cover of episode Election Day, Chinese Interference, and the China–Russia–North Korea Axis

Election Day, Chinese Interference, and the China–Russia–North Korea Axis

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China Insider

Myles Yu
Myles Yu分析了美国大选的独特之处,以及其对全球的影响,特别关注中国共产党对美国大选的视角以及中国试图干预美国民主制度的过往和持续行为。他指出,中国长期以来一直关注美国大选,并试图干预美国对华政策,通过网络宣传等方式散布虚假信息,诋毁美国民主制度,以达到影响美国对华政策的目的。他还提到,微软的报告显示,中国对美国大选进行了干预,目标是那些对华政策强硬的共和党候选人和国会议员。Myles Yu认为,中国、俄罗斯和朝鲜三国关系密切,在对西方和国际秩序的看法上高度一致,共同行动以对抗西方。他强调,中国积极参与支持俄罗斯在乌克兰的战争努力,这与中国、俄罗斯和朝鲜三国在战略目标上的高度一致性相符。他总结道,中国、俄罗斯、朝鲜和伊朗等国目标一致,即反对西方,颠覆现有的国际秩序。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the uniqueness of American democracy, particularly its lengthy election season, the focus on individual candidates, and areas for improvement such as voter participation and media influence. It also compares the 2024 election to historical precedents.
  • American elections are exceptionally long, involving various societal sectors.
  • The US presidential election is distinct from parliamentary elections, emphasizing individual candidates.
  • Areas for improvement include voter participation, media influence, and standardization of voting procedures across states.

Shownotes Transcript

It’s election day! If you haven’t already, go do your civic duty and vote. With that settled, we open this week with Miles on just what makes American democracy so unique and influential around the globe. Everyone worldwide has a vested interest in the outcomes of our elections, and China is no exception. Miles reviews the Chinese Communist Party’s outlook on our elections and highlights their past (and current) attempts to interfere in our democratic system. We then close with a quick glance again at the North Korean troops in Ukraine, but use this topic as a catalyst to take on the prevailing narratives about China’s thinking inside the evolving axis between China, Russia, and North Korea.