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The Latecomer's Rise

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Jude Blanchette
Muyong Chen
Jude Blanchette介绍了Muyong Chen及其新书《The Latecomer's Rise》,并高度评价了该书对理解中国在全球金融化经济中的作用的贡献。他认为该书提供了理解中美关系,特别是全球金融领域中美互动的一个非常有趣的视角。 Muyong Chen详细阐述了其研究中国政策性银行的动机、研究方法和主要发现。她从个人成长经历和学术研究经历出发,解释了其对国家在发展中作用的兴趣,以及对中国发展金融模式的独特视角。她比较了中国、日本和德国的政策性银行,分析了中国政策性银行贷款利率有时高于日本同行的反直觉现象,并探讨了中国政策性银行在风险评估和管理方面的策略。她还分析了中国政策性银行、商业银行、国有企业和“一带一路”倡议之间的相互关系和协调机制,以及地缘政治因素对中国政策性银行贷款模式的影响。最后,她提出了一个仍未解答的重大问题:大规模融资能否真正促进发展中国家的工业化发展,以及其他国家是否会遵循工业化先行者的道路。

Deep Dive

Muyang Chen's interest in global political economy and China's development finance stemmed from her upbringing in post-Cold War China, her experience in a dual bachelor's degree program in Japan, and her observations of China's increasing visibility in global development finance. Her academic journey led her to explore the role of the state in development, ultimately focusing on policy banks as entities bridging the state and market.
  • Muyang Chen's interest in development finance originated from her childhood in China during marketization reforms and was further developed through studies in Japan and the US.
  • Her initial impression that markets alone lead to economic prosperity was challenged by her studies of Japan's developmental state.
  • She observed a gap in understanding of the state-led nature of China's economy and the role of policy banks in bridging state and market.

Shownotes Transcript

In this episode of Pekingology, Freeman Chair in China Studies Jude Blanchette is joined by Muyang Chen, Assistant Professor of International Development at Peking University’s School of International Studies. They discuss her new bookThe Latecomer's Rise: Policy Banks and the Globalization of China's Development Finance (Cornell University Press, 2024).


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