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Here we go.
Let's get go on. If you can tell, I don't give a focus. I got zero care. This is the least stressed i've ever been after we want. This is amazing.
Is that really good?
What's that you're worried about? Winter next week, I just get the talk, shoot up people for a living now.
So good. Welcome back to new etes, ladies and gentleman, ninety two percent as a wry show produced by wave sports entertain and brought you by buffo wild wings let's go sport for yes, that's right later team where we're back to our favorite spot. Al, grab wings for any game time.
We are your host. Some travel skills. S S is my big brother, Jason Kelsey on a clever and height ohio described on youtube one three plus, or where you get to podcast and father show on all social media at new height show with one s as the ninety two percent. No, just until the people, what we get up coming up.
we know the great episode, ninety two percenters. In fact, this is officially are one hundred episode. That's right, it's hundred. You ever think we make a hundred of these? And when we started and .
I thought we were going to get a cancel .
actually like the first week, yeah, I mean, i'm not going to lie. That's probably the correct. If I was a bedding man, I would to put those odds down rather than you do a hundred. Doesn't feel like we've done .
hundred now IT doesn't this been fun? Yeah and you what .
what's up with the later share?
Oh, the back to back just say, oh.
that yeah, but you should have like a bolger because they were the ones you did.
Three p, yeah, they did the three p.
that's I three .
twice. I know who want to just a hoper.
fit, make sense, all right?
You know, he actually want his last game. Know, I know exactly why you're back .
into the hoop fit because everybody saw what you wearing at the U. S. Open and that you went complete opposite hoop fit.
Yeah, I want a country club. I was tennis. What do you want me to do is.
yeah, you want country club. So you're got to record CT your brand image. You ve got to go back to your roots.
You know me, i'm a million men. I just not float. I float and I just blend. I just blend in the trees.
I but we will give you that nounce that somewhere here we're going to celebrate the hundred episode new heights by finally talking about and a fill games. That's right. We're going to cover all the weak one action, including the chiefs, weak one one to know, start to start the season. The eagles went in sapo o and we're also there are the us.
Super lockie. Super lockie didn't do much.
Another reminder of our ninety percent as if you want to listen to us early without any interactions and get bonus content, we're giving you three months free of wondering plus what do you guys want to get from us from bonus content? I guess we're open to suggestions.
Yeah, we're definite open to suggestions.
Wonder is like he want to you plus gets bonus content where I we really have one kind we out there. So whatever bonus contact you think would be interesting to you guys that we can charge you more money for IT is let me know what IT in this water.
This is one of those situations yeah it's funny as well but yeah, twenty four hour live stream of a of a daily life of jet jack.
Maybe i'm not going to live. I would watch that output the wonderful place just to see what that looks .
like yeah I am very curious, what do you think that jack is doing right now?
Not A I think it's a lot of very uninteresting things.
That was fucked twenty .
for our hours of jake is probably similar to like adam shifter. He's just on social media all day waiting to see what gets put out into the internet sphere.
He's just collecting data. So you know.
we bring j jack on. Let's have jake 开门。
Jack, what do you? What you? What do you got? Go on, i'm here. I'm here.
Just .
how we do.
We've do you. Look how you.
how do I mean, yesterday was rough.
How does that feel to have all of your dreams just crushed right at the start of the season? Didn't send me A A qual Robert salis saying, like losing with air rodgers, being healthy is Better than winning without him, which I guess is true but man.
that son, my god, you yeah he was like being.
want to know, last year is worth worse than being on one this year, which I guess is true but man, that sucked I mean, I think everybody .
knows what saying.
yeah, I get IT yeah but in terms of no one wants a twenty four hour life stream.
my wide gets her back. Baby, that's funny.
So no one wants to see a twenty four hour live stream of my life that would be incredibly boring and a lot of just me looking at my phone on the couch. But we'll do IT if wondering, if wondering, plus once at i'm game, what else do you do besides of your phone, my hobbies? I don't know. I like.
what do you walk my dogs a lot? We go on .
hikes .
a and like a visual mix, please, like kind of a beer. This, they're great. They are good ducks.
They need some exercise. Man, do you take amount of what? Yeah, I do.
All right. I work every morning. My my wife does a lot of the walk .
into SHE takes him down to the beach. He just, you just fucking said that I do. I got something like .
my wife working about. I don't do a lot of shit. I watch football. I watch football and sounds .
like you're very dedicated to the show. That's why we love you.
jack. yeah. What are the .
naming .
of your dogs?
Carl matters.
I am a big fan of human named dogs. Well done. right? That was reverting.
Thank you for coming on. J, thank you. Thanks, guys. Nice to luck next week.
Good luck to the jets, baby. And I guess that is true. We'll get to the jets later.
But I guess that is, I mean, you get the guys in the billion, can they can win you some ball games? I get IT underside. Yeah, get to that later.
This is only available for a limited time, ladies and gentlemen. So get going. Visit one hundred that comes like new heights offer to redeem this offer but first step is always ninety two percent is .
that's right? It's time for .
new new news coming in.
No news is presented by the mtv video music awards. Don't miss music s most iconic night alive tonight, wednesday, september a lemons at eight seven central on mtv of the .
tai can walk away with a few. She's nominated for about ten of those things. The night hopefully can walk away with some us, a moon men, always cooler to, yeah yeah, the space guys let get .
some eyes on. This is a movement I want know, you see, I M T V music. I think I know exactly what IT is.
It's the big silver moon guy with the .
american plague. I think we lait on the moon. What's the mtv flag? But that's a really good word. Let's go to come on, take stay on top .
we go wish ing you everybody best I like you .
up against day then I hope you first side is first jornal ala lane Johnson and myself. That's why we're doing a new Christmas album and it's coming out november twenty deny the third album is called a Billy special Christmas party in the features thirteen souls, including three originals I thought was only two, three, three, one. go.
Oh yeah. There's the three originals. There are special disappearances from boys to men. Diving gilliflowers travis, I don't know if the travis cully, but he is also on the other again made actually I mean, I yes, we just so it's travis myself and boy's demand. I'm like an RMB Christmas so .
I don't really know how I exactly this is. This is one of my favorite. This is one of my favorite little creative like side jobs i've ever done.
