cover of episode Reddit discussion about the job market in Dubai

Reddit discussion about the job market in Dubai

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Reddit DeepDive

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Danielle Pletka
Marc Thiessen
@Danielle Pletka : 我认为迪拜一直以来都象征着高薪和免税生活,一个可以快速提升职业阶梯的地方。然而,Reddit上的讨论揭示了现实与这种“迪拜梦”之间的巨大差距。许多在各自领域拥有丰富经验的人,在迪拜被提供的薪资远低于他们之前的水平,甚至只是过去收入的一小部分。我认为这主要是因为迪拜的经济严重依赖外国劳工,导致就业市场竞争异常激烈。一些公司会利用这一点,故意压低工资,特别是针对某些国家的工人。更令人担忧的是,迪拜缺乏最低工资标准,使得情况更加恶化。我认为,对于那些考虑来迪拜工作的人来说,最重要的是要充分了解这些潜在的挑战,不要盲目追求梦想。我们需要做足功课,与已经在那里工作的人交流,对就业市场的实际情况有一个清醒的认识。 @Marc Thiessen : 我觉得人们对“迪拜梦”的期望与他们在迪拜就业市场中的实际经历存在着巨大的冲突。我注意到很多人都在抱怨薪资被压低,这确实令人震惊。有人甚至被告知,应该接受远低于市场价值的薪水,因为总有人愿意以更低的价格来做同样的工作。我认为这种情况让人不得不怀疑,对于大多数人来说,“迪拜梦”是否真的能够实现。我开始思考,迪拜的经济模式是否可持续?一个建立在吸引外国劳工基础上的城市,如果这些工人感到被剥削和失望,它还能继续繁荣吗?

Deep Dive

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Reddit users complain about low wages, a saturated job market, and difficulties in securing interviews. The posts highlight the exploitation of workers from certain nationalities, particularly from South Asia, who are willing to accept lower salaries due to their circumstances. Some users express their disappointment with the current situation, while others seek advice and offer their support to those seeking employment. The thread also reflects on the high cost of living in Dubai and the increasing number of individuals vying for limited job opportunities.

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