要性,以及一些知识分子试图将这一叙事塑造成对中国有利的局面,以增强中国在全球的影响力。她认为,加强中国的叙事能力旨在说服那些对中国持友好态度的人,并限制国内自由讨论的空间。她还指出,由于语言障碍,中国在建立替代性叙事体系方面面临挑战,难以与美国在国际舞台上展开大规模竞争。她认为,中国在塑造全球叙事方面取得了一些成功,但也存在一些不足。她还讨论了中国知识分子对西方对中国的描述不满,并试图增强中国的叙事能力。她认为,中国在国际事务中的讨论更多的是防御性的,而不是旨在改变国际规则以使其自身利益最大化。她还讨论了习近平提出的“东方崛起,西方衰落”的观点,以及中国知识分子对中国未来发展的信心。最后,她认为,西方国家需要理解中国的行为逻辑,才能有效地回应中国的国际叙事。 Alicja Bachulska 详细阐述了中国知识分子在当前政治环境下的复杂角色,以及他们如何试图在既定的限制内影响政策。她分析了“中国解决方案者”的策略,他们如何规避西方理论和规则,创造出看起来并非西方选择的替代方案。她还讨论了“伟大变革”叙事的多重解读,以及它如何被用作战略工具来应对中美竞争。她深入探讨了中国增强叙事能力的努力,以及这种努力在不同地理环境下的成功程度。她还分析了中国知识分子对西方叙事的回应,以及他们如何试图塑造对中国的国际认知。她认为,理解中国知识分子的观点对于有效地回应中国的国际叙事至关重要,并强调了对中国行为逻辑的理解。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the importance of understanding internal intellectual debates in China, acknowledging that while propaganda is prevalent, dissenting voices also exist. It introduces the concept of "China solutionists" – those working within the system – and highlights the need to seriously consider their perspectives, even if those perspectives are influenced by political constraints.
  • The output of Chinese ideas may surpass that of goods in the coming years.
  • Intellectual debates reveal the current state of Chinese public discourse.
  • China solutionists work within the constraints of the CCP, adapting to the political climate.

Shownotes Transcript

There are many writings by Western scholars on Chinese foreign as well as domestic policy. Yet few have ventured to analyze the internal intellectual debates in China that, either partly or significantly, shape Chinese policymaking. A recent book from the European Council on Foreign Relations titled The Idea of China: Chinese Thinkers on Power, Progress, and People, intends to fill that gap. Written by Alicja Bachulska, Mark Leonard, and Janka Oertel, the book presents some of the leading Chinese perspectives on a range of contemporary global as well as domestic issues. 

To help us further understand Chinese thinking and its significance, host Bonnie Glaser is joined by Alicja Bachulska, one of the co-authors of the book and a policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations. 


[01:22] Significance of Intellectual Debates in China

[04:31] Gauging the Candor of Interview Responses

[06:35] Who are the China solutionists? 

[08:25] Examining the “Great Changes” Taking Place

[11:52] Strengthening China’s Discourse Power

[15:22] Where is China successfully shaping narratives?

[18:05] China on the Defense or Offense

[22:36] Rising East, Declining West

[28:49] Responding to Chinese Discourse in the Global South