So one of the members of the filly specials and dear friend zack wrote this song, and when he first showed a two music, this is not a Christmas songs. But the more I listened to that, I man about .
Christmas .
and flavor too. And boys demand really .
puts themselves as more and more people .
have gotten boys and men through their flair on IT, which is, I mean, I don't know that we ever thought in a million years. Well, I can definitely say I never thought a million years i'd be collapsing on a song with boys of man.
but I have zero musical talent. There is no way I ever thought I be in any of this should.
especially with boys and men. Pretty remarkable .
known that we grew up on boys and men being, you know, one of the the main focuses on Christmas albums like that. They've got a million just bangers Christmas song. So it's it's definitely an hour to be on on there with them but excited to hear the rest of the album. You ve got a bunch, bunch of fun names on there. Um all, I guess, will be a surprise when the when the album comes out on november twenty nine.
special Christian party will be sold as a limited edition White vinal and the preorder that you can do that on november first. I don't know how fast these things i'll sell, but if you want to ensure IT, I would suggest preorder, uh, kind of vibe, proceed from the album we donated to local charities as we've done in the previous two years.
What would be another holiday album that would be good, do you think?
And the only one I could think of was like a .
fortune picos album. I wasn't going there, but that would be just a lot of one I was thinking in halloween. I don't know what IT is.
There's like halloween is creeps up there with some some muse. You don't like monster mesh for some reason. We are just .
listen to monster mash today.
The monster match. And was the monster match? The monster match? No, never heard .
of IT.
right? Screw me. What's another very musical oriented holiday? I I mean, for that loves a good one. That is a very good one.
really the only one I can think of. Well, make sure you check out on november first to get that reorder and check out the album on november twenty nine. Yeah, move in on to some other new news.
If you're wondering what Jason has been up to during his new retirement phase, h, he's filming his own garage beer commercials. That's right. Try, try.
And they're getting .
Better and Better with every idea this brilliant man comes up with. The most recent one, though, was him in bow. Allen wasn't some cars just making sure the car stays clean and and enjoying a nice garage while they're doing IT. Little came up with this idea. I've always .
loved beer commercials, and i've always loved, like the old school, like either whether as bad wise or ads or the, you know, the most interesting man in the world, like I feel like beer commercials are always just iconically put in your brain.
So when we course like commercials with the love train.
yeah yeah yeah ah the when we partner with garage, I was like right away on my man. We got to like we've got to try and do some fun ads.
I hear you, man.
I hear I got more time on my hands. So i'm trying to think of like what what are some ways that we can do some fun stuff and creatively, it's just it's fun to think about different ideas. I'm a big idea guy, not a big execution guy.
Luckily, we got a bunch of people that work with garage bear that know how to execute ideas. I'm a big idea, a guy, the table. So yeah, this was our first one. We thought this one sound of the most fun.
We knew that I would generate a lot of, uh, yeah, this is just the first of many of, well, I guess we've been doing, but this is the first one that i've had had come up with. nice. So see how they go from here.
Did you always have bAllen in mind when you were .
thinking about washington? I knew I wanted something. I knew I wanted to big half these. I thought about, you know, landing, dickson, land, Johnson, Jordan, mala, some currently .
little I knew .
was going to be in town. And I also don't know with current players what the rules are with alcohol like is is I know that there is like rules against alcohol endorsements and stuff like that. So it's a fine line.
Um but anyways, boat was going to be in town as like boat would be perfect. Ky did not help him. He was coaching her fuel hockey team and actually being a productive human, well, go and I drink twelve.
Watch the cyber truck.
Which father is a little nervous because is a lot of stuff out there, the cyber truck short circuits going .
to car washes.
And I saw that I don't ad on the yt is I think they didn't see or something properly or something like that. But there was like, I did rain once and the car door I kept opening when I parked IT until I like dried and then I would close again. They know they to get these things out there. They had to rush him out.
so had to rush a mile. They took them like three extra like summers that figured .
out when you're making IT out of feel hello, they sent a space those to figure out weet.
I want a little like I want little for willer. The quad .
atv said was going to be with IT quade.
Yeah, yeah.
Maybe that .
comes evenest.
I think dangerous.
I cannot wait. Name's danger. Make sure you guys check out the grass beer ads that that have came out and the ones that are yet to come. Because Jason is so creative, all he's got a bunch of ideas.
We ve got more for you.
And that does IT for a little new news presented by the mtv video music words. Make sure you wash the vm s live tonight at eight pm eastern on mtv. Moving on to some fan mentions up the week before we get into our bold topics from week one in the nfl s shut.
You got quite a few minutes from the ninety two percenters about the alama cosme me contest a from last week episode. Really watched this, and we really miss this one. I swear this was actually one of the books that I wanted to get. My nieces.
J, I don't .
know where you really had the same stock up.
This is, I think this, every family has this book.
And yeah, every since the nineties i'd read a crested hanna at J. C. C.
Do you really not remember this book? The lama is the very hungry caterpillar. And we completely missed IT.
Yeah, I don't know how we did miss IT, because it's very obvious. Now, looking at the airport, what a great book.
He've got a few plays.
you know, to like about these ones too. They are quick. It's like quicker out.
The eric.
carl little kid's books are kind like the tiktok of kids books. You're in and out of their book. Oh, the pilot on the on monday, he ate cake on tuesday, sale on thursday.
And then it's being being boobed. He ate a leaf and he got healthy again. We're add to hear good night, kids.
Yeah, it's not the doctor suit book or you're just trying to figure out every word by yourself just a second.
Do IT is I love the doctor suse books too.
but IT is a student .
lous a dubious hello, what can I leave? I think that toes exactly. Anyways, well done.
Thank you for pointing that out. We definitely that one. So appreciate the ninety percent keyboard in line there. Do you think we should ever have a corrections .
segment of the show? Yeah I mean, not really. That's I mean, you want to talk about A A bonus episode.
Oh, that could be a bonus.
that could be corrections and just should like, yeah, you have to pay because it's sensors, everything. I've been watching that baby wolf, the kyoto, walking around behind you for the past five minutes.
Come on, come on, come on. Say hi to everybody.
That is a good looking pop right there.
Say hi to everybody.
Girl has a .
good looking pop. Yes, yes. girl. Ly.
can you do? IT seems like absolute sweet heart. SHE have as much fire as windy.
She's coming off real sweet right now. SHE is a terror. I love that, like, can get up in the sink already pulling dishes out with her teeth. She's the most food aggressive door we've ever had her life.
Not nice for anybody in the kitten.
but nice I might have to put that back outside. SHE is going through like what bags right now? He's just all SHE does SHE tears what open bags of old food?
It's ridiculous. Yeah and that's why you get the farmers dog zippered.
This stays in the fridge. SHE can't open the fridge yet. Point SHE can't open doors though.
I found that out any door that has like that little the little hinge one like this. He gets up and he hits IT pulls IT open and I got the. Don't don't you the famous .
cosy way of fathering, right? We don't make me get up. Oh, but anyway, yes, you want to make me do is get up. Correction, I get up. Hi.
it's a bad enough. If dad did get up, we are going to get a spanking and just for making to get up and that was playing such a great mind.
Do not you do not make a ninety steg get .
up off of this.
That is the golden rule because once he gets up and you start here and because held, well, fuck.
it's a step is legs are clearly still a sleep. We can't feel the ground so it's just stopped you. The flowered ds been seated so long in front of a long order television set.
So good idea, who knows? Maybe that's the bonus content everybody y's looking for is the corrections of the of the new height episodes. Otto ab's best of twenty twenty four picks are here.
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percent off your first box of fresh, healthy food at the farmer's dog duck comes less new hits, plus you get free shipping. Let's get to some bold topics to wrap up. Week one in the nfl travels is game.
That's right. The chiefs open up the season once again. Yes, you do that a lot when you went to much.
Superbos, chief, twenty seven arabs, twenty. There was a twenty minute weather delay because of thunderstorms. How annoying is IT when the game is?
I really don't care. No, I I met such a peace at that point in the game at that point.
Like doesn't warm ups or anything like you get warmed up and get cold jet.
You know we don't stretch not a big warm up.
I'll stretch a little bit.
I'll stretched, i'll stretch to right before I go out there, but i'm not doing a whole dynamic warm up and calaynos and like i'm going to do something .
to get the goods engaged and then i'm ready.
Glutes, fire the glutes, get the poster ier fired.
If the hips are working.
everything else was in line. And you i've been working all week .
on that though I will say recently i've had a bad backs. So I had i've had do some more core activation.
Yes, that's part of thing .
that I take this dowle I put in me through my leg. So I pull with this sifton cure and push with.
like this year, center your hand, really.
Then I put, then I do a grown deal, I do a good deal.
right to start to lift, see you ever get a real big pot when you do the going to yeah, man, I say, you know, you needed that exercise for sure. You then you go in squad one time and your same um just goes right back.
So you said that I wasn't annoying with the weather delay.
No, we don't. We don't get those very often. You know, I think we've had A A lightning delay maybe like a handful of .
times in my career.
Was that was that a good time? I didn't hear anything. There were a bunch of cool pictures from like the people that were in the stadium like they sometimes it's just like a stadium being lit up and at being like A A cloudy thunderstorm sky is just it's a cool like look to IT. Yeah yeah, I didn't bother anybody, especially on our and we were all just fired up kind of the age of our c rated to play this game.
Love, love IT. yeah. Before you the game, just talking about what everybody else talked about after the game, which is the league new emphasis on opens of light procedural penalties who doesn't love a good offense of liberty y drop anal you determine outcomes of games illegal formation includes other ravens got off to a hat with Derek and restoring a touchdown with the biggest talking point with the three flags flown for illegal formation on the opening drive IT was flags glower. And we've been a part of this.
We actually had a few of ourselves. You guys had this few on ourselves. I think we had a last year were one .
of the teams that nobody.
yes, they did. And I that was yeah and .
honestly reminded me exactly of the game last year when he had like three penalties in a row. And I was like, I don't and even know how that's possible.
but it's unfortunate. It's unfortunate. The biggest thing is that the refs are making IT a point to keep doenhof line, not only on the line of screen, but legal. Like you can see, IT is what IT is like. You have to check with them to make sure you're legal, just like the wide receivers and tight end or whoever is on the line, the scribe in terms of the scale set.
So I will say this is one of the reasons i'm not a fan of points of emphasis by officials. I really think that they go out of their way to look for IT. So anything that's close and of getting called, which I get, that we're trying to eliminate this in that we want you to make these calls because the reality is tackles have been getting away with being deeper and deeper and deeper.
And I don't think people really fully understand how much that is to the ovens of limited advantage. IT is so much of being good at past rushing as a defense event is getting to the tackle hipp. And the fast you can break the tackle hips and make him turn that the more effective you're going to be as a russia because he can't stay in his set, you can't stay square.
Like all of being a tackle, for the most part, is keeping the russia in front of you. And that comes down to Price snap, getting as much debt as possible. And then two jump in the snapshot kick off.
And this is what everybody is raving about because really the best tangles in the league jump the snapp out and they also grab debt. And IT is hard to get a pass rushes in the depends of them. So I think that they should be calling this more.
I just don't like point of emissions in general and I hate when that happens so much and just feels like it's stalling out the game. And I know that rabb's feels feel like it's one i'm going to be honest. I looked at the clipsed.
I didn't see john e. Taylor blind up off the ball like the reality is his head looked like IT was breaking the plane. And of the center's babushka roney, I think IT doesn't help him.
Even in this picture that we get right here, I really think is really going to feed. It's even with the left guard. It's more his posture. He's so Operate in his stance that his helmet looks like it's further back.
I don't know if he can, but a lot of guys are lean forward because they know that the officials looking at the helmet break the plane. They don't look at your feet. It's all about whether the helmet is set properly on the line of remain.
Yes, part me feels bad for oni because running stanly, I don't what what year is going to stanly going into? I like ten maybe like he's been in the league for a while and he's probably have been setting up this exact same way his entire career. And then all the son, he starts a game and he's getting a bunch of flag stone on for some and he's on his entire career. And it's got to be .
infuriating if I get flagged one time, I move that all you get.
So this is that my one thing like the first .
I will over emphasize, they're trying to make IT a point of emphasis. I will make IT a point of emphasis that I am now on the ball every time i'm .
not onna give you another one of these bullsh penalties to call, i'm going to make sure i'm up there and IT is what IT is like. But to his defense, IT makes a way hodel a block be in up there. But I mean, that's if that's the way they're going to call the game, you have to play the game that the officials call IT.
