cover of episode Takeaways from the 24th Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Summit

Takeaways from the 24th Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Summit

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China Global

Bonnie Glaser
Eva Seiwert
Bonnie Glaser对上海合作组织(SCO)的关注点在于其不断壮大以及中国在其中的战略和目标。她与Eva Seiwert探讨了SCO峰会的结果,特别是白俄罗斯的加入以及对地缘政治格局的影响。 Eva Seiwert分析了SCO的演变,从最初关注中亚地区的安全合作,到如今扩展到南亚、中东和欧洲,并涵盖经济、政治和文化等多个领域。她指出,SCO的扩张反映了中国战略的转变,以及中国寻求在国际舞台上建立自身影响力的努力。她还分析了中国与俄罗斯在SCO中的合作与竞争,以及SCO在解决地区冲突和促进经济发展方面的作用。她认为,SCO对中国而言是一个重要的平台,可以为其规范和世界观争取支持者,并促进其对国际秩序的愿景。她还讨论了SCO成员国之间在一些问题上的分歧,例如对俄罗斯在乌克兰战争中的立场、中亚国家之间的领土和水资源争端以及印巴关系。她认为,西方国家应该更加关注SCO,因为它对中国很重要,并且对其他西方组织构成挑战,但它并不构成直接威胁。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

Founded in 2001, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) is a Eurasian political, economic, and security forum led by Russia and China. And on July 4, 2024, the 24th summit of the SCO was convened in Astana, Kazakhstan. The summit resulted in the Astana Declaration that reaffirmed cooperation among the member states. 

This year’s summit was particularly notable due to Belarus’s accession as the SCO’s first European member state and the tenth member of the SCO. The continuous enlargement of the SCO seems indicative of the organization’s shifting role, evolving from a regional cooperative forum to a broader, perhaps counter-western bloc. 

This episode will focus on China’s strategy in the SCO, its intentions, and its objectives. Host Bonnie Glaser is joined by Dr. Eva Seiwert, an analyst at the Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS). Her research interests include China-Russia relations, China’s central Asian relations, and China’s behavior in international organizations. 



[01:39] Shifting Focus of the SCO

[03:32] Enlargement of the SCO

[05:25] SCO and China’s Foreign Policy

[07:22] July 2024 SCO Summit

[09:46] Implementation of Agreements

[11:38] Sino-Russian Sideline Meeting

[13:09] Sino-Russian Competition or Coordination

[15:14] Sino-Belarussian Joint Military Drill

[16:56] SCO and the War in Ukraine

[19:04] Controversial Issues in the SCO

[20:26] Tensions Between China and India

[21:29] New SCO Member States

[23:07] SCO and Chinese Institution Building 

[25:40] The impact of SCO: Why does it matter?