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The Middle East, China, and the Case Against American Isolationism

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The Foreign Affairs Interview

Condoleezza Rice
Dan Kurtz-Fallin
赖斯认为,美国不应该采取孤立主义政策,而应该承担大国责任,积极参与国际事务,塑造世界秩序。她认为,当前的地缘政治局势复杂而危险,中国和俄罗斯的扩张主义以及中东冲突等问题对美国构成重大挑战。她批评了美国国内日益增长的民粹主义和孤立主义情绪,认为这些情绪源于对全球化负面影响的忽视以及对国内经济问题的担忧。她认为,美国需要加强与盟友的关系,同时避免与中国的冲突,并对伊朗等国家施加压力。她还强调,美国应该关注全球南方国家,解决贫困和疾病等问题。 库尔茨-法林与赖斯就美国在冷战后时期的外交政策、对华政策、对俄政策、中东政策等问题进行了深入探讨。他提出了对美国外交政策的批评,并询问赖斯对这些批评的回应。他还就乌克兰战争的未来走向、中俄朝伊轴心的应对策略、以及美国在中东地区的作用等问题向赖斯提问。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

The world Americans face today is more complicated—and dangerous—than it has been for decades. Yet there is a growing, and in many ways understandable, desire to turn inward—a sense that there is little U.S. foreign policy can do to solve problems abroad and lots it can do to make them worse.

Condoleezza Rice, director of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, argues against this impulse in a new essay in Foreign Affairs. Great powers, she writes, don’t get to just mind their own business. 

Rice served as national security adviser and secretary of state in the George W. Bush administration. Much of what she grappled with then—Russia’s invasion of a neighbor, military collisions with China, the last major clash between Israel and Hezbollah—has worrying echoes now, especially as conflict in the Middle East threatens to spiral into a wider war.

You can find transcripts and more episodes of The Foreign Affairs Interview at