cover of episode Japan Reacts to Trump’s Victory, With Sheila Smith (Transition 2025, Episode 6)

Japan Reacts to Trump’s Victory, With Sheila Smith (Transition 2025, Episode 6)

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The President’s Inbox

Sheila Smith
Sheila Smith: 日本对特朗普再次当选总统的反应较为平静,但对第二任期可能带来的影响略感担忧。安倍晋三首相与特朗普总统建立的良好个人关系,为美日伙伴关系的政策对话奠定了基础。与特朗普第一任期相比,日本面临的挑战有所不同,因为特朗普已经有了执政经验,对盟友和联盟有明确的看法,对中国的立场也较为强硬。岸田文雄首相无法简单复制安倍晋三首相的策略,因为特朗普本人和日本国内政治形势都发生了变化。特朗普对日本和日本人民抱有积极印象,这与他第一任期时的竞选言论有所不同。岸田文雄首相面临着来自执政党内部的分裂和在最近选举中失利的困境,这使得他与特朗普政府建立关系的挑战更大。岸田文雄首相领导的政府是少数派联合政府,在立法方面面临诸多挑战,甚至可能面临不信任投票。日本最担心的问题是中国崛起,日本将中国视为对其安全和繁荣的“生存威胁”。除了中国,日本还担忧朝鲜的核扩散和俄罗斯的威胁。尽管日本有能力,但鉴于广岛和长崎的原子弹爆炸,日本发展自身核能力将面临巨大的国内阻力。日本担忧俄罗斯与中国合作,以及俄罗斯向朝鲜转让军事技术。日本计划将其国防开支增加到GDP的2%,并发展远程精确打击能力。日本对韩国总统尹锡悦试图宣布戒严的失败感到失望,这影响了日韩关系和三方安全合作。鉴于韩国国内政治局势动荡,日韩关系和美日韩三方合作面临不确定性。特朗普政府的国家安全和外交政策团队中,对东北亚或日本有深入了解的人才可能不足。共和党内对中国的强硬立场是普遍共识,这可能对日美关系有利。特朗普政府对日政策可能侧重于贸易政策和防卫分担问题。美日防卫分担协议将在2027年到期,这将成为特朗普政府与日本谈判的焦点。特朗普政府可能支持日本加强军事实力,并与中国采取强硬立场,但双方在具体策略上可能存在分歧。日本经济对中国的依赖程度较高,这将影响其对华政策的制定。关税问题可能成为美日关系中的一个关键议题。特朗普政府可能会利用关税作为谈判筹码,以重新调整美日贸易关系。美国政府对日本企业收购案的干预,可能会影响日本对美关系的积极性。美国政府的经济决策是否遵循法治,将影响日本企业对美国投资的信心。 Jim Lindsay: 对谈话内容进行引导和总结

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why was Japan's reaction to Trump's victory not a big surprise?

Japan had a reasonably comfortable relationship with Trump during his first term, thanks to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's early efforts to build a personal rapport with him. This established a foundation of trust and confidence in the U.S.-Japan partnership.

What are Japan's primary security concerns in the region?

Japan's top security concern is the rise of China, which it identifies as an existential threat. Other concerns include nuclear proliferation by North Korea and the growing military cooperation between Russia and China, which could pose regional challenges.

How has Japan's defense strategy evolved in recent years?

Japan has revised its national security strategy to focus on threats, particularly from China. It has also committed to increasing defense spending to 2% of GDP, similar to NATO standards, and is investing in long-range strike capabilities, including Tomahawk missiles.

What challenges does Prime Minister Ishiba face domestically?

Prime Minister Ishiba leads a minority coalition government after the LDP lost 58 seats in the recent election. He faces potential failure in passing the national budget, which could lead to a no-confidence vote and his removal from office by April.

How does Japan view the trilateral relationship with the U.S. and South Korea?

Japan values the trilateral security cooperation with the U.S. and South Korea, which has seen significant progress in recent years through joint military exercises and intelligence sharing. However, political instability in South Korea poses challenges to maintaining this relationship.

What role does trade policy play in U.S.-Japan relations under a Trump administration?

Trade policy, including tariffs and burden-sharing, is a key issue in U.S.-Japan relations. Japan has shown flexibility in negotiating trade agreements during Trump's first term and will likely continue to engage in discussions to address U.S. concerns while protecting its economic interests.

How does Japan's economic reliance on China affect its foreign policy?

Japan's economy depends on China for around 10-15% of its trade and investment, creating a delicate balance in its foreign policy. While Japan is concerned about China's rise, it must also manage its economic ties, which could limit its ability to take a hardline stance.

What is the significance of Japan's establishment of a permanent joint operational command for its military?

This marks a significant shift for Japan, as it transitions from a largely administrative command structure to a joint operational command, similar to NATO. This change reflects Japan's commitment to enhancing its military readiness and capability in response to regional threats.

How does Japan view the potential transfer of Russian military technology to North Korea?

Japan is deeply concerned about Russia's potential transfer of advanced technologies, such as satellite and missile systems, to North Korea. This could significantly enhance North Korea's military capabilities, posing a greater threat to Japan's security.

What is the current state of the Japan-South Korea military-to-military relationship?

The military-to-military relationship has improved, with trilateral exercises involving the U.S., Japan, and South Korea. However, recent political instability in South Korea threatens to undermine these gains, creating uncertainty in the trilateral security framework.

This chapter explores Japan's reaction to Trump's win, noting a mix of familiarity from the prior administration and apprehension about the future. It highlights Prime Minister Abe's successful cultivation of a personal relationship with Trump and the contrasting challenges faced by Prime Minister Ishiba.
  • Japan's reaction to Trump's victory was a mix of surprise and worry.
  • The relationship between Shinzo Abe and Trump was crucial in the first term.
  • Ishiba faces a different challenge due to his political position and Trump's changed approach.

Shownotes Transcript

Sheila Smith, the John E. Merow senior fellow for Asia-Pacific studies at CFR, sits down with James M. Lindsay to discuss how Trump’s victory is being viewed in Japan and what his presidency will mean for U.S.-Japanese relations and the security situation in northeast Asia. This episode is the sixth in a special TPI series on the U.S. 2025 presidential transition and is supported by the Carnegie Corporation of New York.


Mentioned on the Episode


Sheila Smith, Japan Rearmed: The Politics of Military Power)* *


Sheila Smith, "Governing from Weakness: The LDP Under Prime Minister Ishiba Shigeru)," The Diplomat


For an episode transcript and show notes, visit The President’s Inbox at: