cover of episode 255. The Longevity Leap: An Interview With SIIMLAND

255. The Longevity Leap: An Interview With SIIMLAND

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Boost Your Biology with Lucas Aoun

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Lucas Aoun
Siim Land
Siim Land: 本期节目中,Siim Land分享了他对生物黑客和健康优化的热情,这源于他祖父因癌症过早去世的经历。他讨论了提高VO2max、改善饮食和生活方式、以及使用桑拿等策略来促进长寿和健康。他还分享了他对动物蛋白与植物蛋白、碳水化合物摄入量、冷暴露疗法和热暴露疗法以及补充剂等方面的看法。Siim Land强调了保持良好生物标志物和身体成分对长寿的重要性,并建议将时间和金钱投资于运动和保持健康体重,而不是新型疗法。他认为,饮食的关键在于保持良好的生物标志物,而不是食物本身。他推荐了包括鸡蛋、橄榄油、三文鱼、瘦牛肉和浆果在内的几种对肌肉生长和长寿有益的食物。他还讨论了碳水化合物摄入量与死亡率之间的关系,以及如何根据个人活动水平来调整碳水化合物摄入量。关于冷暴露疗法和热暴露疗法,他认为桑拿对心脏健康有益,而冷暴露疗法的证据较少。最后,他推荐了三种重要的补充剂:肌酸、胶原蛋白和虾青素。 Lucas Aoun: Lucas Aoun与Siim Land讨论了长寿、抗衰老和健康优化策略。他询问了Siim Land参与的“返老还童奥运会”,以及Siim Land如何通过改善生活方式和饮食来提高VO2max和改善生物标志物。他还讨论了VO2max的测量方法、动物蛋白与植物蛋白、碳水化合物摄入量、冷暴露疗法和热暴露疗法以及补充剂等方面的问题。Lucas Aoun还分享了他自己的锻炼习惯和对营养的看法,并与Siim Land就这些话题进行了深入的探讨。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Siim Land get into biohacking and health optimization?

Siim Land got into biohacking and health optimization after his grandfather died from colorectal cancer at 36, which motivated him to focus on preventive health and longevity.

What is the Rejuvenation Olympics, and how does Siim Land rank in it?

The Rejuvenation Olympics is a competition where participants share their biological aging test results based on the Dunedin PACE test. Siim Land ranked first with an average score of 0.65, though his results were impacted by COVID-19.

Why is VO2 max a stronger predictor of longevity compared to grip strength?

VO2 max, which measures maximal oxygen consumption during physical exertion, is a stronger predictor of longevity because it is associated with a lower risk of mortality, heart disease, and other chronic conditions.

How can one measure their VO2 max accurately?

The most accurate way to measure VO2 max is in a professional clinical setting with monitors and pulse oximeters. Alternatively, the Cooper test, a 12-minute running test, can provide a good estimation.

Why is maintaining a balanced diet and good biomarkers more important than the type of diet one follows?

Maintaining good biomarkers and a balanced diet is more important than the specific diet type because biomarkers like inflammation, blood sugar, and lipids are key indicators of health and longevity, regardless of the diet.

What are Siim Land's top five foods for muscle development and longevity?

Siim Land's top five foods for muscle development and longevity are eggs, extra virgin olive oil, wild-caught salmon, lean beef, and berries like blueberries or blackberries.

Why is sauna usage beneficial for longevity and heart health?

Sauna usage is beneficial for longevity and heart health because it reduces the risk of heart disease, neurodegeneration, and mortality. Studies show that regular sauna use (4 times a week) can counteract the harmful effects of high inflammation and blood pressure.

What is the optimal range of carbohydrate intake for longevity?

The optimal range of carbohydrate intake for longevity is between 45 to 55% of total calories. Both excess and low carbohydrate intake can increase mortality risk, but the quality of the diet is crucial.

Why is iron management important for longevity, especially in men?

Iron management is important for longevity because high iron levels are a risk factor for heart disease and liver disease, while low iron levels can lead to anemia. Men, who don't lose blood monthly like women, need to be more cautious and monitor their iron levels.

What are Siim Land's top three supplements for longevity?

Siim Land's top three supplements for longevity are creatine, collagen, and astaxanthin. Creatine supports muscle growth and brain health, collagen aids in skin and cardiometabolic health, and astaxanthin reduces skin aging and inflammation.

Shownotes Transcript

In this episode, Lucas Aoun interviews Siim Land, a biohacker and health optimization enthusiast, about his journey into biohacking and longevity. Siim shares his passion for longevity and anti-aging, driven by his grandfather's early death from cancer, and some of the most effective strategies for reducing speed of aging and boosting health into old age.

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00:00 Introduction and Background

02:58 The Rejuvenation Olympics and Biological Aging

07:17 The Importance of VO2 Max for Longevity

11:22 Boosting VO2 Max through Cardio Exercise

13:46 Zone Two Training for Aerobic Metabolism

20:36 Measuring VO2 Max and Its Relationship to Running Distance

21:48 The Fundamentals of Longevity and the Role of Exercise

25:13 The Impact of Diet on Longevity: Animal Protein vs. Plant Protein

27:14 The Importance of Biomarkers and a Balanced Diet for Longevity

36:26 Top Five Foods for Muscle Development and Longevity

39:53 Optimal Nutrition for Longevity

45:51 The Benefits of Sauna Usage

52:27 The Role of Iron in Atherosclerosis

55:20 Key Supplements for Longevity


The information provided in this podcast episode is for entertainment purposes and is NOT MEDICAL ADVICE. If you have any questions about your health, contact a medical professional. This content is strictly the opinions of Lucas Aoun and is for informational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult with their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Lucas Aoun nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this content. All consumers of this content especially taking prescription or over-the-counter medications should consult their physician before beginning any nutritional, supplement or lifestyle program. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.