cover of episode The Israel-Hezbollah ceasefire deal explained

The Israel-Hezbollah ceasefire deal explained

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What in the World

Hannah Gelbart
Hugo Beshega
Jeremy Bowen
Kareen Torbey
Yolanda Nell
持续一年的以真主党冲突造成黎巴嫩超过3500人死亡,100多万人流离失所,许多房屋被毁。以色列表示,停火协议将使6万名北部边境居民能够安全返回家园。停火协议的达成标志着冲突的暂时结束,但其条款含糊不清,未来仍存在不确定性。 真主党是一个由伊朗支持的什叶派黎巴嫩组织,成立于1982年,最初目标是抵抗以色列占领,后成为黎巴嫩政治生活中主要参与者。在国际社会,黎巴嫩将其视为合法抵抗力量,而美国、英国和一些阿拉伯国家则将其列为恐怖组织。 停火协议旨在永久停止敌对行动,但如果真主党或其他任何人破坏协议并对以色列构成直接威胁,以色列保留根据国际法进行自卫的权利。 黎巴嫩南部民众在停火后纷纷返回家园,但仍面临警告和安全风险。 以色列民众对停火协议意见分歧,反对者认为真主党应该受到更严厉的打击,部分以色列北部居民希望在黎巴嫩边境建立非军事区。 以色列削弱了真主党,伊朗将决定真主党的未来走向,其“抵抗轴心”战略受到打击。加沙局势比黎巴嫩更复杂,停火谈判面临诸多障碍。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

There has been intense fighting between Israel and Hezbollah for over a year. More than 3,500 people have been killed in Lebanon, over a million people displaced, and many homes destroyed by Israeli airstrikes. Israel says 60,000 of its citizens will now be able to go back to their communities along its northern border, safe from Hezbollah rocket fire from Hezbollah.

In this episode, we speak to Carine Torbey, our BBC correspondent in Beirut, who explains the basics on Hezbollah, why it has been fighting Israel and what this ceasefire means.

We hear from other BBC correspondents on the ground in the region to get a sense of how the ceasefire deal is being received. And Jeremy Bowen, the BBC’s International Editor explains what might happen to Hezbollah now - and whether a ceasefire in Gaza could be next.

Email: [email protected] WhatsApp: +44 0330 12 33 22 6 Presenter: Hannah Gelbart Producers: Emily Horler and Hayley Clarke Editor: Julia Ross-Roy