cover of episode As the UN General Assembly gets underway, how are we doing on the Sustainable Development Goals?

As the UN General Assembly gets underway, how are we doing on the Sustainable Development Goals?

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The Current

John MacArthur
John MacArthur 详细阐述了联合国 2015 年制定的 17 个可持续发展目标 (SDGs),并评估了截至 2024 年的进展情况。他指出,虽然在一些领域(如降低儿童死亡率和艾滋病治疗)取得了显著进展,但许多目标的实现仍面临巨大挑战。例如,全球饥饿和粮食不安全问题有所恶化,气候变化和生物多样性丧失等环境问题也进展缓慢,存在潜在的重大风险。他认为,全球冲突和政治紧张局势转移了对可持续发展目标的关注,阻碍了取得进展。如果全球社会未能实现这些目标,将导致数十亿人面临贫困、饥饿和缺乏基本卫生设施等问题,造成数千万人死亡。MacArthur 强调,需要针对不同目标采取不同的策略,并建立有效的机构来满足需求。他主张采用一种新的解决问题的方法,该方法从确定相关参与者开始,并考虑需求方和资金来源。他还强调了鼓励和提升大胆的想法,并将它们与能够付诸行动的参与者联系起来的重要性。最后,他还谈到了联合国未来峰会,旨在改革和更新国际体系,以更好地应对全球挑战,但他对峰会能否取得突破性进展表示谨慎乐观。

Deep Dive

The UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), set for 2030, aim for economic, social, and environmental progress. While some goals like reduced child mortality show success, others like fighting hunger are worsening, particularly in conflict zones. Progress on environmental issues is insufficient to prevent potential catastrophes.
  • 193 UN countries agreed on 17 SDGs in 2015.
  • Progress varies across goals; some show success (child mortality), while others worsen (hunger).
  • Environmental issues lag, posing a risk of crossing critical thresholds.

Shownotes Transcript

The 79th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations opened this week in New York City. To address some of the main issues on the agenda, with a focus on sustainable development and the Summit of the Future, is John McArthur, director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Brookings and a senior fellow in Global Economy and Development.

Show notes and transcript:

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