That's a reality of IT. That's that's a big part of the game that you point. We will see how they adjust this week and practice in in next week game. I think that IT just opened up more criticism of the chief s getting favorable calls from the officials. Do you have anything to say to that?
you want a super ball on IT?
yeah. I mean, keep him come and rest is why we fuck with you guys right now, man. And you guys are making sure that I I, I just don't get I think I think if you look at the actual penalties that are being called, we have literally been what is that the point of emphasis .
or the reason they're calling this is because of jan tail, this sharing guys that were doing this a lot last year, this reality, and like janan was like he got called for a lot last year. I think laying got dial for one of these in the game.
Yeah, he was funny because you actually said this to A J, A, what you said has never been called or has never been all sides or or off the ball ever in his life. J, J, T, A, replied, with I big to differ. I also .
commented, I do think it's hard for officials on the sideline engage when I got jumps a snaps count versus when it's a full start when it's like a airline difference. I think it's hard to see whether IT was before the snap or on the snap, right? Like there's when it's really tiped up.
Well, I think they generally tend to like let IT go, whether he often align or defence. Limon, and out of you saw the game this week that T, J played, but tj, time to snap down up perfectly. And they called him from sides. So like, well, that the aged well. But guess they don't give the D V guys much a way.
i'm just not a fan of the slow motion takes fall starts in like jump in the snap count because IT doesn't feel right like when you watch IT in real time, when the balls moving like even the one that you want, which I thought like calls recalled IT out as you should have been a full start in the, uh, T, V, C. Watching and when I was watching IT, I thought for sure false start and I still think he was a false start.
But when you watch the timing of the ball and his jumping, even in slow motion, like the only thing he does is he leaned slightly but when he actually kicks, it's on, it's exactly when the ball moves. He just looks more because he's moving before everybody else. I just I got to get off twitter. I going to do.
I think everybody begs to differ.
Everybody begs the .
everyone does everyone loves .
you on on x so that okay that yeah, I mean, it's fun to be on there. And I think it's IT really started honestly and obviously started like questioning officials, started once chAllenging, became a thing in like it's okay now it's like officials have this expectation to get calls right one hundred percent of time. Then he got taken to another level with like the legalization of gambling.
Yeah, IT is like toxic to the point of people like the raybin said, plenty of opportunities win the game. And the reality is the penalty differential of yards was like ten yards over the whole thing. Like you guys had forty seven yards of penalties.
They like sixty something yeah, you had to holding penalty. And IT was six pounds as you guys, seven for the ravens. The officials did not make the difference of that game, the ravens said. Multiple chances at the end of bit to win the game, likely if you would have been a inch more and bounds. Like I just don't .
understand. You got a size down and shoot in create. You ve got to go a size down just for those. Yeah, i'm kidding. As is such a good player.
man, I thought, pat, a good point where some White leaves might be little bit harder to tell without .
a bounce figure. H, D, the cameras are so clear.
Notice what if you like, and somebody like your clean? So like, specifically look like grass. I mean, everybody does his painting.
IT would you just get? IT would be like a french tip. IT would just get french tip nails. You just get the tip, your toes.
that boy, that might be genius.
The french tips, that's what the shoes.
French tips.
we just start. Monkey comes out with their new, very productive.
please. The french tip, kind of like that. nice. Let's transition to the fun part of the game is when a football is actually being played, and that stopped. So when the rest finally let the teams play football, pat finish the game with two hundred and ninety one yard and a touch.
Now he made .
some history. And that is because what is twenty three year completion to the big ety? And the second gorp t officially passed landowner to become the chief aranians .
passing leader. Lily R. I P to the .
legend of, and maybe photographs of .
all time. Super photo.
And I see you four. yes. Was that half time?
That's right. My homes ended the .
game with twenty eight thousand and four hundred and twenty four career regular season passing yards and needed eighty four the past.
Dom get tae pat is the only .
active code back to hold his teams all time. Passing your age record about that. This is the club. Here's a play because .
think it's only like eight years something.
You mean the little changed a lot, right? Like it's to passing league now land was like passed on IT like like fifteen times a year back then. Look, that scramble drill big gei comes off of IT. When you're .
watch this thing on on actual film, like on the ipad from the behind view, the the was at the not all twenty to the nzo view yeah, when you watching this thing from the nzo view, man, IT is so cool watching pat throw this thing right on the freak of money to me. Man, he is. You get him. He really shows his athletics.
And when he throwed IT on the run, yeah.
did you give the ball? No, I think I through the ball, the Normal plant. Yeah, I was like, what? Oh, I didn't mean to do that.
Felt like a chippy game, was a big IT felt a lot to .
take A C rematch, a champy reach. Hello, I was chippy out there.
Other status on offence, where SHE rice let also received seven receptions for one hundred and three yards as a patio at seventy eight total yards and a rushing touchdown. Least you then rody rain on roka. I don't know that like like I was like a fake like little out and then came back in.
yeah he can do whatever he wants on that play. I know that play .
very well so that a true option.
true option round um even the business realized he was covered for and that the mike backers on in quite a bind. So what is a lot of space in middle field?
What made him fake out and come back again because he look like rock me was inside of him you what based on leverage, you would just go out.
Yeah but you know that's the option of IT, right? You you can kind .
of get you know it's going to overplay IT. You can feel and being aggressive and if you .
give that move where you know where is vulnerable and you know how much space you you realized the raw concepts and how the defense has to relate to. I'm just happy that you see in the field like you see. And right now, he is really playing faster with his mind this year so we can really catch the ball, give vertical split guys.
He owned the middle the field the entire day, and then I couldn't happier for that, got to to have a, you know, a hundred yard game. And hopefully we can keep the same role and and keep using them as as as he takes over the middle field and share up all over the field. Well.
the storyline everybody continually is talking about right now and that is potentially because the bills gave into you guys is savior worthy. The rookie had a big night finishing with two touchdowns, um the first one being a twenty one. You you're to run uh that I mean, I can't wait to show this clip. I know we don't want to talk about your blocking, but I love and somebody picks up to little around plague.
