cover of episode EP104 闲聊近况- 点滴碎片都是生命的礼物

EP104 闲聊近况- 点滴碎片都是生命的礼物

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@Joyce :我怀孕34周后,身体无法承受高强度运动,但精神上仍想继续打网球。医生建议孕期运动与否对生产影响不大,可以根据自身情况调整。怀孕后期身体变化明显,33周是孕期拍摄写真的最佳时间。我们更重视恋爱周年纪念日,而非结婚纪念日。很羡慕Simon和他妈妈之间良好的母子关系。怀孕是值得珍惜的记忆,可以全家一起参与拍摄孕妇照。西方摄影师拍摄孕妇照风格与华人摄影师不同,更注重抓拍自然瞬间。猫比狗更难控制,拍摄难度高。受博主影响,开始整理和打印照片,记录宠物成长的重要性。怀孕后,手机相册里照片类型发生了变化。朋友们对晒娃行为的态度不同,有的积极分享,有的则比较克制。考虑到孩子的隐私安全,选择减少在朋友圈晒娃。朋友每年制作一本相册记录孩子成长,觉得很温馨。朋友的相册制作精简,自己更喜欢多照片的相册。因为不在家,错过了宠物小时候的照片,感到遗憾。怀孕34周开始,为顺产做准备,制定了时间表。朋友为生产做了充分准备,自己也准备充分。自己是J型人格,做事有计划,会提前做好准备。自己性格偏J型,做事有计划,但不是事无巨细。 @大美 :我做事有计划,但不会把计划安排得过于细致。去悉尼旅行,参加了DJ演唱会,蹦迪体验很好。悉尼演唱会DJ的表演融合了古典交响乐元素,现场气氛很好。Wanganui River划船计划因天气原因取消。朋友在Fargo River划船的经历,以及费用问题。 @冰冰 :新西兰今年夏天入夏较晚,十月降雨过多,对生活造成影响。我从事亚马逊工作已八年,时间过得很快。生活节奏慢,时间过得快。自己是P型人格,比较感性。想做一期关于石榴的播客节目。新工作在政府机构,注重员工的 well-being,工作很有意义。邻居家的树影响到自己家,准备写信沟通。参加了新工作单位的pub活动,感觉很累。这种社交方式不错,可以认识同事。 Joyce: 'I didn’t feel tired while playing, but suddenly after finishing, I couldn’t walk. I couldn’t find any comfortable posture, I felt excruciating pain in my bones, I’ve never felt this painful before. I told three people that I probably can’t play tennis anymore.' 'I’m 33 weeks pregnant, I still took maternity photos and felt energetic. I played tennis with Eddie and Simon, and it was so fun. But at 34 weeks, I suddenly felt unwell and tired.' 'The OB said I’m doing great, many people can’t play anymore at 28 weeks. He said whether I exercise or not in the coming month won’t affect the delivery. It’s just that my lifestyle might be changed.' 'I’m so used to exercising that I feel like I need to do something. I’m thinking of taking my tennis equipment home.' 'I understand why they say 33 weeks is the best time for maternity photos, because it’s a watershed moment. After that, you’ll feel very tired.' 大美: 'I booked the earliest flight on Wednesday morning, planning to go straight to the office. But the flight was delayed by 12 hours, until 6 pm.' 'I’ve been to Sydney many times, and I always stay at Ahua and Dami’s place. I met many friends, including a listener named Charmick.' 'I haven’t been clubbing for six years since I left Beijing in 2018. I danced for three hours straight, and it was so refreshing.' 'The next day, my body ached. The experience was so great that I recommend everyone to try clubbing in the front row.' 冰冰: 'I’ve been working in Amazon for eight years, time flies.' 'Life is smooth and without pressure, time goes by quickly.'

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why does Joyce feel that time passes quickly in New Zealand compared to her experience in China?

Joyce feels time passes quickly in New Zealand because the slower pace of life and routine nature of her days make the days blend together. In contrast, her time in China felt slower due to the high-density work schedule, where she worked long hours daily, making each month feel like half a year.

What physical challenges did Joyce face during her pregnancy at 34 weeks?

At 34 weeks pregnant, Joyce experienced severe physical discomfort, including intense pelvic pain and difficulty moving after playing tennis. Her core muscles, which had been supporting her growing baby, reached their limit, causing her to feel exhausted and unwilling to leave the house.

What advice did Joyce's OB give her about exercise during the final weeks of pregnancy?

Joyce's OB advised her that exercising or not exercising in the final weeks of pregnancy would not significantly impact her delivery. He suggested that she could rest at home until childbirth without any issues, as her body had already reached its limit.

Why did Joyce decide to take maternity photos at 33 weeks?

Joyce decided to take maternity photos at 33 weeks because it was a peak time when she still felt energetic and comfortable. By 34 weeks, she felt significantly more tired, making 33 weeks an ideal time to capture the memory of her pregnancy.

What was Bingbing's experience like at the DJ concert in Sydney?

Bingbing had an exhilarating experience at the DJ concert in Sydney, where she danced for three hours in the front row. She described it as a release of six years' worth of pent-up energy, feeling safe and energized by the music and atmosphere. The concert featured a live band and a mix of classical and electronic music, creating a unique and memorable experience.

What are some of the environmental concerns Bingbing deals with in her new job?

In her new job as an environmental monitoring officer, Bingbing deals with issues like improper land development, illegal tree cutting, and water runoff problems. She emphasizes the importance of adhering to environmental regulations to protect natural resources and prevent issues like flooding or pollution in communities.

What are Joyce's plans for preparing for childbirth?

Joyce has researched extensively to prepare for a smooth childbirth. Her preparations include perineal massage, drinking raspberry leaf tea, using a TENS machine for pain relief, and eating dates to reduce the duration of labor. She has also adjusted her diet to include oatmeal, which is believed to aid in childbirth.

What are the Christmas plans for the hosts?

Joyce plans to spend Christmas at home with her newborn baby, focusing on postpartum recovery. Bingbing will go camping with her family, including a trip to Tongariro, while Dami plans to spend the holiday painting her house, starting with the bathroom and then moving to other rooms.

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