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Who was Napoleon's greatest general?

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Battle Lines

Francis Dearnley
Matilda Greig
Roland Oliphant
Zack White
Matilda Greig: 1804年,拿破仑创建元帅军衔时,法国正处于其统治最强大的时期,同时国内也需要盟友。元帅的设立是拿破仑为了巩固其帝国统治,重建旧贵族精英阶层,并建立帝国宫廷而采取的措施。元帅们各有特点,并非所有元帅都具备相同的特质。他们性格各异,这使得他们更引人注目。 Zack White: 拿破仑的元帅们各有特点,并非所有元帅都具备相同的特质。元帅们中有些人是拿破仑的亲信,有些人是政治任命,还有些人则是为了笼络潜在的敌人而被任命。他们各有各的技能,但他们都为法国的军事事业做出了贡献。对奈伊在滑铁卢战役中的批评,部分源于拿破仑的宣传,而忽略了奈伊行动的实际背景。 Francis Dearnley: 他认为最著名的元帅是米歇尔·奈伊。拿破仑既是现代化人物,也是传统主义者,任命元帅是其巩固统治合法性的重要手段。奈伊出身平民,却在法国大革命期间迅速崛起,成为拿破仑麾下的重要将领。奈伊以其在战场上的战术直觉和临场指挥能力而闻名,体现了非凡的个人英雄主义,但其在滑铁卢战役中的决策也导致了法国的失败。奈伊的形象在文学作品中被塑造为悲剧英雄。 Roland Oliphant: 他最喜欢的元帅是安德烈·马塞纳,因为他出身卑微,凭借军事才能获得成功。马塞纳在第二次苏黎世战役中击败了苏沃洛夫,展现了他的军事才能。马塞纳在热那亚坚守,为拿破仑在马伦戈战役的胜利创造了条件。马塞纳在西班牙半岛战争中的表现,虽然最终失败,但也展现了他的军事才能和顽强意志。马塞纳虽然有掠夺行为,但也展现出荣誉感和正直。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Napoleon create the rank of Marshal in 1804?

Napoleon created the rank of Marshal to solidify his power as Emperor and to establish an imperial court. The marshals served as both military leaders and political allies, helping him maintain control over France and its vassal states.

How many marshals did Napoleon appoint in total?

Napoleon appointed 26 marshals in total, with 18 initially in 1804 and eight more added during his reign.

What made Marshal Ney stand out among Napoleon's marshals?

Marshal Ney was known as the 'bravest of the brave' for his exceptional bravery on the battlefield, leading from the front and making instinctive tactical decisions that often saved the day. His tragic execution after Napoleon's downfall further cemented his legacy as a tragic hero.

Why did Napoleon's marshals continue to capture the public's imagination?

The marshals were a diverse group of personalities, each bringing unique traits to the battlefield. Their stories of heroism, tragedy, and loyalty to Napoleon made them fascinating figures, often depicted in literature and art long after the Napoleonic Wars.

What was the role of the marshals in Napoleon's military strategy?

The marshals were key military leaders who executed Napoleon's orders on the battlefield. They were also political allies, helping to maintain control over France and its territories. Some marshals, like Berthier, were crucial as chief of staff, while others, like Murat, were appointed for their loyalty and family connections.

What was the significance of Marshal Bernadotte's rise to the Swedish throne?

Marshal Bernadotte became the heir to the Swedish throne in 1810, eventually becoming King Charles XIV John of Sweden. His pragmatic approach and focus on Sweden's interests, rather than Napoleon's, allowed him to maintain his throne long after Napoleon's fall, making him one of the few marshals to achieve lasting success beyond the Napoleonic Wars.

How did Marshal Masséna's reputation as a brilliant general contrast with his controversial actions?

Marshal Masséna was renowned for his tactical brilliance, particularly during the Second Battle of Zurich and the siege of Genoa. However, he was also infamous for his looting and corruption, which led to mutinies within the French army. Despite this, he remained one of Napoleon's most trusted generals.

What ethical concerns arise when discussing the actions of Napoleon's marshals?

The marshals, including Masséna, were often involved in looting and atrocities during the Napoleonic Wars, which had devastating effects on local populations. These actions, while common during the era, raise ethical questions about the morality of their campaigns and the human cost of their victories.

What is the Napoleonic and Revolutionary War Graves Charity, and what does it aim to achieve?

The Napoleonic and Revolutionary War Graves Charity aims to educate the public about the Napoleonic Wars, preserve the graves of veterans, and ensure that those who died in service have a dignified resting place. It addresses the lack of recognition for veterans of this period, providing a modern approach to remembrance.

Shownotes Transcript

On this special episode of Battle Lines, Roland Oliphant and guests tackle the late David Knowles’ favourite conversational gambit: Who is your favourite of Napoleon’s Marshals? As they ponder their own choice they look back at who the generals were, what made them ‘great’, and why they continue to capture the imagination.


Francis Dearnley (The Telegraph’s Assistant Comment Editor)

Dr. Matilda Greig (Historian at the National Army Museum in London, specialising in the Napoleonic period.

Dr. Zack White (historian and host of 'The Napoleonic Wars Podcast')

The Napoleonic & Revolutionary War Graves Charity

To learn more about the charity that aims to provide similar care to the dead of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars to that we see from more recent conflicts, visit:

'Napoleonic Objects and their Afterlives', edited by Matilda Greig, is available here:  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.