❗️part❗️three❗️This week marks the third and final episode of anseries I’m doing on the importance of organizing with a coalition, and how exactly to do it. I’m joined by New Jersey enviorment activist Ananya Singh to talk about all the ways to navigate conflict, resolution, respect, and bridging generational gaps when it comes to organizing and cooperating with coalitions of any purpose!
Here are all the links to what we reference in the show:
Links for the Show Notes: Ananya’s Instagram @a.ananya.singh / ananyasingh.com Greening Forward: @greeningforward / greeningforward.org (my!) Lilah Amon-Lucas’ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lilahamonlucas/?hl=en How To Activism’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/howtoactivismpod/ Hart’s Ladder: https://www.youthpower.org/youth-drg-toolkit-3-models-roger-hart-ladder Frechild Institute: https://freechild.org/ Jemez Principles: https://www.ejnet.org/ej/jemez.pdf Youth Do It: https://www.youthdoit.org/ Youth On Board: https://www.youthonboard.org/ NYLC: https://www.nylc.org/?