It's a stable man. It's a staple. It's a staple when you got a really, really fast guy that's just good with the .
ball in his hands. You need IT takes a special player to hit this with the right speed.
We've had huge games with gains with mccotter dmd on this play tyre hill when he was here. Um a lot of guys get this thing in space and they just know how to fearlessly attack the lanes that the online and in the tightens and the White outs that are on that side of the field of block and form and share enough. All you all you really got to do is get a get a guy that's good with a ball in his hands. Roll and on this one and share enough you get the big fat is out there just like, uh, like donkey kong wheel bells. You know, remember that game, just the donkey on wheels do just fuck and roll in downhill on on secondary guys.
And I mean, do there are all out in front? I mean, this wall of red, there's like, no way. I remember watching this live and I like, do old cow, this is going for six.
Immediately I saw your block and that's one of the great things about display, or like a toss. Play the hit so fast. You know, if your guy falls, you can keep going like, it's like, you know, right away. What is this very noy? Yes.
he actually me is create. He almost got up and got the tackle.
almost got a but typically on display, once you foul down, you can kind of be like art and i'm going to go, i'm going go climb now.
Yeah, he popped up pretty quick.
And I mean, you really didn't need to climb because entire time of life.
I didn't have anyone else, everybody.
a part of the are all go a bit.
Let's go more .
great. Was hole and s on the play?
3, got on a slow paying cake on on a thursday evening. Was that was a fun play to see him get the ball for the first time in the nfl, taken to the house like that on an electric play like a reverse or an end around happy as hell form. And another guy another guy seen the seen the field um make a big plays when the balls thrown his ways not like he's not playing tense, he's not tidy, is ready for the moment yeah you know that's always one of the questions. When you see a Young guy come into the league, like is going to let the moment get too big and a share enough, he's just he's call as the other side of the pill .
of baby love that yeah coja was us about savior after the game and he simply said he can .
run that's one thing he can do ah that's on everyones scouting report is that he can run. And sure if if you guys, i'll see he can run .
s rods as well and also make sure to get uh, worry the game, the ball right after he scored so yeah.
that's a good guy and he gets IT.
He gets IT. Jason, do you have your .
first test time? I never scored a .
test drive. Thank you for asking.
I did have a play that was a we did have a quarter action neck play and at the end the year, but we were so bad that we don't get to the trick ones, so never got to do.
I know there was one in there.
There was one in there where we're going to like a push, push with me taking the hand off, but we didn't have time for senators. We were trying to get the entire office fixed.
Yeah, I hear you and I get .
IT and I I can't like IT. I don't know it's fun to score touchdowns, but I was in my job. My job was a facilitate. I'm a facilitator. I'm denis redmen.
You know I mean.
that's not a facilitate. Denman set guys up on set screen rebounded additional back out of the skill guys. That's what i'm doing OK.
So that's what I mean for facilitating .
an environment that's conducive for the skill players. That's what i'm then.
Yes, you are facilitator in spects. We trust baby spects .
IT was going to be. I was interested to see how how the dig out off to a start this year. Last year, there was so good and very peg was ahead of the league.
And to be honestly that not disappointed, inst a really talented bolt. More office right from the gio. And I start off with, I mean, Chris Jones.
I could not block him in the first half. He was just like egg guards left to try yeah I mean, it's pretty good. He also had a strip. Second on the more in the second quarter, here's that clip.
Lamer has got to be the hardest courteville in the and fell to prepare for he is not only is the run game so damn good, but not but then you have to you account for him in the run game. You know, not only you got a account, dare kindly come a downhill with record block inform. You know, it's like you ve got to account for everybody in the backfield there.
And then on top of that, he can throw IT is passion. Now he is one hundred percent of pass. I know he had the one in the end of the game where he sail .
IT over that one, but I mean, he was most of the game and .
IT just so having to be in a big moment. But he's making that .
throw nine times at the time. He he follow that one up. The likely cat, right?
Yeah, one hundred.
And he was all the money there.
And and and when you're preparing for a guy like that, either you have a guy with similar like talents, which is like getting the walmart version of them. You know there is nobody in the league that you could ever put back there on your from your team that is going to simulate how good liar is. So you just put on like a wide receiver whenever you're doing the read option stuff, you put him a quarter back and trying and like and situate the speed that he has.
But then on top of that it's like you got now figure out how you're going to stop him with his ARM as they are likely had an amazing game happy is held for him um you know you guys yeah yeah is is so hard that that ball to more office man once they get role in which i'm sure they will. This are these next couple weeks. Man, that team is gonna really, really good. Go to the players.
Well, back to inspect. We trust a lot of different the players. We already talked about stone, cole Jones, just in a read, let the team with eight solo tackles in miami and leos el .
that he's just a dog, just a football guy and .
he's a guy that the stats don't even tell. The full extent at what what he does for you guys, right?
Big, contain guy keeps everything in front, make sure that the cutbacks are there so that other guys can get tackles, places, gap knocks, bats, balls down as athletic enough to kind of spy the spy the quarter back and make a make a tough autumn. If he steps up in the pocket.
he wears a lot of head.
I hated blocking him and he knows this. I hate a blocking him and really even going against him on defense because he's he's really good in terms of reroutes and things like that. But leo made me Better and training campaigns really making us a Better first. He uses the next week dreaming .
well when defending blocks like pressing and pushing us back into the whole, I mean, running stand as a huge man, outweighed by probably over hundred pounds. And I saw him on, and he caught running, coming off of the double team move at high. But either way, it's hard to press a tackle that is that big back into a hole.
He makes you stay fundamentally sound. You have to play low when you're round where you're going to get a book and of men.
And but on top of that is also athletic. You can run around blocks. He can play three technique, and he does so much. And for a guy like pigs that likes to do all this exotic stuff, you gotta have pieces like leo tional that can, you know, do IT out of a personnel that might seem like it's a lighter personnel er in base and all the time he's a personnel that can also at them you know what i'm saying, but either way, just a very I thought was all over the place in the game and even though he only had seven tackles, which I mean is still a lot of tackles, he had two pass break cops. I felt like he was all over in disrupting A A lot of what .
the rain of you is this do IT he is what I like. His arms are like he as massive arms and like they are kind of linker, yeah. And it's like, I feel like he has like the same body type as is john sina. John, I like that john sina in a football inform to the point where when he first got here, like, I was a rocky, like I would see him on film and I just like john a, and I just would imagine, like, he's like international music in the back, my head, like .
every time he makes .
a play, like everybody got to get on that, they just got ta play that should every single time you .
get a tackle and you can see, i'm just do and thousands of make a wish foundation.
events what he is a good thing I know where .
is the best second.
shout out to Johnny. Shout out the leos man. Great game.
