cover of episode China’s Engagement with New Caledonia

China’s Engagement with New Caledonia

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China Global

Anne-Marie Brady
Bonnie Glaser
Bonnie Glaser概述了新喀里多尼亚的战略重要性,特别是其丰富的镍资源,以及中国日益增长的影响力。她介绍了澳大利亚战略政策研究所(ASPI)的一份报告,该报告详细阐述了中国在新喀里多尼亚的利益、意图和活动,并呼吁采取措施应对中国的干涉。 Anne-Marie Brady详细分析了中国在新喀里多尼亚的长期战略利益,包括其对镍资源的渴望以及对新喀里多尼亚潜在独立后的影响力。她指出,中国长期以来一直与新喀里多尼亚的独立运动保持联系,并通过经济手段和政治影响力来促进其目标。她还强调了中国共产党国际统战工作的作用,以及这种策略如何通过各种渠道,包括官方和非官方渠道,渗透到新喀里多尼亚的政治和经济领域。她特别提到了‘新喀里多尼亚-中国友好协会’的作用,以及该协会与中国官方机构的关系。此外,她还讨论了‘一带一路’倡议在新喀里多尼亚的潜在影响,以及中国如何利用经济依赖来影响新喀里多尼亚的政治决策。她还分析了法国在新喀里多尼亚问题上的复杂立场,以及法国与中国关系如何影响其在新喀里多尼亚的策略。最后,她提出了对外部大国和新喀里多尼亚政府的建议,以应对中国日益增长的影响,包括加强区域合作、经济援助和市场多元化,以及更有效地应对中国的统战工作。 Anne-Marie Brady深入探讨了中国共产党国际统战工作在新喀里多尼亚的策略,以及这种策略如何通过各种渠道,包括官方和非官方渠道,渗透到新喀里多尼亚的政治和经济领域。她特别提到了‘新喀里多尼亚-中国友好协会’的作用,以及该协会与中国官方机构的关系。她还分析了中国如何利用经济依赖,特别是通过镍出口,来影响新喀里多尼亚的政治决策。她强调了经济依赖的风险,以及这种依赖如何使新喀里多尼亚的政治家们不敢得罪中国。此外,她还讨论了‘一带一路’倡议在新喀里多尼亚的潜在影响,以及中国如何利用该倡议来扩大其影响力。她还分析了法国在新喀里多尼亚问题上的复杂立场,以及法国与中国关系如何影响其在新喀里多尼亚的策略。最后,她提出了对外部大国和新喀里多尼亚政府的建议,以应对中国日益增长的影响,包括加强区域合作、经济援助和市场多元化,以及更有效地应对中国的统战工作。

Deep Dive

New Caledonia, a French territory, is on a path towards greater autonomy or independence, depending on referendums. Recent violent protests and riots have complicated this transition. Its strategic location and nickel resources are key factors in its geopolitical importance.
  • New Caledonia's unique status as a French territory.
  • Ongoing transition towards greater autonomy or independence.
  • Recent violent protests and riots.
  • Strategic location and nickel resources.
  • Critical role in World War II defense.

Shownotes Transcript

New Caledonia is a French territory comprising dozens of islands in the South Pacific. It possesses 25% of world’s nickel resources, a mineral critical in the development of weaponry. Several referenda on full independence from France have been held, but none have passed. In recent years, China has paid growing attention to the region, and New Caledonia is one of its targets of interest.

A new report from the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), titled “When China knocks at the door of New Caledonia,” explains China’s interests, intentions, and activities in New Caledonia. It calls for greater attention to the territory and makes recommendations for the US and other regional actors to address the growing Chinese interference.

To discuss Beijing’s approach to New Caledonia, host Bonnie Glaser is joined by the report’s author, Anne-Marie Brady, Professor of Political Science at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand. She specializes in Chinese domestic politics and foreign policy, polar politics, China-Pacific politics, and New Zealand foreign policy. 



[00:00] Start

[01:46] Introduction to New Caledonia

[04:20] China’s Interest and Involvement 

[07:22] Expansion of the International United Front 

[11:48] Manifestation Within New Caledonia

[16:22] The Belt and Road Initiative in New Caledonia

[21:34] Establishing Diplomatic Relations

[25:29] China’s Relationship with France

[28:29] Recommendations for Outside Powers and Others