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The Return of Political Violence

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The Foreign Affairs Interview

Dan Kurtz-Felin
Robert Pape
Robert Pape认为美国正处于一个暴力民粹主义时代,政治暴力事件数量空前高涨,这与长期以来公众对政治暴力的支持有关。这种支持会鼓励那些原本就可能采取暴力行为的人最终采取行动,因为他们相信这种行为是受欢迎的。他认为,美国正经历从白人多数民主到白人少数族裔多元民主的转变,这一社会变革是政治暴力高发的一个重要原因。无论谁赢得美国大选,都可能导致严重的合法性危机,这将加剧政治暴力。他还分析了以色列在加沙和黎巴嫩的反恐策略,指出这些策略适得其反,反而增强了恐怖组织的力量。他认为,以色列对加沙的空袭策略未能达到战略目标,反而增强了哈马斯的支持率,建议冻结犹太人定居点以削弱哈马斯的政治影响力。最后,他还指出俄罗斯对乌克兰平民的惩罚性策略适得其反,反而增强了乌克兰人的抵抗意志。 Dan Kurtz-Phelan主要负责引导访谈,提出问题,并对Robert Pape的观点进行总结和回应,例如对暴力民粹主义的定义,对公众支持对政治暴力行为的影响的解释,以及对美国社会变革和政治暴力之间关系的讨论。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

If there’s a thread that connects unsettling trends across domestic and international affairs today, it’s the return of forms of violence that we once thought were more or less obsolete. That’s true of the return of political violence in the United States. It’s also true of the ongoing wars in Gaza and Ukraine.

Robert Pape is a political scientist at the University of Chicago and the founding director of the Chicago Project on Security & Threats. He has made a career of studying these types of violence—whether carried out by American extremists, by suicide bombers, or by Russian or Israeli fighter jets. In a series of pieces in Foreign Affairs, he explains why all of these phenomena are likely to endure—including, in the wake of the U.S. presidential election, with what he calls an era of violent populism here at home.

He spoke with Foreign Affairs editor Dan Kurtz-Phelan on October 30 about the resurgence of these forms of violence—and the consequences for the United States and the world.

You can find transcripts and more episodes of The Foreign Affairs Interview at