We talked about as a likely having a great game. everybody. I saw the last play there where the toe was, I mean, it's out bounds.
I know it's close. IT was close. He takes about, you know, IT the toe, I guess, didn't hit first, like the foot hits, but then the toes out. And I don't think people fully understand that IT doesn't matter just for, I guess, education. If your heel touches the ground and then IT roles to your toe and your toe is out, that's considered out about how, even though the heeled juges first, do you know that? Because you like.
if you want, I don't know if you get more.
And you know, I like when you naturally stop, sometimes your heelo hit first.
and then you're toe. You need to have two heels. And if that's the case.
no IT doesn't. If if you're in the act of like your heel to toe, if that if your heel hits first and the two hits out of bounds.
you're out of bounds technically. If my second heal .
hits before that two hits, i'm in bounds.
I'm telling you that's not true.
We went over this as a team. I promise you there's a clip from i'll get a took for you. But if you are in the act of fishing that first step, just you know .
just know there's no .
way I what I want to know IT I don't .
i'm not a betting me right you they kiss me on a relate table all right.
we will give somebody to clarify that. But i'm I mean one thousand percent possible because I member going over IT there was a tie and that caught a back of the enzyme past similar to this and his heel hit and then his two hit out of bounds and they said, because you're still finishing the act of that second step and that you're out just .
let you know there's no OK I don't know his heel, his his first heel hit and his second heel hit and then his toes.
his first step, his whole foods on the ground. And then while he's in the act of stopping, he goes heeled toe on that foot. And they called IT auto bounds because the toe lands out of bounds on that second step, because the heel toe .
action is a full portion .
of that same step. That said, you know, that's why you got to drag. Don't put your whole foot in ground. You drag the toll. So, you know, maybe maybe we just save the big getting from making a similar mistake.
Be ready. know. I've been working on that, was working on the day. The IT really .
makes no sense that be like that would be out of bounds. But if you drag your toe.
that's what i'm saying. IT doesn't make any sense.
I agree. I just know they call IT. There's a lot of things that don't make sense.
maybe just the way you get IT.
Pretty sure it's what the officials said exactly like exactly we're teaching IT. It's what the officials told. Did you catch up with the likely after the game all .
I did men I did, I told him, congrats on the half the game yeah i'm sure he'll learn from. I'm sure the ravens will become a Better team. Man, that's a very well coach team. They're got a lot of great players um and we we snuck out there without having to go in to O T or haven't to possibly get a two .
point conversions for the win, a take away from the game that you .
yeah the biggest thing for me is the you know they had the possession a lot. You know the the possession differences, they had the ball a lot. And not one thing the teams you're going to trying to do throughout the years keep pham bes off the field or at least limit his his ability to put the ball in the end zone and touch downs.
So much more crucial when you have like teams trying to do that to you defensively and so touched downs more than a field goals even though we love Harry knocking through every single one that he gets. Um we need we need to find a way to to get in the red zone and not hurt ourselves in the red zone like my si I did and after Chris Jones is big strip sex. So it's just a executing at at a much higher level known that we had a good game, but we can do Better.
You guys got the bengals next week. They're come off of A, I mean, pretty shocking loss to the new island patridge, by all accounts of minutes, any given sunday in this world, like anybody can win.
And we fired up, and the picture played really well, man.
well, picters played for all the banal, had a few like mishaps that really cost him big. And the everything is the pages last year.
a big injuries grow.
Their defense was one of the top right defense in the end of, and they're still good on d. They're trying to figure things out offensively, but IT does not shock me at all. The draught mail in company is still playing good defense.
They figured that out hand. You can ball off too, about the ball off. Yeah, i'll tell you what, man, if you can run the ball like that in the of fell every week, you are going to be just fine offensively, especially with a great difference like that.
But I think moving on to to the bengals, the bang are going to be ready, forced. We're going to be dwd up in and have a great game plan. I've already picked out IT with coaches today, and it's just a it's going to be exciting to to you know, goal against one of the best teams in league.
You know I think they have a great defense, defense of ordinary always placed as extremely tough. They are very well coached. They get players all over the place and great players all over the place and share enough. It's one of the, I would call rivals now that we have actually one of you.
Yeah, absolutely. And this has been arrival for the best four, five years.
Well, we finally won like a game and has to be yet to bad blood .
between you two teams for four.
five years.
And you I don't even try and do IT.
but I just just you know, well.
I just think he does a good job of using these like very common phrases that people would use regardless. But anything is, I never .
heard a bad blood.
You gotto be well, so anyways um yeah job. But there's been so much a turmoil in the bengals. Historically, the last two or three years have gotten not the slow start that feels like I might know last year, they definitely did IT felt like the year before I was similar and I have they got to change things going on.
Uh, so theyve had some term oil, but I I bet there's going to be far improved from their weaker one performance, especially with a friend of the show and just absolute dog joe boros. Um and he gets to be playing in broadhead, which we know is his preferred stadium choice in the nfl. So it'll be it'll be a fun match up to watch around stand of the game save word. They became the fourth White receiver with the rushing touched out of twenty plus yards and a receiving touchdown of thirty plus yards in a game in the last twenty season .
is not a bad day last. Glad our team understands the brand that this this is such a lebron state but that aren't reny of like four of the five guys on this on this list being and v problem are .
is pretty cool yeah all those are .
any coach teams and really they're all like the same the very similar, very similar .
positions like .
yeah but guys really fast guys and that that are good with the ball on their hand no that's very that's so hard to get. But I mean, when you get them, I gently .
on the spot tom, I don't know yeah if apparently other teams can't spot IT, but all big reds get the the I worthy .
