Historian Yuval Noah Harari says that we are at a critical turning point. One in which AI’s ability to generate cultural artifacts threatens humanity’s role as the shapers of history. History will still go on, but will it be the story of people or, as he calls them, ‘alien AI agents’?
In this conversation with Aza Raskin, Harari discusses the historical struggles that emerge from new technology, humanity’s AI mistakes so far, and the immediate steps lawmakers can take right now to steer us towards a non-dystopian future.
This episode was recorded live at the Commonwealth Club World Affairs of California.
Your Undivided Attention is produced by the Center for Humane Technology). Follow us on Twitter: @HumaneTech_)
NEXUS: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI by Yuval Noah Harari)
Further reading on the Stanford Marshmallow Experiment) Further reading on AlphaGo’s “move 37”)
This Moment in AI: How We Got Here and Where We’re Going)
The Tech We Need for 21st Century Democracy with Divya Siddarth)
Synthetic Humanity: AI & What’s At Stake)
Two Million Years in Two Hours: A Conversation with Yuval Noah Harari)