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America Votes: What It Means for Asia

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Foreign Policy Live

Lynn Kuok
Ryan Haas
Ryan Haas认为,特朗普和哈里斯处理对华关系的方式存在显著差异。特朗普更注重通过关税等手段实现具体目标,并强调个人关系;而哈里斯更关注增强美国的长期竞争力,通过投资国内实力和与盟友合作来对抗中国的侵略。在对待南海和台湾问题上,Haas认为特朗普更可能质疑美国对盟友的承诺,并寻求让盟友承担更多责任;而哈里斯则更可能坚定地维护美国的承诺,并强调国际法。 Lynn Kuok认为,虽然特朗普和哈里斯在对华政策目标上存在一些相似之处,例如都将中国视为主要战略竞争对手,但他们在具体策略和对盟友的承诺上存在差异。Kuok指出,美国对华政策的强硬立场导致其在东南亚地区的支持率下降,部分原因是美国在该地区的经济参与度不足以及在中东的政策失误。她建议美国总统在安全方面保持战略一致性,加强与亚洲的经济联系,并进行更多双边和多边接触。 Lynn Kuok 认为,虽然特朗普和哈里斯在总体目标上相似,都致力于维护美国在亚洲的影响力,但他们处理具体问题的方式可能大相径庭。在南海问题上,虽然双方都关注航行自由和反制中国的扩张,但特朗普政府可能更倾向于将军事联盟作为谈判筹码,而哈里斯政府则更可能信守承诺,坚定维护与菲律宾的共同防御条约。在台湾问题上,特朗普可能更关注台湾对美国的经济贡献,并以此作为施压手段,而哈里斯则更可能优先考虑维护美国的原则立场和对台湾的承诺。Kuok 还强调,美国在中东的政策失误以及与亚洲国家的经济互动不足,导致美国在亚洲地区的影响力下降,她建议美国政府加强与亚洲国家的经济合作,并采取更平衡的外交策略,以避免过度对抗,维护地区稳定。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the contrasting approaches of Trump and Harris towards China. Trump prioritizes using leverage, such as tariffs, to achieve specific goals, while Harris focuses on long-term competitiveness through domestic investment and alliances.
  • Trump's focus on tariffs as leverage to achieve specific goals.
  • Harris's focus on long-term competitiveness through domestic investment and alliances.
  • Philosophical differences in how Trump and Harris view the role and potential of tariffs.

Shownotes Transcript

As China’s influence grows in Asia and around the world, how will the next U.S. president manage Washington’s most important relationship? And beyond China, how do Donald Trump and Kamala Harris compare in their approach toward other Asian countries? In the fifth and final episode of a special election series, FP’s Ravi Agrawal speaks with Ryan Hass and Lynn Kuok. 

Suggested reading (FP links are paywall-free):

Lili Pike: How Does the U.S.-China ‘Cold War’ End?)

Agathe Demarais: Why China Is Rooting for Trump)

Derek Grossman: The Once Wobbly Quad Is Here to Stay)

Sumit Ganguly and Dinsha Mistree: Modi’s Third-Term Foreign Policy Looks the Same)

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