cover of episode EP99人到中年的倦怠与变化


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@冰冰 :我的时间非常碎片化,导致在剪辑音频时自我否定,感到很压抑和泄气。有了孩子后,时间更加碎片化,很多事情积压,给自己带来压力。但考试成绩出来后,我感到很开心,不仅因为成绩本身,更因为获得了老师的认可和帮助同学的成就感。在国外读书的经历,让我提升了自身能力,也有机会帮助其他中国同学。 我曾经给自己设定人生倒计时,希望在某个年龄之前完成某些目标,但现在已经放下了这个包袱。之前因为担心生育会影响自己出国计划而焦虑,现在已经调整了心态。找工作过程中,我感到焦虑和压力,并反思自己的价值。投递简历和写求职信很费时费力,但效果并不理想。在大环境不好的情况下,找工作困难,应该重新梳理自己的优势。找工作是一件让人挣扎的事情,但熬过去就好了。 @Joyce :与追求卓越的人相比,我对自己比较容易满足,但有时也会感到不如人。得到了伴侣的支持和鼓励,让我在工作和生活中更加轻松快乐。在澳洲和欧洲旅行后,我重新认识到新西兰生活幸福指数高,并对在当地生活感到踏实。随着年龄增长,心态变得保守,更加注重机会成本和风险。因为房贷等因素,开始变得保守,不再像年轻时那样轻易尝试新的机会。我曾经给自己设定人生倒计时,但现在已经放下了这个包袱。远程办公导致工作与生活界限模糊,并开始调整自己的工作和生活作息。远程办公久了,开始出现懒惰,并开始调整,强迫自己定期出门。 @大美 :为孩子举办一百天派对,虽然很累,但感到很温馨和有意义。介绍了新西兰华人彩虹联盟社群,并分享了社群的近期进展和意义。十年前曾渴望离开新西兰,但现在已经改变了想法,更加珍惜现在的生活。努力工作可以缓解倦怠感。渴望房贷自由。因为孩子,时间被压缩,对未来感到焦虑,并开始倒计时。远程办公的缺点是,感觉自己的时间会被随意支配。调整了作息时间,不再早起。在一个岗位待久了,容易产生倦怠感。因为找工作不顺利,所以选择自己创业。建议大家多尝试不同的项目和机会,不要灰心。分享了自己申请项目资金的经验和感受。介绍了自己正在进行的项目,以及对未来发展的规划。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why does Bingbing feel overwhelmed by fragmented time?

Bingbing feels overwhelmed because her time is highly fragmented due to taking care of her baby, leaving her with little uninterrupted time to focus on tasks like editing audio. This fragmentation makes it difficult for her to concentrate and leads to self-doubt about her productivity and abilities.

What is the New Zealand Chinese Rainbow Alliance?

The New Zealand Chinese Rainbow Alliance is a long-standing LGBTQ+ community organization in New Zealand, primarily run by volunteers. It focuses on supporting Chinese LGBTQ+ individuals and families, and it has recently expanded its activities and organizational structure with new funding and projects, such as a handbook for rainbow families.

Why does Dami feel she has become a 'conservative middle-aged person'?

Dami feels she has become more conservative due to her changing priorities as she ages. She now considers factors like mortgage payments and job stability before making career moves, which contrasts with her earlier willingness to take risks and explore different industries.

How has working from home affected Joyce's work-life balance?

Working from home has blurred the boundaries between Joyce's work and personal life. She often finds herself working irregular hours, including weekends, and struggles to separate work from leisure. This has led to a lack of excitement for weekends and a sense of monotony in her daily routine.

What challenges does Bingbing face in her job search?

Bingbing faces challenges in her job search due to the competitive job market, the time-consuming nature of writing tailored cover letters, and the emotional toll of repeated rejections. She also struggles with balancing her job search with her responsibilities as a new mother.

What is the significance of the 'life countdown' mentioned by the hosts?

The 'life countdown' refers to the hosts' awareness of time passing and the pressure to achieve certain milestones before reaching a specific age, such as 40. This creates anxiety, especially when they feel they lack the time or resources to accomplish their goals.

How has the pandemic influenced the hosts' perspectives on work and life?

The pandemic has led to significant changes in the hosts' work and life dynamics, particularly with the shift to remote work. While it offers flexibility, it has also blurred the lines between work and personal life, leading to feelings of monotony and a lack of work-life balance.

What is the role of effort in combating burnout, according to the hosts?

The hosts believe that putting effort into work can help combat burnout by providing a sense of accomplishment and purpose. For example, Bingbing found renewed motivation after successfully launching new products, which boosted her confidence and reduced her feelings of burnout.

What is the 'job search fallacy' discussed by the hosts?

The 'job search fallacy' refers to the tendency to base self-worth on external validation during the job search process. The hosts emphasize that rejection does not reflect personal failure and that it is important to focus on one's strengths and achievements rather than relying on others' opinions.

  • 碎片化时间对工作效率的影响
  • 自我否定的情绪管理
  • 平衡工作、生活和育儿
  • 寻找专注和效率的方法

Shownotes Transcript


00:25 碎片化时间对冰冰的冲击
07:32 新西兰华人彩虹联盟的介绍
08:40 大美觉得自己变成了“保守的可怜的中年人”
13:18 “人生的倒计时”
17:15 后疫情时代——work from home带来的改变
27:25 努力工作对倦怠感的抵抗
29:52 找工作谬误:通过别人来评价自己

