Dr. Adam Harrison graduated from med school in 2000 and he is now a practising familyphysician and qualified but non-practising barrister (lawyer), medical educator and medicaldirector / leader turned life, career, leadership and executive coach.He is British born but moved to Darwin, Australia, with his maxillofacial surgeon wife and their two young daughters in July 2019As someone who has changed career several times, burnt out at least twice and been bullied multiple times, he has a special interest and expertise in careertransitioners, doctors burning out and doctors being bullied. His main mission is to help doctors and other professionals who feel they are suffering theeffects of working in a toxic environment (or who are being bullied), develop the skills tosuccessfully deal with their situation, so they can be happier and more successful at work.Connect with Dr Harrison: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dradamharrison/). [email protected]