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America Votes: What It Means for Europe

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Foreign Policy Live

Mark Leonard
Nathalie Tocci
Nathalie Tocci认为,无论特朗普还是哈里斯当选,美国都将逐步减少对欧洲安全的参与,欧洲将需要承担更多责任,尤其是在乌克兰问题上。她认为特朗普政府将导致与欧洲缺乏协调,而哈里斯政府将更加协调,但最终结果都是欧洲承担更多责任。她还指出,欧洲国防开支的增加始于2014年,并非完全由于特朗普的政策。此外,她认为特朗普当政可能加剧欧洲内部的分歧。在贸易问题上,她认为哈里斯政府不太可能对欧洲实施新的关税,而特朗普政府则可能加剧贸易紧张关系,并可能对使用中国零部件的欧洲产品实施二次制裁。她还指出,美国对华政策的变化将对欧洲产生不同的影响,尤其对依赖贸易的国家。最后,她认为欧洲和美国都越来越重视气候变化问题,并将其与产业政策联系起来,美中竞争可能影响美国的气候政策。 Mark Leonard认为,欧洲人担心特朗普政府对乌克兰问题的处理方式,认为其可能放弃乌克兰,并与俄罗斯达成不利的协议。他指出,特朗普对北约的怀疑态度可能会削弱北约对乌克兰的保护作用。他还指出,欧洲内部对乌克兰战争存在分歧,一些国家对乌克兰获胜持怀疑态度。他认为特朗普2.0时期将与特朗普1.0时期不同,其政策将更加不可预测。在贸易问题上,他认为欧洲担心特朗普政府会对欧洲实施高额关税,并利用贸易手段来影响欧洲政策。他还指出,民主党长期以来一直奉行“美国优先”政策,这导致了欧洲对美国贸易政策的不满。一些欧洲国家支持特朗普,因为他们认为他不太关注盟友关系。他认为欧洲正在努力避免贸易战,但也为应对特朗普政府的政策做准备。在对华政策上,他认为欧洲对华态度日益强硬,但仍与中国保持密切的经济联系,并担心卷入台海冲突。他认为特朗普政府时期,对华政策更侧重于贸易问题,而拜登政府则采取了更全面的竞争战略。最后,他提到欧洲对气候变化问题比美国更关心,但他也认为无论谁当选,气候变化问题都将与产业政策紧密联系。

Deep Dive

The discussion begins by examining how the potential presidencies of Donald Trump and Kamala Harris might affect the ongoing war in Ukraine. Both scenarios suggest a degree of US disengagement, leading to increased European responsibility. However, a Trump presidency is anticipated to cause an abrupt change and lack of coordination, while a Harris administration might lead to a more gradual approach. The differing approaches and potential outcomes are analyzed.
  • A Trump presidency would likely result in an abrupt US disengagement from European security, potentially leaving Ukraine vulnerable.
  • A Harris presidency would likely lead to a more gradual US disengagement, allowing for more coordination with European allies.
  • Europeans are expected to take on greater responsibility for their own security in either scenario.

Shownotes Transcript

Among foreign policy issues, how the United States should approach its relationship with Europe might be the one on which presidential candidates Donald Trump and Kamala Harris disagree most. To find out why, hear Nathalie Tocci, the director of Rome’s Istituto Affari Internazionali, and Mark Leonard, the director of the European Council on Foreign Relations, on the second episode of FP Live’s special election series.

Suggested reading (FP links are paywall-free):

A. Wess Mitchell and Jakub Grygiel: U.S. Strategy Should Be Europe First, Then Asia)

Hal Brands: Trump’s Return Would Transform Europe)

FP Contributors: Europe Alone)

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