cover of episode Vol63.《黑神话:悟空》欢乐圆桌:聊聊游戏内外的趣事儿


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初浩:已二周目通关《黑神话:悟空》,获得真结局。对游戏整体评价很高,认为其游戏性极佳,boss战设计出色,剧情引人入胜,画面和美术表现优秀,但引导设计有待改进。 在boss战方面,初浩认为游戏中的boss战比重很大,约占游戏总量的70%,但每个boss的设计都非常独特,战斗体验丰富多样。他认为大头、白衣秀士和虎先锋是游戏中比较爽快的boss战。 在剧情方面,初浩认为游戏的剧情设定和世界观架构很出色,但游戏本身的叙事方式略显不足,很多重要剧情隐藏在影神图中,缺乏游戏内的互动呈现。 在游戏机制方面,初浩认为游戏没有惩罚机制,这使得玩家能够更轻松地尝试各种游戏方式。同时,他认为游戏可能存在动态难度机制,boss的二阶段攻击会根据玩家的表现而有所不同。 在其他方面,初浩认为游戏的美术和画面表现优秀,但PS5版的画面优化有待改进。他认为游戏闪避判定的延迟可能存在问题,这会影响玩家的游戏体验。 最后,初浩认为《黑神话:悟空》是一款不可复制的成功,其成功证明了中国单机游戏市场的潜力和想象力。 Nick:认为《黑神话:悟空》是一款8分的游戏,更偏向于爽快的动作游戏,而非魂类游戏,但多少融合了一些魂类游戏的元素。他玩过魂类游戏,例如《只狼》、《血源》和《黑暗之魂3》,在玩《黑神话:悟空》时,感受到了类似于《血源》中那种孤独感。 在boss战方面,Nick认为游戏中的boss设计非常多样化,每个boss都各具特色,战斗体验丰富多样。他认为虎先锋和小黄龙是游戏中比较爽快的boss战。 在剧情方面,Nick认为游戏剧情设定和世界观架构很出色,但游戏本身的叙事方式略显不足,很多故事隐藏在影神图中,缺乏游戏内的互动呈现。 在游戏机制方面,Nick认为游戏没有惩罚机制,这使得玩家能够更轻松地尝试各种游戏方式。他认为游戏闪避判定的延迟可能存在问题,这会影响玩家的游戏体验。 在其他方面,Nick认为游戏的美术和画面表现优秀,但引导设计有待改进。他认为游戏中的空气墙,在一定程度上可以作为一种引导,提示玩家某些区域无法通行。 最后,Nick认为《黑神话:悟空》的成功证明了中国单机游戏市场的潜力和想象力,但其成功很难复制。 阿平:认为《黑神话:悟空》更偏向于爽快的动作游戏,而非魂类游戏,但多少融合了一些魂类游戏的元素。他认为游戏中的浮屠界关卡设计,尤其是独木桥的部分,让玩家体验非常糟糕。 在boss战方面,阿平认为游戏中的某些关卡中隐藏的敌人,其攻击方式比黄峰岭的敌人更具威胁性。他认为大头是游戏中比较爽快的boss战。 在剧情方面,阿平认为游戏剧情部分超出了他的预期,其野心比他想象的还要大。他认为游戏中的叙事手法比较独特,会藏很多信息让玩家自己去挖掘。 在游戏机制方面,阿平认为游戏没有惩罚机制,这使得玩家能够更轻松地尝试各种游戏方式。 在其他方面,阿平认为游戏的美术和画面表现优秀,但引导设计有待改进。 最后,阿平认为《黑神话:悟空》的成功证明了中国单机游戏市场的潜力和想象力,但其成功很难复制。 郭老师:认为《黑神话:悟空》的剧情接近满分,对游戏剧情、美术画面、配乐等方面评价很高。但对动作游戏和魂类游戏不感兴趣,游戏进度较慢。 在剧情方面,郭老师认为游戏剧情的野心很大,叙事手法独特,细节丰富,但游戏内的叙事方式略显不足,很多故事隐藏在影神图中,缺乏游戏内的互动呈现。 在其他方面,郭老师认为游戏的美术和画面表现优秀,特别是对中国传统元素的呈现。他认为游戏整体难度控制尚可,没有惩罚机制,这使得他能够坚持打下去。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is 'Black Myth: Wukong' considered a phenomenon in the gaming industry?

'Black Myth: Wukong' is considered a phenomenon due to its groundbreaking impact as a domestic AAA game, its deep integration of Chinese cultural elements, and its ability to spark widespread discussions across various fields. The game has achieved significant commercial success, selling over 10 million copies in three days, and has been praised for its narrative, art, and gameplay mechanics.

What are some of the key features that set 'Black Myth: Wukong' apart from other games?

Key features of 'Black Myth: Wukong' include its rich narrative that extends the classic 'Journey to the West' story, its stunning visuals powered by Unreal Engine 5, and its unique boss battles that blend traditional Chinese martial arts with modern gaming mechanics. The game also stands out for its cultural authenticity, incorporating elements like Chinese opera and traditional music.

How does 'Black Myth: Wukong' handle its narrative compared to other games?

