cover of episode Is Ukraine ready to compromise for peace?

Is Ukraine ready to compromise for peace?

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The Global Story

Lucy Hockings
Paul Adams
Steve Rosenberg
Lucy Hockings 概述了乌克兰与俄罗斯冲突的最新升级,以及泽连斯基总统提出通过外交途径结束战争的可能性。Paul Adams 深入分析了本周冲突升级的原因,包括美国向乌克兰提供远程导弹和地雷,以及普京总统降低使用核武器的门槛。他还讨论了乌克兰在人力和武器方面面临的劣势,以及这种困境如何促使人们重新考虑谈判的可能性。Adams 指出,乌克兰人民对持续不断的西方支持感到厌倦,并对特朗普总统上任后的潜在变化抱有希望,即使这意味着要做出痛苦的让步。他还提到了关于乌克兰是否应该放弃领土的争论,以及这种争论在现实中是如何变得不那么重要的。关于普京总统的立场,Adams 指出,普京提出的“和平计划”实际上是对乌克兰的最后通牒,要求乌克兰做出重大让步。他还讨论了俄罗斯人民也感受到了战争的影响,尽管其程度不如乌克兰人民。最后,Adams 讨论了乌克兰人民对结束战争的愿望,以及他们对和平谈判和领土让步的意愿。 Steve Rosenberg 提供了来自莫斯科的视角,强调了普京总统所谓的“和平倡议”实际上是对基辅的最后通牒,要求乌克兰做出重大让步,包括放弃部分领土、承认克里米亚为俄罗斯领土以及承诺不加入北约。他还提到了俄罗斯人民也感受到了战争的影响,尽管其程度不如乌克兰人民。 Olga 来自赫尔松,她表达了对放弃任何乌克兰领土的强烈反对,强调这不仅涉及土地,还涉及人民的生命安全。她认为,战争的结束意味着所有乌克兰领土都必须解放。 Paul Adams 总结了乌克兰人民对结束战争的愿望,以及他们对和平谈判和领土让步的意愿。他还讨论了如果乌克兰在和平协议中放弃领土,生活在俄罗斯占领区的人民将面临被同化和压迫的危险。最后,他讨论了泽连斯基总统的民意支持率并非一成不变,尽管他因在战争中的领导作用而受到尊重,但他的未来政治前景仍存在不确定性。他还讨论了国际社会有强烈的意愿帮助乌克兰战后重建,这将有助于乌克兰抵御未来的俄罗斯侵略。

Deep Dive

This chapter covers the recent escalation of the conflict in Ukraine, including increased Russian attacks on infrastructure, the provision of US long-range missiles and landmines to Ukraine, and Russia's nuclear threats. It details the context of these events and their implications for the ongoing war.
  • Increased Russian missile and drone attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure.
  • US provision of long-range missiles and anti-personnel landmines to Ukraine.
  • Russia's potential nuclear threat.
  • Ukraine's use of US missiles against Russia for the first time.
  • Strategic implications of these events for the war's trajectory.

Shownotes Transcript

Why President Volodymyr Zelensky’s vision for the end of the war may be changing. After a week of escalation between Ukraine and Russia, we look at the prospect of a peace agreement being reached in 2025. With Moscow making gains on the ground and Donald Trump’s election victory casting uncertainty on the future of US military aid, Zelensky has said Ukraine must do everything it can to end the war through diplomacy next year. But what would Vladimir Putin want from a peace deal? And what is Zelensky willing to give up? On this episode, Lucy Hockings speaks to the BBC’s diplomatic correspondent Paul Adams, who is in the Ukrainian city of Dnipro.

Producers: Peter Goffin and Alix Pickles

Sound engineers: Jack Graysmark and Mike Regaard

Assistant editors: Sergi Forcada Freixas and Richard Moran

Senior news editor: Sara Wadeson