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Meet the Latest AI Darling: Reddit

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WSJ Tech News Briefing

Liz Young
担任 SoFi 投资策略负责人,拥有丰富的金融和投资行业经验。
Sarah Needleman
Liz Young: 亚马逊最新的高度自动化仓库虽然在分拣和运输等环节引入了大量机器人,以提高效率和降低成本,但仍然需要大量人工参与。这是因为目前的机器人技术还无法完全胜任一些需要精细操作、判断和适应性的任务,例如识别和处理形状、大小和易碎程度各异的商品,以及装卸卡车等。亚马逊的仓库自动化更多的是在辅助人工,而不是完全取代人工。虽然自动化可以降低成本,提高效率,并提升安全性,但它无法完全取代人类在处理复杂和不可预测情况中的作用。亚马逊路易斯安那州的新仓库就是一个例子,它占地超过300万平方英尺,最终将雇佣2500人,目前已雇佣1400人。自动化主要体现在机器人搬运货物到人体工程学高度,减少工人弯腰等重复性动作。 Sarah Needleman: Reddit的数据对于AI公司来说非常宝贵,因为它拥有海量、多样化且高质量的用户生成内容。这些内容经过用户投票(点赞和点踩)筛选,保证了一定的质量,并且涵盖了几乎所有你能想到的主题。Reddit的匿名性也使得用户在发帖时更加坦诚,这对于训练能够以自然语言进行对话的AI模型至关重要。Reddit通过向AI公司许可数据获得了可观的收入,这部分收入虽然目前仍小于其广告收入,但在快速增长,对投资者来说极具吸引力。然而,Reddit的数据并非完全可靠,因为其内容来自普通用户,而非专家,因此可能存在偏差和错误信息。AI公司需要对数据进行筛选和处理,并对AI模型的输出结果进行必要的提示和说明,以避免误导用户。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why does Amazon's new automated warehouse still rely heavily on human workers?

Robots cannot yet perform tasks requiring fine motor skills like identifying and picking items from bins, loading and unloading trucks, or handling a wide variety of products with different sizes, weights, and fragility. These tasks remain challenging for automation.

What are some tasks robots can perform in Amazon's automated warehouse?

Robots can carry totes to workers at ergonomic heights, reducing physical strain. They are also used for repetitive tasks like lifting heavy objects, which helps improve safety and efficiency.

How much has Amazon's new warehouse reduced fulfillment costs and sped up operations?

The warehouse has cut fulfillment costs by 25% and increased order fulfillment speed by 25% compared to less automated sites.

Why is Reddit's data valuable for AI companies like OpenAI and Google?

Reddit's extensive, text-heavy content, spanning over 19 years and 100,000 subreddits, provides a wide variety of high-quality, conversational data. Its upvote and downvote system also helps AI companies identify quality content.

How much revenue has Reddit generated from data licensing deals with AI companies?

Reddit's revenue from data licensing grew to $81.6 million in the first nine months of this year, up from $12.3 million a year earlier. While still small compared to advertising revenue, this category has seen significant growth.

How much content is posted on Reddit annually?

In the first half of this year, users posted over 5.3 billion pieces of content, a 20.5% increase from the second half of 2023.

What are the potential downsides of using Reddit's data for AI training?

Reddit's data is user-generated and not always high quality or free from bias. AI companies must filter and correct flawed or biased content, and users should not take AI outputs as definitive truths.

Shownotes Transcript

Social-media company Reddit profits) from feeding artificial-intelligence companies’ insatiable appetite for conversational text. WSJ reporter Sarah Needleman joins host Belle Lin to talk about why Reddit’s posts are so valuable and interesting to AI companies. Plus, why Amazon’s new robotic warehouse) still relies heavily on humans.

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