cover of episode Ambassador Nicholas Burns on the U.S.-China Relationship

Ambassador Nicholas Burns on the U.S.-China Relationship

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Nicholas Burns
伯恩斯大使认为,中国共产党对美国政策的实际操作与公开声明存在矛盾。公开声明中,中国经常强调寻求与美国建立互利共赢的关系,但实际上,中国政府正在采取行动来对抗和竞争美国。这种对抗和竞争体现在多个领域,包括军事实力的扩张、技术竞争、意识形态渗透以及对现有国际秩序的挑战。伯恩斯大使指出,中国试图通过其军事实力的扩张,特别是其火箭军和海军技术的进步,来挑战美国在印太地区的主导地位。他还提到,中国正在试图通过其全球发展倡议、全球安全倡议和全球文明倡议等举措来削弱现有国际秩序,并使其更符合其自身利益。伯恩斯大使认为,中国对美国及其盟友的侵略性行为,例如对菲律宾、越南、日本、韩国和印度主权的挑战,导致了地区国家对中国的反弹。他强调,美国及其盟友正在加强联盟关系,以应对中国的挑战。 伯恩斯大使认为,尽管中国面临经济挑战,例如较低的GDP增长率、人口结构问题和房地产危机,但其经济实力依然强大,不可低估。他指出,中国仍然是世界领先的制造商和出口商,并且通过“一带一路”倡议在全球范围内扩大了其影响力。伯恩斯大使还强调了美国在与中国的长期竞争中所拥有的优势,包括其强大的联盟体系、经济复苏、在人工智能技术方面的领先地位以及强大的军事实力。他认为,美国应该保持军事实力、外交实力和联盟关系,以应对中国的挑战,同时保持与中国人民的联系,避免军事冲突。他认为,保持美中两国人民之间的联系,对于维护稳定和和平至关重要。

Deep Dive

Ambassador Burns shares his career path, highlighting key moments that shaped his interest in Asia and China. He emphasizes the importance of fostering a deep understanding of China among future generations of American diplomats.
  • Early experiences in West Africa and the Middle East
  • First trip to Asia in 1988 with Secretary Shultz
  • Witnessing China's post-Cultural Revolution development
  • Serving as State Department spokesperson under Secretaries Christopher and Albright
  • Working on Iran, North Korea, Afghanistan, and Iraq sanctions with Chinese leadership
  • Importance of young American diplomats specializing in China

Shownotes Transcript

In this episode of Pekingology, Freeman Chair in China Studies Jude Blanchette is joined by U.S. Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns. They discuss his time spent in China and his perception of current and future U.S.-China relations.