cover of episode Government spending, debt, and taxes in the 2024 election

Government spending, debt, and taxes in the 2024 election

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The Current

Ben Harris
Ben Harris 指出,尽管美国经济数据向好,但许多美国人认为经济状况不佳,这与错误信息和负面新闻报道有关。他分析了消费者信心指数与实际经济状况之间的矛盾,并指出社交媒体等非传统新闻来源传播的错误信息是导致这种现象的部分原因。他还谈到了国家债务问题,认为不断增长的债务会影响未来的经济增长,并可能导致政治家做出不合理的决策,甚至威胁到金融稳定。在讨论税收问题时,Harris 认为单纯依靠减税来刺激经济增长并解决预算赤字是不现实的,他以2017年减税法案为例说明了这一点。他还分析了该法案中一些条款到期后可能对预算赤字造成的影响,并指出州和地方税收抵扣的限制问题是一个有争议的政治问题。在谈到削减政府开支时,Harris 指出,由于强制性支出(如社会保障和医疗保险)的比例越来越大,而可自由支配的支出比例越来越小,因此削减开支具有挑战性。他认为,要解决国家债务、预算赤字和税收问题,需要采取多方面措施,包括提高企业税收、改进税收管理以及对大型福利项目进行渐进式调整。 Fred Dews 作为主持人,引导 Ben Harris 阐述了关于美国经济、国家债务、税收和政府支出的观点,并就这些问题与 Harris 展开了深入的探讨。他提出了关于消费者信心、减税、政府开支等方面的问题,并引导 Harris 对这些问题进行详细的分析和解释。

Deep Dive

Despite positive economic indicators like employment and growth, many Americans perceive the economy negatively. This is attributed to misinformation spread through social media and increasingly negative mainstream news outlets.
  • Positive economic indicators (growth, employment, inflation) contrast with negative public perception.
  • Misinformation on social media and negative news coverage contribute to pessimism.
  • Consumer sentiment indices reflect macroeconomic perceptions, not just personal finances.

Shownotes Transcript

The economy is one of the quadrennial top issues for American voters, and related to economic performance are concerns about the national debt, taxes, and government spending, especially on popular entitlements like Social Security and Medicare. On this episode, Ben Harris, vice president and director of Economic Studies at Brookings, talks with host Fred Dews about how these issues are seen by American voters during election season and beyond.

Show notes and transcript:

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