cover of episode Latin America Reacts to Trump’s Election, With Will Freeman (Transition 2025, Episode 5)

Latin America Reacts to Trump’s Election, With Will Freeman (Transition 2025, Episode 5)

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The President’s Inbox

Jim Lindsay
Will Freeman
Will Freeman认为,特朗普当选对拉丁美洲的影响是复杂的,既有积极的方面也有消极的方面。一些拉丁美洲国家对特朗普的当选表示欢迎,而另一些国家则表示担忧。他认为,特朗普政府的外交政策将更具强制性,并可能对墨西哥、中美洲和哥伦比亚等国施加更大的压力。他还认为,特朗普政府可能会对墨西哥商品加征高额关税,这将对两国经济造成严重损害。此外,他还认为,特朗普政府可能会遣返数百万无证移民,这将对拉丁美洲国家的经济和社会稳定造成冲击。但他同时也指出,一些共和党主导的立法,例如《美洲法案》,可能促进美国与拉丁美洲国家的贸易。 Jim Lindsay主要就墨西哥的毒品问题、移民问题以及美国与拉丁美洲国家的关系与Will Freeman进行了探讨,并就特朗普政府可能采取的政策以及这些政策对拉丁美洲的影响提出了疑问。

Deep Dive

This chapter analyzes the diverse reactions across Latin America to Trump's reelection, ranging from cautious preparation to celebration, depending on political alignment. It sets the stage by exploring the anticipation of a more coercive US foreign policy and the varying responses from different governments.
  • Diverse reactions across Latin America to Trump's victory
  • Expectation of more coercive US diplomacy
  • Focus on migration as a key bargaining chip
  • Closer alignment between Latin American and US conservatives

Shownotes Transcript

Will Freeman, a fellow for Latin America studies at CFR, sits down with James M. Lindsay to discuss how Trump’s victory is being viewed in Latin America and what his policies toward the region might be. This episode is the fifth in a special TPI series on the U.S. 2025 presidential transition and is supported by the Carnegie Corporation of New York.


Mentioned on the Episode


Will Freeman and Javier Corrales, “How Organized Crime Threatens Latin America),” Journal of Democracy


Claudia Sheinbaum, “Claudia Sheinbaum’s Defiant Letter to Donald Trump: A Blueprint for a New Era in US-Mexico Relations),” Pressenza International Press Agency

For an episode transcript and show notes, visit The President’s Inbox at: