The world's most popular streamer Ninja recently announced he was leaving the world's most popular streaming website Twitch. Twitch has not taken it well.
Ninja will be moving to MIcrosoft's Mixer, a much smaller competing service. Meanwhile, Twitch has been promoting other streamers on Ninja's now offline Twitch page... leading to Twitch accidentally promoting a channel streaming porn! The offending channel was quickly removed, but Ninja was justifiably very upset about the possibility that children or anyone else visiting his page would have seen that.
This pettiness from Twitch surrounding the departure of Ninja is just one in a long line of things that Twitch has done recently to make people somewhat uneasy about Twitch as a platform holder. In some cases they're behaving more as petulant children than as a website owned by one of the world's biggest companies, Amazon.
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