cover of episode 建筑师马岩松:旅行本应轻松,超级车站却让人心潮澎湃 | 北京上海双城记x金宇澄x祝羽捷

建筑师马岩松:旅行本应轻松,超级车站却让人心潮澎湃 | 北京上海双城记x金宇澄x祝羽捷

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马岩松: 我从小在北京胡同长大,对北京的记忆是充满自由和各种可能性的游乐场。 现代城市规划忽视了人与自然的关系,缺乏传统建筑中人与自然和谐共生的精神性,这是一种遗憾。 我的建筑设计理念是希望在现代建筑中融入东方传统建筑的元素,但这是一个漫长而艰苦的过程。 许多我的设计方案因为现实原因而未能实现,这体现了建筑师的悲剧色彩。 我不喜欢过度现代化的城市,它反人性,压抑人的情感和精神空间。 理想的生活状态介于城市与乡村之间。 金宇澄: 90年代到00年代,上海城市天际线快速发展,至少建成了三个上海。 中国缺乏专门设计住宅的建筑师,但民居却形成了所有人的生活方式。 我对上海石库门的消失感到惋惜,它代表了乡绅阶级将中国文化从乡村转移到城市的体现。 现代建筑教育导致无法设计出像石库门那样具有地域特色的民居。 上海一些老房子的建筑质量差,导致需要拆除。 我对上海外滩的改建感到惋惜,认为破坏了历史风貌,例如情人墙的消失。 我认为一个城市的丰富程度就是看有没有保留各个时期的一些房子。 祝羽捷: 这次对谈探讨了建筑和文学的关系,以及城市发展与人文关怀之间的平衡。 建筑师和作家都对城市发展中的一些问题表达了担忧和反思。 我们需要建筑师、作家、哲学家等,在时代提出大胆前瞻的思想,并付诸行动。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why does architect Ma Yansong believe that architecture is a language of history and civilization?

Ma Yansong views architecture as a dialogue between history and civilization, creating a unique language. He emphasizes that when a city allows diverse and unique architectural expressions, these buildings become the city's charm, reflecting its culture and identity.

What childhood memory does Ma Yansong associate with Beijing's urban landscape?

Ma Yansong recalls Beijing as a 'giant playground' during his childhood, where he explored the city through its hutongs and courtyards. He describes the city as a mix of natural and urban elements, with places like Jingshan and Beihai parks offering a sense of freedom and adventure.

How does Ma Yansong view the relationship between modern cities and human experience?

Ma Yansong criticizes modern cities for being overly functional and dehumanizing, often prioritizing efficiency over human well-being. He believes that cities should balance urban and natural elements, fostering a more harmonious and meaningful human experience.

What is Jin Yucheng's perspective on Shanghai's architectural evolution?

Jin Yucheng observes that Shanghai's skyline has dramatically transformed since the 1990s, with new developments overshadowing older structures like Shikumen houses. He laments the loss of cultural and historical continuity, noting that these buildings once reflected the city's unique identity.

Why does Jin Yucheng consider Shikumen houses a significant cultural artifact?

Jin Yucheng sees Shikumen houses as a cultural bridge, bringing rural Chinese traditions into urban Shanghai. He explains that these houses, built by the gentry class during the Taiping Rebellion, represent a blend of Chinese and Western architectural styles, embodying a unique historical and cultural synthesis.

What is Ma Yansong's critique of contemporary Chinese architecture?

Ma Yansong criticizes contemporary Chinese architecture for lacking cultural depth and originality, often imitating Western styles without integrating traditional Chinese values. He advocates for a return to the principles of Chinese architecture, such as the relationship between humans and nature, to create more meaningful and authentic designs.

How does Jin Yucheng describe the social dynamics of Shikumen living?

Jin Yucheng highlights the communal nature of Shikumen living, where multiple families shared tight spaces, leading to a culture of mutual support and clear boundaries. He attributes the perceived 'petty' behavior of Shanghainese to the necessity of managing limited resources in such close quarters.

What is Ma Yansong's approach to designing public spaces like train stations?

Ma Yansong advocates for more human-centered designs in public spaces, such as train stations, which he believes should prioritize ease and comfort over grandiosity. He criticizes the current trend of creating overly large and impersonal spaces that alienate users.

Why does Jin Yucheng emphasize the importance of preserving historical buildings?

Jin Yucheng believes that preserving historical buildings is crucial for maintaining a city's cultural and emotional continuity. He argues that these structures hold collective memories and identities, which are lost when they are demolished or replaced.

What is Ma Yansong's vision for the future of urban design?

Ma Yansong envisions a future where urban design integrates natural and human elements more thoughtfully, moving away from the hyper-functional and impersonal models of modern cities. He emphasizes the need for spaces that foster human connection, creativity, and a sense of belonging.

  • 建筑与文学的共通之处在于关乎人
  • 马岩松从个人角度看待城市与建筑
  • 金宇澄对建筑和文学的理解

Shownotes Transcript






本期如此城市由祝羽捷担任嘉宾主播,联合上海图书馆,跟随金宇澄、马岩松,与建筑师、作家在城市中漫游遐思。 “从北京到上海:城市的漫游与哲思”对谈  ©上海图书馆东馆


马岩松,建筑师 金宇澄,《繁花》作者、画家 祝羽捷,作家、策展人、文化学者 ——制作团队
