Xin Yi decided to study abroad after a frustrating job interview in China, where the interviewer asked inappropriate questions about her relationship status. This experience made her want to change her environment and pursue further education overseas.
Xin Yi considered the Netherlands, Singapore, and New Zealand. She chose New Zealand because it was the first to offer her admission without an application fee, and her father calculated that it was the most suitable option. Additionally, she wanted a less stressful academic environment compared to the Netherlands.
Xin Yi switched to accounting because it is a profession with good job prospects globally and is considered an immigration-friendly field. She also had some background in accounting through her double major in Spanish and accounting during her undergraduate studies.
Xin Yi hired a career coach with experience in Big Four firms to help her prepare for interviews. The coach provided mock interviews, helped her with small talk, and advised her on how to present herself as a good cultural fit for the companies. This preparation was crucial in understanding the differences between Chinese and New Zealand interview styles.
Xin Yi faced challenges such as cultural differences, language barriers, and the need to adapt to New Zealand's interview culture. She overcame these by creating a detailed Excel sheet to track her job applications, networking with professionals, and even learning new hobbies to make herself more relatable to interviewers.
Xin Yi advises international students to choose a sustainable career path that aligns with their long-term goals, rather than just focusing on quick immigration options. She also emphasizes the importance of being proactive in job searching and networking, as well as being open to learning new skills and hobbies to adapt to the local culture.
Xin Yi handled rejection by setting daily goals for job applications and maintaining a positive mindset. She viewed each rejection as a learning opportunity and kept herself motivated by reminding herself of her ultimate goal to stay in New Zealand. Over time, she became more resilient and less affected by rejections.
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