cover of episode The AI Breakthrough That Could Transform the World in 2025

The AI Breakthrough That Could Transform the World in 2025

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WSJ Tech News Briefing

Christopher Mims
James Rundle
James Rundle: 生成式AI技术并非仅仅局限于聊天机器人,其潜在应用范围广泛,包括医疗、环保、交通等多个领域。研究人员正在探索利用AI技术解决诸多科学难题,例如研发分解塑料的细菌、研制自动驾驶汽车以及寻找癌症的潜在疗法。 Christopher Mims: Transformer技术是当前AI领域取得突破性进展的关键,它能够从各种结构化数据中提取底层规律,并应用于多个领域,例如药物研发、合成生物学、自动驾驶和机器人技术等。 Transformer模型的工作原理类似于协同写作,通过对大量数据的学习,能够根据提示生成新的内容,例如新的分子结构或机器人动作序列。 然而,Transformer模型并非真正意义上的智能,它只是擅长模拟人类智能,完成一些低层次的知识工作。其最大的限制在于数据的获取和质量,高质量的数据是开发先进Transformer模型的关键。 目前,AI领域存在过度依赖、环境影响和投资过热等问题。过度依赖AI可能导致错误决策,AI的高能耗也对环境造成影响。此外,AI领域的投资过热可能导致泡沫破裂。 尽管当前聊天机器人式生成式AI的性能提升已达到瓶颈,但其应用仍处于早期阶段,未来几十年人们将不断探索如何在日常生活中和业务中实际应用AI技术。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is the Transformer and why is it so important in AI research?

The Transformer, introduced in 2017 by researchers at Google DeepMind, is a suite of algorithms that enable the creation of a universal learner capable of extracting underlying order from large bodies of structured data. This technology is crucial because it powers advancements like ChatGPT and has broader applications in fields such as drug discovery, synthetic biology, and robotics.

How are companies using the Transformer technology in 2025?

Companies are using the Transformer technology to create new molecules, develop bacteria that can eat plastic, and enhance robotics. For example, a company called Physical Intelligence has developed a robot that can fold laundry, a task previously considered one of the most challenging in robotics.

What are the limitations of the Transformer technology?

The primary limitation is the availability of data. Unlike language models, which can leverage vast amounts of text from the internet, other applications like robotics and self-driving cars lack similar large, freely available datasets. This data scarcity is a significant barrier for startups and smaller companies.

Why is it important to separate hype from reality in AI?

While transformers can process and generate data in impressive ways, they lack true intelligence or a world model. They are good at simulating human-like responses but do not possess actual understanding or sentience. This distinction is crucial for understanding their capabilities and limitations, especially in critical applications.

What are the top concerns with the widespread use of AI?

The top concerns with AI include over-reliance on AI without understanding its decision-making processes, the environmental impact due to its energy consumption, and the risk of malinvestment in AI startups and technologies that may not yield expected productivity gains.

What is the future outlook for AI development and adoption?

While the capabilities of current generative AI models may plateau, the next phase involves integrating these technologies into everyday use. This process, known as the installation phase, can take decades as people and businesses figure out how to effectively incorporate AI into their workflows, similar to the adoption of PCs, mobile phones, and cloud computing.

Shownotes Transcript

We’re hearing from our reporters and columnists about some of the biggest companies, trends and people in tech and what could be in store for 2025. The underlying technology) behind artificial intelligence chatbots called a “transformer” may have profound implications for a range of industries, and could hold the answers to some of science’s toughest questions. WSJ tech columnist Christopher Mims joins us to discuss how some researchers hope to push the boundaries of what’s possible with AI in 2025. James Rundle hosts.

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