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Syria: What you need to know

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What in the World

Barry Marston
Frank Gardner
Hannah Gelbart
Lina Sinjab
Lyse Doucet
Mina Al-Jawi
Frank Gardner:叙利亚总统巴沙尔·阿萨德统治了叙利亚24年,他的政权以残酷和压迫著称,尽管他表面上看起来温和,会说一口流利的英语,并在伦敦接受过眼科医生的培训。阿萨德政权的垮台令人失望,因为他没有为其罪行承担责任。数以万计的人在阿萨德政权的统治下被监禁和拷打。叙利亚内战始于2011年的阿拉伯之春运动,起初是一场和平抗议,但后来演变成一场残酷的内战,造成大约50万人死亡,其中大多数死于阿萨德政权的军队之手。阿萨德政权能够在2015年之后幸存下来,是因为得到了俄罗斯空军的支持,他们对阿勒颇等地进行了地毯式轰炸,轰炸了医院、学校和民用地区。2013年,阿萨德政权在达马斯克郊外的古塔使用了沙林毒气。叙利亚是一个拥有伟大文化和友善人民的国家,但它长期以来一直受到阿萨德家族的掠夺性统治。 Mina Al-Jawi:叙利亚反对派武装HTS(征服沙姆阵线)试图摆脱其激进的过去,并呈现出合法统治者的形象。他们试图与其他反对派组织合作,但由于对HTS仍然存在激进联系的担忧,以及HTS试图独揽政治利益的疑虑,其他反对派组织一直对HTS持谨慎态度。然而,反对派力量的团结是其成功推翻阿萨德政权的关键因素。HTS已经建立了类似政府的机构,例如卫生部、媒体部和人权部,试图展现其治理能力。 Barry Marston:HTS领导人阿布·穆罕默德·朱拉尼(本名艾哈迈德·谢拉)试图淡化其激进的背景,并展现出务实的形象。他与圣战运动有着千丝万缕的联系,但在近年来,他努力与激进主义划清界限,专注于治理他们在叙利亚西北部伊德利卜省控制的地区。他强调务实问题,例如接触少数民族,强调叙利亚的文化多样性、人权、维护制度以及外交关系。 Lyse Doucet:阿萨德政权的垮台是由于国际局势变化和自身内部问题造成的。伊朗和真主党在叙利亚的影响力减弱,俄罗斯则忙于乌克兰战争,这些都削弱了阿萨德政权的防御能力。阿萨德政权自身的经济困难和军队内部的不满情绪也导致了其垮台。 Lina Sinjab:叙利亚女性对未来感到不确定,担心腐败和独裁不会结束。她正在考虑离开叙利亚,因为她不想再次经历战争和流离失所。许多流亡在黎巴嫩和约旦的叙利亚人正在返回家园。HTS表示,他们正在努力将权力移交给过渡政府,并希望共同建设叙利亚。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Bashar al-Assad's regime fall after decades of rule?

Assad's regime fell due to a combination of internal discontent, external conflicts weakening his support, and a surprise offensive by the rebel group HTS. Key factors included Iran and Hezbollah being distracted, Russia's focus on Ukraine, and economic challenges weakening Assad's army.

Who are the Syrian rebels that toppled Assad's regime?

The main rebel group is HTS (Hayat Tahrir al-Sham), previously known as Nusra Front, which was al-Qaeda's branch in Syria. HTS has been trying to distance itself from its jihadist past and project itself as a legitimate governing authority.

What role did external conflicts play in Assad's downfall?

External conflicts, such as Iran's distractions and Russia's focus on Ukraine, weakened Assad's support network. This made it difficult for him to maintain control as his key allies were preoccupied elsewhere.

How did the Syrian civil war begin?

The civil war began in 2011 during the Arab Spring, when protests against the Assad regime were met with violent repression. This escalated into a full-scale conflict involving various rebel groups and foreign interventions.

What challenges does the new leadership in Syria face?

The new leadership faces challenges in establishing law and order, preventing looting and revenge killings, and ensuring political freedom without allowing the country to descend into chaos. There is also concern about potential persecution of minority groups.

What are the initial reactions of Syrians to the fall of Assad's regime?

Reactions are mixed; some are celebrating and hopeful for a new beginning, while others are fearful of potential instability and considering leaving the country.

What is the significance of HTS's leader, Abu Mohammed al-Julani?

Al-Julani played a key role in the split between Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State. He has been instrumental in rebranding HTS to distance it from its jihadist past and focus on governing the territory it controls.

This chapter introduces the fall of Bashar al-Assad's regime and the celebration in Syria. It then focuses on Assad himself, his lengthy rule, and the brutality of his regime.
  • Bashar al-Assad's authoritarian regime ended after 50 years of rule and 13 years of civil war.
  • Assad is reported to be in Russia.
  • Assad's regime was characterized by brutality, imprisonment, and torture on an industrial scale.

Shownotes Transcript

The world was stunned over the weekend as rebel forces in Syria captured the capital of Damascus, forcing President Bashar al-Assad to flee and ending the final chapter of his violent regime. Assad is reported to have fled to Russia whilst opposition forces now loot his empty palace and people celebrate on the streets.

But who are the Syrian rebels who toppled Assad’s rule? And why has it happened now after decades of the Assad family in charge.

Five BBC experts - Frank Gardner, Lyse Doucet, Lina Sinjab, Mina al Jawi and Barry Marston - take us through the story.

Instagram: @bbcwhatintheworld WhatsApp: +44 0330 12 33 22 6 Email: [email protected] Presenter: Hannah Gelbart Producers: Emily Horler and Emilia Jansson Editor: Verity Wilde