cover of episode Geopolitical Risk in a Trump 2.0 World

Geopolitical Risk in a Trump 2.0 World

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Foreign Policy Live

Ian Bremmer
Ravi Agrawal
Ravi Agrawal 认为特朗普第二次总统任期的人事任命反映了对现状的拒绝,并突显了对特朗普的忠诚。这些任命带来的不确定性将导致地缘政治风险的增加。 Ian Bremmer 则从多个角度分析了特朗普2.0时代的全球地缘政治风险。首先,他认为企业对特朗普第二任期的短期反应是积极的,但长期来看,高通胀、美元走强以及美国领导力下降将带来经济影响。在贸易政策方面,他预计特朗普将继续以关税为中心,这将导致与中国的谈判,以及加速与中国的脱钩。他还分析了特朗普的移民政策、能源政策以及气候变化政策对美国及全球的影响。 在对华关系上,Bremmer 认为中国经济的低迷使其在全球范围内更加谨慎,并增加了与美国达成协议的意愿。然而,特朗普政府的官员对华强硬,而特朗普本人可能更倾向于与中国达成交易,埃隆·马斯克的非正式影响力也值得关注。 关于乌克兰问题,Bremmer 认为市场预期乌克兰将停火,但停火协议的持久性以及对欧洲的影响尚不明确。他认为乌克兰将失去20%的土地,但并不一定意味着乌克兰政权更迭或经济崩溃。 最后,在伊朗问题上,Bremmer 指出对伊朗采取军事行动的可能性增加,但也存在达成新核协议的可能性。 Ian Bremmer 详细阐述了特朗普政府在多个领域可能采取的政策以及这些政策可能产生的影响,并特别强调了特朗普的不可预测性以及其对传统外交规范的漠视。他认为,特朗普政府对华政策将呈现出复杂性,既有强硬的官员,也有特朗普本人可能寻求交易的倾向,埃隆·马斯克的非正式影响力也可能发挥作用。在对乌政策上,他认为虽然可能达成停火协议,但协议的持久性存疑,并且可能对欧洲团结造成冲击。在对伊政策上,他认为军事冲突的风险增加,但同时达成新的核协议的可能性依然存在。Bremmer 的分析贯穿始终的观点是,特朗普政府的政策将高度不可预测,其决策过程将受到多种因素的影响,包括其个人偏好、顾问的建议以及国际形势的变化。

Deep Dive

This chapter analyzes Trump's recent appointments to key national security positions, focusing on their implications for foreign policy. The discussion includes an evaluation of the appointees' experience and potential impact on US foreign relations with China, Israel, and Russia.
  • Marco Rubio appointed as Secretary of State
  • Mike Waltz appointed as National Security Advisor
  • Elise Stefanik appointed as UN Ambassador
  • Pete Hegseth appointed as Defense Secretary
  • Concerns raised about Matt Gaetz and Tulsi Gabbard appointments
  • Elon Musk's informal influence on national security decisions

Shownotes Transcript

Trump’s election can be interpreted as a change election, signaling the rejection of things as they were. But what does all this change mean for the world? How are countries and companies navigating new geopolitical risks with Trump’s win? In a bonus episode, FP’s Ravi Agrawal puts these questions to the world’s foremost geopolitical risk expert, Ian Bremmer. He’s also the president and founder of Eurasia Group, as well as GZERO Media. 

Suggested reading (FP links are paywall-free):

Ian Bremmer: The Global Credibility Gap)

Ian Bremmer: The Next Global Superpower Isn’t Who You Think)

Carl Bildt: Trump’s Dealmaking Record Could Be Bad News for Ukraine)

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