cover of episode Purple Heart Warriors: 5. The lost battalion

Purple Heart Warriors: 5. The lost battalion

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Captain Kim
Narrator: 本剧集讲述了日裔美军第442步兵团在法国的真实战斗经历,他们面临着恶劣天气、巨大伤亡和缺乏经验的指挥官。 在解放布吕耶尔镇后,他们损失惨重,随后奉命进攻比丰坦镇,这一战略决策受到了质疑。 剧中展现了士兵们在战场上的恐惧、牺牲和对家人的思念。 Ken: Ken作为一名穿越到过去的现代人,以祖父的身份参与了二战,他亲历了战争的残酷,目睹了战友的伤亡。 Ken对战争的战略部署提出质疑,并试图利用对未来的预知来改变战局,保护战友的生命。 Ken的经历展现了战争对个人心理和精神的巨大冲击,以及对和平的渴望。 Colonel Pence & General Dahlquist: 指挥官们坚持进攻比丰坦的命令,尽管下属们对战略的有效性表示担忧,并承诺增援部队。 他们的决策导致了更多的伤亡,也反映了战争中指挥层的决策失误和对士兵生命的漠视。 Captain Kim: Kim上尉制定了进攻比丰坦的作战计划,并在战斗中负伤,展现了指挥官的勇气和责任。 Kim上尉的经历体现了战争的残酷和不确定性,以及士兵们在战场上所面临的巨大压力。 Sonny: Sonny作为Ken的战友,在战场上展现了坚韧和对家人的思念。 Sonny与Ken的对话展现了士兵们对战争的反思,以及对未来和平生活的憧憬。 Supporting Characters: 其他士兵的经历展现了战争对不同个体的影响,以及他们在战场上所表现出的勇气、恐惧和人性。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why were the Japanese-American 100th 442nd Regimental Combat Team criticized for their strategy in Bifontaine?

The strategy to head back down into Bifontaine was criticized by commanding officers and historians as having little tactical value, especially given the great losses already suffered.

What challenges did the 100th 442nd Regimental Combat Team face in France?

They faced thick fog, chilling temperatures, and dense forests in the Vosges Mountains. They were also low on food, ammo, and beyond radio range, making communication and artillery support difficult.

Why did Ken Morioka feel he had to keep Sonny alive?

Sonny was the war buddy of Ken's grandfather, Alan, whom Alan had been devastated to lose. Ken felt a personal mission to ensure Sonny survived, as he was deeply connected to his grandfather's past.

How did the 100th 442nd Regimental Combat Team manage to take Bifontaine?

They used the element of surprise and the cover of darkness to sneak into the town, minimizing their need for ammo and catching the Germans off guard. They captured 50 Germans, including a high-ranking Major.

What was the significance of the SS captain they captured in Bifontaine?

The SS captain was on a reconnaissance mission to bring tanks into the area, indicating a planned German attack. This intel highlighted the ongoing threat despite their initial success in capturing the town.

Why were the soldiers of the 100th 442nd Regimental Combat Team exhausted and demoralized?

They were constantly sent on missions with little rest, often with inadequate support, leading to heavy casualties. This cycle of fighting and rescue missions pushed them to their physical and mental limits.

What did Sonny mean when he said they were fighting for the next generation?

Sonny believed they were fighting to gain respect and equal opportunities for future generations of Japanese-Americans, ensuring they wouldn't be viewed as enemies or spies but as patriotic Americans.

What was the most dangerous mission the 100th 442nd Regimental Combat Team faced in Episode 5?

Their most dangerous mission was rescuing the 'Lost Battalion,' a group of Texan soldiers surrounded by German artillery. This mission involved scaling steep terrain in icy, foggy conditions, making it extremely perilous.

How did the soldiers of the 100th 442nd Regimental Combat Team cope with the extreme conditions during the rescue mission?

They formed a human chain, each soldier holding onto the belt of the one in front, to navigate the narrow, treacherous paths. This helped prevent them from getting lost or falling in the dense fog and icy conditions.

What did Sonny ask Ken to do if he didn't survive the war?

Sonny asked Ken to visit his hometown in Maui, deliver his money to his parents, and give his fiancée a message to be happy with whoever she ends up with. He also suggested Ken could start a mochi store in his place.

Shownotes Transcript

With half of the men lost, the most dangerous battle of all awaits. The battalion is ordered to rescue Texan soldiers surrounded by German artillery. Can they save the so-called ‘Lost Battalion’?

This series is inspired by real events and contains dramatised battle scenes and out-dated racial language.


Narrator: Will Sharpe Ken: Akie Kotabe Lieutenant/Bus guard/Texan soldier/Reporter: Freddy Elletson Grandpa Allan/ Mr Yamada: Clyde Kusatsu Emily: Samantha Dakin Little Ken: Hudson Roberts. Mrs Tanaka/Baachan/Shirley/Li: Tamlyn Tomita Nui Louie/Mr Okimura: Aaron Ikeda Barry/Captain Kim/Private Sasaki/Radio man: Derek Mio Shorty: Raiko Gohara Ohta/Captain Minori: Matt McCooey Drill Sergeant/General Dahlquist: Martin McDougal Colonel Pence/Earl Finch/Col Miller: Colin Stinton Sonny: Kurt Kanazawa Boxer/Crooner/Pokey: Conrad Lihilihi

Written by Iris Yamashita Sound design: Richard Gould at Skywalker Sound Recording and mixing: Leon Chambers Original music: Josh Sneesby Consultant: L Stuart Hirai Dramaturg: James Yeatman Broadcast assistant: Teresa Milewski Production co-ordinator: Kate Brook Associate producers: Tim Bell & Rosa Crompton Director: Jessica Dromgoole Producer: Catherine Bailey. Based on an idea by Simon Pitts

A Catherine Bailey production for the BBC World Service