cover of episode After the first presidential debate, what's next for Biden and Trump?

After the first presidential debate, what's next for Biden and Trump?

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The Current

Elaine Kamarck
Fred Dews
Fred Dews 概述了首场总统辩论后,人们对拜登和特朗普的评价和关注点,并提出了总统辩论是否重要的疑问。Elaine Kamarck 从历史角度分析了总统候选人在首场辩论中表现不佳的现象,指出这并非罕见,并比较了拜登和特朗普在辩论中的表现差异,认为媒体对特朗普的谎言关注较少,而拜登的表现不佳则引发了对其年龄和能力的质疑,这符合共和党的叙事。她还分析了辩论对后续选举的影响,认为拜登需要克服年龄和能力的质疑,才能在接下来的选举中获得优势。此外,她还讨论了总统辩论的结构和组织方式,以及如果拜登退出竞选,民主党将如何选择新的候选人。最后,她对最高法院关于总统豁免权的裁决进行了简要分析,认为该裁决对特朗普和拜登都有影响。 Elaine Kamarck 详细阐述了历届总统在首场辩论中的表现,指出表现不佳的情况并不少见,并分析了造成这种情况的原因,例如总统的繁忙工作和缺乏辩论经验等。她认为,媒体对特朗普和拜登在辩论中的表现的关注点不同,是因为特朗普的谎言早已为人所知,而拜登的表现不佳则加剧了人们对其年龄和能力的担忧。她还讨论了总统辩论的重要性,认为辩论及其后续影响会塑造整个选举的叙事,并分析了如果拜登在第二场辩论中表现不佳,将会产生的影响。此外,她还探讨了总统辩论的组织方式,以及如果拜登退出竞选,民主党将如何选择新的候选人,并对最高法院关于总统豁免权的裁决进行了分析,指出该裁决对特朗普和拜登都有影响,并可能为特朗普争取更多时间。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

Last week, President Joe Biden and former President Trump met in Atlanta for a presidential debate. After the event, most observers focused heavily on Biden’s seemingly poor performance, while paying Trump’s many untruths and exaggerations far less attention. And now some Biden supporters are hoping he’ll quit the race and allow another candidate to replace him. To talk about those issues and to answer the big question, do presidential debates matter?, Governance Studies Senior Fellow Elaine Kamarck, founding director of the Center for Effective Public Management, joins The Current. She’s author of numerous works including Primary Politics: Everything You Need to Know about How America Nominates Its Presidential Candidates, now updated in its fourth edition for the 2024 presidential contest.

Show notes and transcript:

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