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Bonus: The World of Trump 2.0

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The Foreign Affairs Interview

Dan Kurtz-Fallin
Dan Kurtz-Phelan
Daniel Drezner
Kori Schake
丹·库尔茨-费兰认为,特朗普的连任将导致高度的混乱和不确定性,因为他的核心团队将完全忠于他的愿景。这将对美国的盟友和对手都产生深远的影响。 丹尼尔·德雷兹纳认为,特朗普第一任期的外交政策混乱且缺乏一致性,这部分是由于人事任命和对权力运作的不了解造成的。他预测,特朗普第二任期将更加激进,尤其是在贸易和移民问题上,因为不会再有“大人在房间里”来制衡他。 科里·谢克认为,特朗普政府在国防支出增加、签订亚伯拉罕协议和关注中国挑战方面取得了一些成就,但也伴随着风险。她担心,特朗普第二任期将进一步损害美国的盟友关系,并使美国难以有效地应对国际挑战。她还指出,特朗普对关税的过度依赖以及对联盟的轻视,都将对美国的国际地位产生负面影响。 丹尼尔·德雷兹纳认为,特朗普的贸易政策将以关税为中心,试图以此解决各种问题,但这种做法并不有效。他认为,特朗普可能会在贸易谈判中采取强硬立场,但如果获得足够的让步,他可能会退缩。他预测,如果特朗普实施高额关税,将引发全球贸易战,导致经济衰退和通货膨胀。 科里·谢克认为,特朗普对联盟的轻视将削弱美国的国际地位,并可能导致其他竞争性联盟的出现。她认为,特朗普政府可能会放弃对乌克兰的支持,这将对乌克兰的抵抗造成严重打击。她还担心,特朗普政府可能会对伊朗采取强硬立场,但这可能会因缺乏欧洲支持而难以奏效。 丹·库尔茨-费兰补充说,中东地区的一些国家可能会欢迎特朗普的回归,因为他对伊朗和巴勒斯坦采取强硬立场。但他同时也指出,特朗普的交易型外交政策可能会导致更不稳定但更腐败的国际关系。 丹尼尔·德雷兹纳认为,特朗普政府可能会对中国施加经济压力,同时寻求达成一项重大的贸易协议。他认为,中国可能会利用特朗普政府的不可预测性和对联盟的轻视来促进自身利益。 科里·谢克认为,特朗普政府可能会削弱美国在亚洲的联盟网络,并可能减少对该地区的国防开支。她还担心,特朗普政府可能会继续对华技术控制措施,但这在长期内可能并不有效。 丹·库尔茨-费兰指出,特朗普政府的移民政策可能会加剧与墨西哥的关系紧张。他还指出,特朗普政府可能会滥用军队、情报机构和执法部门,这将对美国的民主制度和国际形象造成损害。

Deep Dive

This chapter analyzes the potential impact of a second Trump term on US foreign policy, considering the chaos premium associated with his leadership style and its effects on both adversaries and allies. It also examines his first term's successes and failures, such as increased defense spending and the Abraham Accords, and the potential for further implementation of his 'America First' agenda.
  • High chaos premium for Trump as commander-in-chief and chief diplomat
  • Increased defense spending in the first two years
  • Abraham Accords as a foreign policy success
  • America First agenda to be pushed further
  • Continuities with Biden administration on tariffs and border policies

Shownotes Transcript

Earlier this week, Donald Trump defeated Kamala Harris in the U.S. presidential election, ushering in a new era of uncertainty at home and abroad.

In a special bonus episode, Foreign Affairs Editor Dan Kurtz-Phelan spoke with Daniel Drezner and Kori Schake on Wednesday, November 6, about what the world might expect from a second Trump term—on everything from wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, to China and alliances, to trade and immigration.

Daniel Drezner is a professor of international politics at Tufts University. Kori Schake, director of defense and foreign policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute, has served in senior jobs in the Defense Department, the State Department, and on the National Security Council. They reflect on the lessons of Trump’s first term and whether, this time, he will take his “America first” agenda even further.

You can find transcripts and more episodes of The Foreign Affairs Interview at