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Competing energy and climate visions in the 2024 presidential election

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The Current

Samantha Gross
Samantha Gross认为,特朗普政府对能源和环境影响最大的并非放松管制,而是退出巴黎协定,这损害了美国的国际声誉。虽然特朗普政府试图放松管制,但这并未取得显著成效,因为许多措施在法庭上被驳回。她认为,拜登政府最重要的举措是通过《通胀削减法案》,这是美国历史上规模最大的气候立法,通过税收补贴和贷款担保等激励措施推动低碳经济发展,涵盖可再生能源、电动汽车、绿色制造和绿色技术等领域。她还指出,“能源独立”是一个政治概念,而非物理和市场现实,真正的目标应该是能源安全。美国在能源安全方面具有优势,因为它拥有丰富的能源资源。她认为,战略石油储备的释放是总统的政治决定。关于未来两届政府的能源政策,她认为,两届政府都可能支持核电,因为核电是重要的零碳电力来源。但两届政府在可再生能源方面存在差异,特朗普政府可能在言辞上反对可再生能源,但实际政策变化可能有限,因为取消《通胀削减法案》需要国会批准。她还解释了绿色新政的概念,认为它更像是一个长期的经济转型蓝图,而非一个具体的、立即可以实施的计划。她认为,美国退出巴黎协定损害了其国际声誉,但并非所有气候行动都会因此停止,因为各州、城市和企业仍可以采取气候行动。最后,她强调,应对气候变化不仅是挑战,也是机遇,美国应该抓住机遇发展新兴产业,否则将会错过发展新兴产业的机会,危及未来的繁荣。

Deep Dive

Samantha Gross, director of the Energy Security and Climate Initiative at Brookings, discusses the Trump administration's impact on energy and the environment. The most significant impact was the withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, which harmed U.S. reputation abroad. Deregulatory efforts were largely unsuccessful due to legal challenges.
  • Trump administration focused on deregulation, but efforts were largely unsuccessful.
  • Withdrawal from the Paris Agreement was the most significant impact, harming U.S. reputation.
  • Deregulatory challenges were frequently challenged in court and 87% were successful.

Shownotes Transcript

As part of the Brookings Election '24) initiative, Samantha Gross, director of the Energy Security and Climate Initiative at Brookings, talks about the energy and climate policy issues in the U.S. presidential election as voters think about how either a Harris administration or a second Trump administration would approach these matters.

Show notes and transcript:

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