last tuesday night, uh Terry hill in twenty twenty verse miami then to shahn jacks and twice in o nine and o ten. The a ball out here is a obviously not not the ibo all out another great fucking player, uh, all back came during you was for you didn't make IT to the game unfortunately not sure what the fuck you were doing but didn't make IT to the game. But she's friends still had a message for you they want to me to pass along with this sign they made for you yeah, travis, remind jasie cats are not poisonous and guys, i'm pretty sure Jason doesn't need a reminder of that. He is still going to tell his daughters whatever he wants to do because that's that's a very ed elsa jasie Kelsey thing to do is to just lighting .
your kid yeah and I think he was pointed out to me um and and I think this person, what the sign is absolutely correct cats are not poisonous catch Venus poison is when you eat something and you become sick but then um you can definitely listen amiss nobody wasn't talk about IT cats heart .
poison everyone not poisonous are .
very i'm finding him up a battle the kids believe kindly that they're not minimise. I'm really trying to sell IT, but I think it's going to take me seeing a cat with them in real time and just like going full, like throttle into IT and just acting like i'm seeing a great White chart like I just like running in, like jumping over a couch and getting to high ground, like i'm going to have to do something that really going to have them be like, oh, my gosh, was that being serious this whole time because right now they don't believe me.
Carly is then a sufficient job of of of falling them into believing the cats are benefits. So i'm going to have to do a Better job. anyway.
Start from this in the game. I thought I was going to be in brazil with the eagles. And that was one of the things that last second, as I and already feel like on a ten our fly, i'm going to stay right here.
get IT.
I don't know. I wasn't nervous for the monday night stuff. Actually, I lie. I was nervous. I feel like I want to do like actually not have a lot of distractions for the first week of monday, I can down so I could try and do just focus on that made. Jason.
you are retired football player. It's true. You d need to just fucking do whatever the fucking you want to do. You've been so busy this point of the year ah, you should just fucking do whatever .
you want to do busy but I mean, first of, i'm a dad so I can do whatever the fuck I want to do.
I would love to you yeah but that's a part of doing whatever you want to do. You choose to be a good debt.
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Once again, don't miss music's most iconic night. The mtv video music awards are alive tonight, wednesday, september seven, at a pm, eastern, seven, P, M, central on M, T, B. Go tailor move IT on to a little eagles in brazil, eagles thirty four, packagers twenty nine and seven polo brazil. Before we get into the game itself, this was the first eagles game you haven't played in Jason in a very long time, or really ever, or at least haven't suited up. And then with the team, uh.
what was the like for you? I'm weird, is weird watching the game. A, I mean, the last time I wash the game was when I was out of a line up in twenty fourteen, but the sport tourney injury. So IT felt weird watching and not really being able, especially I even been on the silent and like, there's nothing you can do and you're like watching the game and you want to know why certain things are happening and what happened here, like what are we getting to and you just feel more like you just taking the game in, right? You're just like watching and you like.
did you go and like watching like someone's garage or like, did you watch IT at home with kindly? Did you meet up with a few like filly ambassadors like you played with years past? Like what you do? Me one is one retired .
football player. Do I think IT would be fun to watch my first game of retirement with a guy that i've been with my entire career with eagles, who still works there, but now he doesn't travel with the team. So I was with a joe pala trained to joe.
So I was down there watching IT in his den basement area. So we were watching the game together. And he was, he was kind of cool watching IT .
with him and cats in the birds game in the day with old joe. That's right. Hopefully jose, do a great man.
Mister, uh, that that's fun. No, man, that's fun. And you were tween. You were tween. You are the, you were the official eagles twitter uh, follow follower that day .
I was treating to avoid the distraction of not being able to do anything right overtreating to be onest with.
But you just got to have you've got ta tech somebody like one of the managers for the eagles that on game day just call you from the the land line on the sideline. See, you can just call in on that.
I see what that .
is IT probably highly illegal, but would be hilarious if you did.
Well, I even know that I do. You remember there was a story of, oh my god, yes.
calling is life in the middle pretty? It's a line for sure. Just got to press press one like the old one is at school phones. Oh yeah, yeah, to get out. Okay.
now you're that you're outside. Yeah he was weird .
watching .
IT was we're watching for motor reasons. We are watching just being a former player and a lot of teammates and coaches that you were just with a year ago or doing IT. And and IT was also weird because I was I mean, I was in brazil.
I was in a place that Normally doesn't have a football game. There was so was just I felt very foreign IT felt like a very foreign event. The halftime show, I think IT was during ha time. I was very volatile in some of the dancing lusus nice.
I joined IT if .
i'm not going alive and I know .
I missed IT .
IT was provocative .
is what I was anyway.
he gets the people going. He got certain. But my, you know, my his natural thoughts were obviously really happy that the eagles came away with the Victory, especially, you know, they had to start with the turn over to turn covers, really the very first two drives in the deep fense.
I mean did a phenomenal job of holding him to six points in both of those situations. And you know once they kind of got out of their own way, um they started move in the ball and the packers, obviously one of the favorites to in the NFC, uh hopefully is joran love gets back. Uh, they are going to continue to continue to play well.
So I think it's a big win. It's a big win on the road. A A lot of new pieces from the coach staff and from players.
I think overall, obviously very sloppy gain by both teams and tremendously good that they came away. Want to know in IT. And I think for the most part, a lot of the things that what wrong are like extremely correctable .
that's so about for you. Sloppy start made the fuel conditions in the plane game. Does making that fuck and excuse again or what? Well, I mean, you guys won the game this .
time first. I have never complained about a soppy view, but I think the game is, maybe did I can point about IT? I think they got IT. The eagles, definitely, but or at least eagles strands did you you can go and dig up a clip.
You learn from IT. That's what you can hope for is as a as a team, is that you learn from IT.
Listen, if you can find the clip of me complain IT about the field in the super ball, go in and show to me. I don't member that. I do think the plane on the sacrified ds.
it's just not the best. You know what I think IT is. I don't think it's the grass.
I think it's the sad. I think they're underneath grath. It's it's not rooted in there and it's not like tough, you know. I mean, it's like very the clients go in IT, but it's very easy to take the grass out of IT and kind of like almost I cut the grass with your class. I just I don't know.
