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The art of the war memoir

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Battle Lines

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Colin Freeman
Francis Dearnley
Matilda Greig
Roland Oliphant
Roland Oliphant: 战争回忆录对我们理解战争至关重要,它们比新闻报道更持久地影响着后世对战争的认知。从格雷夫斯对西线的描述到赫尔对越南的报道,再到麦克纳布对海湾战争中SAS巡逻队失败的记述,战争回忆录塑造了我们对战争的理解。 我们也需要思考现代战争回忆录在瞬息万变的社交媒体时代的作用,以及它们是否会像过去一样影响后代对我们这一代战争的认知。 Matilda Greig: 拿破仑战争时期的战争回忆录数量众多,且具有重要的历史价值,但此前鲜有学者对其进行批判性研究。这些回忆录是了解士兵想法、战斗情况和军队行动的重要史料。 这些回忆录的作者主要为军官,因为当时的识字率较低。但也有部分士兵在军队服役期间学会写作并创作回忆录。 这些回忆录在当时被广泛阅读,并对公众的战争想象力产生了重大影响,甚至对第一次世界大战的士兵参军产生了负面影响。 Francis Dearnley: 第一次世界大战、第二次世界大战和20世纪初的战争回忆录之所以成为经典,是因为其捕捉了战争的强度、拥有独特的视角以及作者的文学天赋,并与人们反思战争的时代背景相契合。 第一次世界大战的回忆录兴起与20世纪30年代的反战思潮和对未来战争的担忧相结合。这些回忆录类型多样,既有反战的,也有歌颂战争的。 Colin Freeman: 我的回忆录《艾尔-达拉米酒店的诅咒》讲述了2003年伊拉克战争期间的经历,重点是战争的混乱和无政府状态,以及我作为记者所经历的恐惧和风险。 我的经历与在战壕中等待死亡的士兵不同,但持续的危险感是共通的。记者的回忆录在某些冲突中扮演着重要的角色,因为他们能够获得比其他参与者更全面的视角。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

How have war memoirs shaped our understanding of wars and the phenomenon of war as a human activity?

War memoirs have significantly shaped our understanding of wars by providing first-hand accounts that offer a personal and often emotional perspective. They capture the intensity and nuances of war, including the horrors, the camaraderie, and the everyday experiences of soldiers and civilians. These memoirs influence public thinking and can inspire future generations, as seen in the way World War I memoirs shaped pacifist movements in the 1930s.

How did the tradition of war memoirs start, and what makes Napoleonic war memoirs unique?

The tradition of war memoirs started much earlier than the 20th century, with a significant surge during the Napoleonic Wars. Napoleonic war memoirs are unique because they were written by a broader range of soldiers, including junior officers and some enlisted men, due to increased literacy. These memoirs were widely read and influenced public perception, often romanticizing war and inspiring future generations to enlist.

What are some notable Napoleonic war memoirs, and why are they significant?

Notable Napoleonic war memoirs include John Kincaid's 'Adventures in the Rifle Brigade,' George Gleig's accounts, and Jean-Roch Coignier's memoirs. These memoirs are significant because they provide vivid, often adventurous accounts of war, capturing the daily life and experiences of soldiers. They also influenced later literary works and public imagination.

How did First World War memoirs influence public perception and literature?

First World War memoirs, such as Robert Graves' 'Goodbye to All That' and Siegfried Sassoon's 'Sherston Trilogy,' influenced public perception by capturing the horror and futility of war. They played a crucial role in the pacifist movements of the 1930s and are still seen as pillars of the English literary canon, shaping how we understand the war and its impact.

What is the role of the memoir in today's world of instantaneous news and social media?

In today's world of instantaneous news and social media, the memoir still plays a vital role. It offers a deeper, more personal perspective that news articles often cannot provide. Memoirs serve as a cathartic experience for the author and a way for readers to connect with the human experience of war. They continue to shape historical understanding and provide a more nuanced view of conflicts.

What are some key themes in modern war memoirs, and how do they differ from historical memoirs?

Modern war memoirs often focus on the chaos and unpredictability of war, with a strong emphasis on black humor and the constant sense of jeopardy. They differ from historical memoirs in their immediacy and the broader range of media available for sharing experiences. Modern memoirs also tend to be more introspective and personal, reflecting the diverse experiences of participants in conflicts.

How do war memoirs by journalists differ from those by soldiers, and what unique perspectives do they offer?

War memoirs by journalists, such as Colin Freeman's 'The Curse of the Al-Dalaimi Hotel,' offer a unique perspective by providing a civilian's view of war. They often focus on the broader context and the impact on civilians, as well as the challenges of reporting in dangerous environments. These memoirs complement soldier memoirs by offering a more comprehensive understanding of the human experience of war.

What are some recommended modern war memoirs, and why are they important?

Some recommended modern war memoirs include 'My War Gone By, I Miss It So' by Anthony Lloyd, 'Dispatches' by Michael Herr, and 'The Spiders of Allah' by James Hyder. These memoirs are important because they provide vivid, personal accounts of conflicts, capturing the fear, chaos, and human experiences that are often overlooked in traditional news reporting.

Shownotes Transcript

On another special episode of Battle Lines, Roland Oliphant and guests look at the war memoir. How have war memoirs shaped our understanding of wars? Has the art and the role of the memoir changed over time? And will the ones written today similarly influence how future generations will remember the wars of our time?


Francis Dearnley (The Telegraph’s Assistant Comment Editor)

Dr. Matilda Greig (Historian at the National Army Museum in London, specialising in the Napoleonic period)

Colin Freeman (Journalist and author)

'Dead Men Telling Tales, Napoleonic War Veterans and the Military Memoir Industry, 1808-1914' by Matilda Greig, is available here:

'Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea: The Mission to Rescue the Hostages the World Forgot' by Colin Freeman, is available here: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.