They were ordered to pull back to prepare for the invasion of southern France instead of continuing to drive the weakened German enemy through the Apennines and back to the Alps.
The story symbolized the desire for more time, reflecting the soldiers' longing for more moments with loved ones and simpler childhood activities, as well as their wish for the war to slow down.
The fighting had taken a heavy toll, with 17 missing, over 1,000 wounded, and 239 killed. The soldiers' steps were heavy, and they had become numb to the carnage, feeling disembodied and detached from the reality of war.
Ken believed that his grandfather's stories, which he now realized were disguised tales about war, could provide insights to help him and his comrades survive. He hoped to interpret these stories to keep everyone alive.
General Dahlquist's orders often seemed illogical and dangerous, such as retaking a town already liberated for the sake of press coverage. This led the soldiers to feel they were being treated as expendable cannon fodder.
They communicated in Japanese with a mix of Hawaiian, which helped them misinterpret or ignore commands from General Dahlquist and maintain their own safety and coordination.
Ken applied the lesson of avoiding cooking fires, as the smoke could attract enemy fire, which he learned from his grandfather's tales. This helped prevent casualties and keep his comrades alive.
The 36th Infantry Division was known as the Texas Division, and its commander, General Dahlquist, was a source of frustration for the soldiers due to his inexperienced and often misguided orders.
They learned to avoid trees and dig foxholes for cover, as well as stay alert for the noise of German rocket launchers, known as screaming Mimis, to anticipate and evade attacks.
The soldiers questioned the tactical sense of the order, as it involved moving back down the hill into enemy territory without artillery support and with low supplies, leading them to believe it was another ill-advised mission.
<context>Purple Heart Warriors: 4. Screaming Mimis Ken和他的日裔美国战友在意大利经历了二战战斗的恐怖。在战斗中变得坚强,他们为挺进法国做好了准备。当火箭弹倾泻而下时,他们躲在散兵坑里,Ken更加了解他祖父小时候给他讲的故事。本剧集取材于真实事件,包含戏剧化的战斗场景和过时的种族歧视性语言。 演员: 旁白:Will Sharpe Ken:Akie Kotabe 中尉/公交车司机/德州士兵/记者:Freddy Elletson 爷爷Allan/山田先生:Clyde Kusatsu Emily:Samantha Dakin 小Ken:Hudson Roberts 田中太太/Baachan/Shirley/Li:Tamlyn Tomita Nui Louie/Okimura先生:Aaron Ikeda Barry/Kim上尉/Sasaki列兵/无线电员:Derek Mio Shorty:Raiko Gohara Ohta/Minori上尉:Matt McCooey 教官/Dahlquist将军:Martin McDougal Pence上校/Earl Finch/Miller上校:Colin Stinton Sonny:Kurt Kanazawa 拳击手/歌手/Pokey:Conrad Lihilihi 编剧:Iris Yamashita 音效设计:Skywalker Sound的Richard Gould 录音和混音:Leon Chambers 原创音乐:Josh Sneesby 顾问:L Stuart Hirai 戏剧顾问:James Yeatman 广播助理:Teresa Milewski 制作协调员:Kate Brook 副制片人:Tim Bell & Rosa Crompton 导演:Jessica Dromgoole 制片人:Catherine Bailey。 基于Simon Pitts的想法 BBC世界服务台Catherine Bailey制作</context> <raw_text>0 本BBC播客由英国境外的广告支持。
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我的名字叫Ken Morioka,不知怎么的,我发现自己被困在了我爷爷艾伦18岁的身体里,和全日裔第442团一起参加了二战。这是我以前不太了解的历史的一部分,但我很快就了解了。在意大利的战斗造成了损失。17人失踪,约1000人受伤,239人阵亡,长官。看到战斗后,气氛变了。
就在我开始认识Lucia女士的时候。Lucia女士?哦,我也认识她。别这样说。阿罗哈,伙计们。你是I连的新兵吗?不不不,我被调来了。过去是M连的信使。名字叫Bonnie Hajiro。但他们叫我拳击手。那他们为什么把你送到这里来?看到一个意大利人与另一个日裔兄弟打架。
他们说我是一个优雅的拳击手,而不是PX斗殴者。我是Sonny。Barry。Shorty。嘿,兄弟。Louie Louie。嘿。我是Ken。Allen。Diskatong。我是疯子混蛋。所以就叫他Loco Moco。你来自毛伊岛吗?普纳,对吧?Tika herda,Jiros。我也来自那里。嘿,库纳!给他一些阿罗哈!和我一起飞过整个库纳。