'Black Myth: Wukong' handles its narrative by building upon the classic 'Journey to the West' story, filling in gaps and extending the tale rather than retelling it. The game uses a fragmented storytelling approach, with pieces of the story hidden in items like the 'Shadow God Atlas,' encouraging players to explore and piece together the narrative themselves.

What are some of the challenges players face in 'Black Myth: Wukong'?

Players face challenges such as difficult boss battles that require precise timing and strategy, hidden paths and secrets that require thorough exploration, and a lack of clear guidance in some areas, which can lead to confusion. The game also features a dynamic difficulty system where bosses may change their behavior based on the player's performance.

How does 'Black Myth: Wukong' incorporate Chinese culture into its gameplay?

'Black Myth: Wukong' incorporates Chinese culture through its use of traditional Chinese music, such as Shaanxi storytelling, and its depiction of Chinese mythology and folklore. The game also features authentic Chinese landscapes and architecture, and its narrative is deeply rooted in the philosophical and religious themes of 'Journey to the West.'

What impact has 'Black Myth: Wukong' had on the gaming community and beyond?

'Black Myth: Wukong' has had a significant impact on the gaming community by sparking renewed interest in Chinese culture and mythology. The game has also influenced the tourism industry, with players visiting real-life locations featured in the game. Additionally, it has set a new standard for Chinese game development, inspiring other studios to create high-quality, culturally rich games.

What are some of the criticisms of 'Black Myth: Wukong'?

Some criticisms of 'Black Myth: Wukong' include its lack of clear guidance in certain areas, which can lead to player frustration, and its reliance on text-heavy storytelling through items like the 'Shadow God Atlas,' which some players feel detracts from the interactive nature of the game. Additionally, the game's later chapters have been noted to feel rushed compared to the earlier, more polished sections.

How does 'Black Myth: Wukong' compare to other action RPGs like 'Elden Ring'?

'Black Myth: Wukong' differs from action RPGs like 'Elden Ring' in its combat mechanics, which are more forgiving and allow for more experimentation. While 'Elden Ring' is known for its punishing difficulty and open-world exploration, 'Black Myth: Wukong' focuses more on narrative and boss battles, with a greater emphasis on Chinese cultural elements and storytelling.

What are some of the most memorable boss battles in 'Black Myth: Wukong'?

Some of the most memorable boss battles in 'Black Myth: Wukong' include the fight against the Tiger Vanguard, which teaches players about timing and strategy, and the battle with the Electric Dragon, which is praised for its integration of music and gameplay. The game's boss battles are designed to be challenging yet rewarding, with each boss offering unique mechanics and storytelling.

What future developments can players expect from 'Black Myth: Wukong'?

Players can expect future developments in 'Black Myth: Wukong' to include DLCs that expand on the game's story and characters, as well as potential sequels or spin-offs. The game's developers have hinted at unresolved plotlines and hidden secrets that may be explored in future content, keeping players engaged and eager for more.

嘉宾们就《黑神话:悟空》是否属于魂类游戏展开讨论,分享各自的游戏进度和对魂类游戏的理解。Nick 作为资深魂类游戏玩家,认为其更偏向于战神类型的爽快动作游戏,但融合了一点魂类游戏的元素。阿平则表示对魂类游戏不感兴趣,但喜欢《黑神话:悟空》的剧情、美术和画面。初浩作为通关玩家,客观评价了游戏体验。
  • 嘉宾们就游戏类型展开讨论,分享各自的游戏进度和体验。
  • Nick 认为游戏更偏向战神类型,但融合了一点魂类元素。
  • 阿平喜欢游戏的剧情、美术和画面,对魂类游戏不感兴趣。
  • 初浩客观评价了游戏体验,并给出了分数。

Shownotes Transcript


《黑神话:悟空》是一个最近聊什么都很难在时间线上避开的现象级话题,这个作品引起了各行各业不同领域的讨论。在这些讨论里面有对国产 3A 游戏的狂欢,有对原著抽丝剥茧的解读,还有对游戏剧情设定的讨论等等。于是我们找来阿平和 Nick 攒了个局,以各自不同的通关进度和对西游记的不同了解,来聊聊这部游戏本身以及游戏之外的故事。


少数派 - Nick)




  • 时间轴 -



0:00 聊黑神话之前,我们先自报家门说说成分

4:33 黑神话算是魂类游戏吗?

24:15  哪些是超出大家预期的部分?

39:53 大家各自最爽的 boss 战是什么?

52:51 那些地方大家觉得做得还不够好?


55:17 这是一个百回本西游记的延伸

1:00:19  西天取经这个局是怎么攒起来的?

1:13:02 长生不老是西游记的根基设定

1:20:24  资源永远是有限的,天命人取经路就是环形的无限重复

1:26:34    要不要做 DLC ,要做成什么样的


1:35:41  Nick 探寻的大圣信仰发源地

1:42:04   黑神话对现实世界的影响


1:46:17  无论是因为黑神话看了小说,享受了游戏,还是期待更多的优质国产游戏都是很好的事情


《那个原来是你》—— 黑神话:悟空)

《我也去当个天命人玩玩》—— 黑神话:悟空)



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