Contrary to popular belief, our customer's like to play in more than one cloud (say it isn't so, coach; say it isn't so!) They even like to keep some of their workloads on-prem. Never fear, however, because Microsoft has one platform to rule them all: Azure Arc. Listen in as Vlad "Not the Impaler" Tomsa lets us in on the secret.BIO: *Vlad is a Cloud Architect with a passion for technology and its ability to transform the world around us. He has extensive experience on the Cloud Infrastructure, Datacenter Migration, Applications, Identity and Networking. Before joining Microsoft in 2008, he worked as a System Administrator at several firms. At Microsoft, he was first responsible for supporting Enterprise Customers with design reviews and solving complex problem. Then he moved to a Consulting role, designing and implementing Identity, Security and Messaging projects with EMEA customers, after which he became a Cloud Solution Architect working with Belux and now US customers on their digital transformation and journey to the cloud.*LINKS: Azure Arc), Welcome to Azure Arc), Azure Arc | Bring Windows Server and SQL Server into Azure Arc management (2020))
CREDITS: Louis Berman (Host); Vlad Tomsa (Guest); Dan Phillipson / PremiumBeat (Music); Anne Lamb (Intro/Outro); East Coast Studio) (Editing)MORE: visit for additional episodes, plus transcripts, and more ways to listen to the show. As to your comments and suggestions, please feel free to email your host, Louis Berman, at [email protected]