cover of episode The Middle East Challenge, With Steven A. Cook and Amy Hawthorne (Election 2024, Episode 4)

The Middle East Challenge, With Steven A. Cook and Amy Hawthorne (Election 2024, Episode 4)

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The President’s Inbox

Amy Hawthorne
Jim Lindsay
Stephen Cook
Stephen Cook认为,以色列的目标并非完全摧毁哈马斯,而是使其无法威胁以色列安全。以色列主流观点认为哈马斯已不再是军事力量,但一些右翼人士认为政府做得不够。Cook还提到,一些以色列人主张在加沙地带重建定居点,这可能导致巴勒斯坦人的流离失所,甚至引发种族清洗。Cook认为,以色列将长期控制加沙地带,可能在加沙地带内部部署军队,并持续进行反恐行动。关于黎巴嫩,Cook认为以色列的目标是削弱真主党,重新确立威慑力,并确保以色列主权。他认为以色列的行动旨在通过削弱真主党,为黎巴嫩政府提供机会,使其能够在全国范围内行使权力,从而执行联合国安理会第1701号决议。Cook还提到,以色列与伊朗的直接对抗的可能性越来越大,这将进一步加剧地区冲突。 Amy Hawthorne认为,关于加沙地带的真实情况,外界信息有限,因为以色列限制了国际记者进入。她认为哈马斯在军事上受到了严重打击,但并未被完全摧毁,仍能作为游击队或叛乱组织存在。Hawthorne指出,尽管加沙地带伤亡惨重,哈马斯仍然存在。Hawthorne还提到,以色列政府若采取在加沙地带重建定居点或吞并约旦河西岸的政策,将对美国政府构成重大挑战。Hawthorne认为,以色列政府若驱逐加沙地带居民,将对埃及造成巨大挑战,埃及强烈反对这一计划。Hawthorne认为,真主党袭击以色列北部的原因:一是显示其与巴勒斯坦事业的团结;二是试图迫使以色列同时面临两线作战。Hawthorne认为,黎巴嫩战场与加沙地带不同,真主党也比哈马斯强大得多,以色列的军事行动面临巨大挑战。Hawthorne还指出,以色列对真主党的军事打击已经对黎巴嫩造成了严重的人道主义危机。Hawthorne认为,中东地区正处于几十年来最危险的时刻,存在爆发更大规模战争的可能性。Hawthorne认为,美国别无选择,只能尽一切努力阻止中东地区冲突进一步升级。Hawthorne还指出,中东地区对美国具有重要的战略意义,特别是石油和天然气资源。Hawthorne认为,尽管美国历届总统都试图减少在中东地区的介入,但该地区局势持续影响着美国利益。Hawthorne认为,美国在中东地区的影响力下降,但仍是不可或缺的,至少可以防止局势进一步恶化。Hawthorne还指出,美国已经增加了在中东地区的军事存在,但更需要防止更大规模的冲突。

Deep Dive

The discussion analyzes Israel's stated goal of destroying Hamas, examining the extent of its success. Despite significant military degradation, Hamas persists as a guerrilla force, raising questions about its reconstitution and the long-term implications.
  • Israel's stated goal was to destroy Hamas as an organization.
  • Hamas's military capability has been significantly degraded but not destroyed.
  • The situation in Gaza is unclear due to limited international journalist access.

Shownotes Transcript

Steven A. Cook, Eni Enrico Mattei senior fellow for Middle East and Africa studies at CFR, and Amy Hawthorne, independent consultant on the Middle East, sit down with James M. Lindsay to discuss the widening war in the Middle East and the challenges it poses for the United States. This episode is the fourth in a special TPI series on the U.S. 2024 presidential election and is supported by the Carnegie Corporation of New York.


Mentioned on the Episode


Steven A. Cook, The End of Ambition: America’s Past, Present, and Future in the Middle East)


Jake Sullivan, “The Sources of American Power),” Foreign Affairs


The U.S. Election and Foreign Policy),

For an episode transcript and show notes, visit The President’s Inbox at: