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America Votes: What It Means for the Middle East

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Foreign Policy Live

Sanam Vakil
Stephen Cook
Stephen Cook认为,尽管特朗普和哈里斯在风格和言辞上有所不同,但在中东政策的许多核心问题上,例如两国方案、对伊朗的政策以及人权和民主改革的促进方面,他们的最终目标惊人地相似。特朗普对伊朗的强硬立场旨在通过施压促使其回到谈判桌,而非直接诉诸武力。哈里斯政府也致力于通过谈判限制伊朗的核计划。在对以色列的支持方面,虽然哈里斯在加沙战争问题上表达了与拜登政府略微不同的观点,但她对以色列的支持力度可能不会发生根本性改变。 Cook还指出,美国对土耳其的政策缺乏明确性,特朗普与埃尔多安的良好个人关系影响了美国对土耳其的制裁。长期来看,美国对中东的政策将更多地受到与中国关系的影响,而非地区冲突。美国将寻求与沙特等国建立更紧密的防务关系,以应对来自中国的竞争。 Cook认为,中东领导人更倾向于与务实、重交易的美国领导人合作,而非强调价值观的领导人。他们希望美国减少对人权的指责,并专注于达成协议。 Sanam Vakil认为,特朗普和哈里斯在中东政策的最终目标上高度一致,但在方法和语气差异很大,尤其是在伊朗问题上。两位候选人都不会支持对伊朗进行政权更迭,因为这种策略在过去已被证明是失败的。中东地区领导人普遍预期特朗普能够结束战争,并期待其在以巴冲突中发挥作用。 Vakil指出,哈里斯的中东政策尚不明确,但其对以色列和伊朗的立场似乎更趋向于共和党立场。她对伊朗的强硬态度以及对以色列的坚定支持,可能会让寻求与伊朗进行外交接触的人感到担忧。 Vakil还分析了美国能源生产能力的提升对中东政策的影响。她认为,尽管美国现在是最大的能源生产国,但美国仍需要维护对能源的全球准入,并关注气候变化和经济多元化。海湾国家也在努力实现经济多元化,但他们会尽可能地延长石油和天然气的生产时间。

Deep Dive

Despite their different styles, Trump and Harris surprisingly share similar policy goals in the Middle East, such as support for the two-state solution and pressure on Iran to return to the negotiating table. However, their approaches and rhetoric differ significantly. The critical issue of Iran is highlighted as a potential major point of divergence.
  • Trump and Harris share similar policy goals in the Middle East regarding the two-state solution and Iran.
  • Differences lie primarily in their approaches and rhetoric.
  • Iran is identified as a potential major point of divergence.

Shownotes Transcript

Every day this week, FP Live will have a new episode focused on a different part of the world and how presidential candidates Donald Trump and Kamala Harris would tailor their foreign policies for those regions. In this episode, host Ravi Agrawal looks at the Middle East and speaks with experts Steven A. Cook and Sanam Vakil. 

Suggested reading (FP links are paywall-free):

Steven A. Cook: Why Americans and Israelis Don’t See Eye to Eye on Iran)

Talal Mohammad: Why the Gulf States Are Likely Backing Trump)

Rishi Iyengar: Why Everyone’s Suddenly Talking About Iranian Election Hacking)

Arash Reisinezhad: Iran’s Israel Strategy Has Already Changed)

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