I was running a lot out in in europe trying to get ready for the training cap and everything in use, some of the socket fields out there. I was very similar. Yeah I was actually kind of look at around like I am fucked in this field up right now. I hope they don't get pissed off. But IT is um it's either you've got to go turn or you gotta make IT strong enough for three hundred pounds to be able to move or like big strong running bags and my bags is be able to put their foot in the ground without slipping because whether we're joking or not in saying that it's like an excuse, it's not it's not a very like it's not venting any injuries by by having IT like this. You know it's only making IT a higher risk here and that's what you don't want.
Yeah exactly. And I think that the root structure definitely pears different with these sacrified ds. They're made for tiny european people. They're not made for large american men.
The few conditions in twitter .
going does IT make sense for the nfl to keep sending teams overseas that the conditions are going to suck. Um yeah of course IT does because the n phil is about making money in. The only way they're are going to expand is by going global.
So they're gonna keep doing this regardless of what the fuel conditions to do. But I do hope in future years, maybe they can try to mitigate this. I will say I don't like turf. I'm not a fan of the turf fields. Maybe it's the one instance where makes sense actually have the teams .
play on turf yeah I think it's it's more safe to plan on turf and IT is to plan on some of these sacrified .
ds going yeah I know the word big anti turf els, but the reality is that the soccer, if the grass field is not set up properly, is just a shitty game and it's unfortunate to watch.
But this one wasn't I don't I don't know if he says much of the city I game IT definite makes IT harder. And you know, the injury rate probably goes up a lot.
But neither team at that many injuries, they do say when your foot slips out, it's less likely you're going to get injury. But I just don't think it's just turns into a sloppy game. IT also neutralizes last times, A D line using both opens of lines played well. There wasn't a lot of pressure on the cortege. Acs, and I think a lot that comes down to um I think it's harder to rush on a sick field, especially if your brother likes to bend the edge in dip and get low.
it's hard to do that when you can get .
your anchor in the ground as well.
like a read overall, A J. Brown was quoted, I don't know if saw paho knows, went to cheer, but IT was great, Brown said. IT was loud the entire time.
They kind of got a bad rap. We got a whole bunch of, don't do. But it's been a great time ever since we got here. Yeah, there is a lot of sacca tactics propaganda saying the brazil was not the place ago, and I think a lot of players were told not to leave the hotel. Don't go on your phone outside what's ironic in this whole situation .
and go on your phone outside.
So I think that they were trying to this one, I think I think they are trying to genuinely keep guys sick. Because if you do not know where you're going in brazil and someone has been to brazil, if you know where you going and you're in the areas that are good, is a very safe space, is an awesome country.
If you go to the wrong area, there's just like there's some there's some scotch you don't want to hit, but that's the same way, doesn't the reality? The murder, murder ates tire and filled ali IT is in brazil. And so in sapo.
that's that's interesting.
Stay out, stay out of north filly. You know, if you go to written how square you're probably going .
to be alright yeah. But don't you feel kind of .
like I do like.
you know me, I like to just never pick my pick around.
I tend to like the people not feeling more.
You know me they get IT, they get IT you can see somebody .
can walking around written now square and everybody he's got a .
fuck in quarter zip in .
yeah those are the kind .
of people never speak .
yeah second turn over. I don't really know what happened on that snap. I haven't talk to cam or jAiling yet. There is clearly a missing unica jAiling wasn't ready for the snap to happen.
Heard one.
Yeah, I think they were on silicon at that time. I know they were science after that, which means that it's guard going to tap the center and the center is then gna snap the ball. So I don't know what happened to be onest, I don't know.
Of jail and said something of camp thought he said something or macae he thought was there was this one of things in the game where I like you, I wanna know, and I just know, I just know that there some time this communication that happened and resulted in a fumble, and unfortunately, they got the ball inside the ten, you are line in their own territory. So do I remember my first start? Yes, I do remember. My first start is the same Louis rams I tried out in the league long enough to place, saying Lewis and my friend Chris lang was on the opposing sideline.
And later itis.
that was the big guy that I was .
kind of blocking a lot of.
I think we had a bunch of place designed to try and get me up under the middle. Me backer, I don't know. hopeful. The shown scored on IT, but I almost got edged down a screen in the red zone that Howard mod used to like to run, which I think is actually a really good screen. I remember most of IT, I remember being very loud, and I surprised because there was almost nobody in the stands. And then I found out that domes are just like always loud, because they either pop noise or h the few fans that are there IT echoes in reverberate within the stadium .
reverberates. And you are fucking in on IT. IT is vocabulary. They were kill, and they did the return of the push, push. The birds ran the most exciting playing football without Jason Kelsey, which makes IT not quite the most exciting playing football um for the first time though, the Jason they they they just IT didn't quite have the success rate of ninety two percent. And it's it's because you're not there, Jason, we know is that is that of the field conditions .
those who remember my last game know that we did not pick one up against v deva in the tape by buck ears. So I don't know that I am the determining factor in the success of this. I think that, first of all, it's a really hard play to run when a lot of guys are running IT for the first time.
Once you've run ted a couple times, you know how to run quotations. Nee, you get into rythm and you understand how it's gonna happen. And I think they had a new piece center with calm even though he played guard.
It's different when you're snap in the ball and doing IT and then mccabe's ked in after being knew IT right guard. So they picked one up and IT felt very synonymous with the season before. And really sense jeff stands been there.
We were on a corner back neck. They had stalled on one. And then the other one that didn't work was a fumbled snap. And that's that's one another one like you could only read that snap in the way that feels live in the reality is you're so far leaning forward and trying to get leverage at a very awkward snap to get to the quota if you're doing IT right.
And um I got to think you know, especially with the slick field, that there are factors there let die in that found one. But I think that the reality is the more reps these guys get at IT, the more it's going to get back to that ninety plus percent, uh, success rate. This is done nothing to discourage me.
I did when I was live tweet. I call for the cortege tonic and the fourth in one instead of kick in a fuel goal and they fumbled IT and I did the home simpson like up wasn't me yeah because of that in age well. But I do think they are going to get back on track. Uh, it's just a play that I think the more you an and when you really execute on a properly, I do not think that it's something that's knocking to work at a high, successful.
nice. Well over the eagles can get that right back up in ninety two percent, or else are ninety two percent digest percenters.
How about that? Do we change you? I mean, it's always been less than ninety percent for .
the rest of lee. No, this is near. The reason is that do we what .
would be another?
You're here now. So it's still the nine person.
six .
eagles debut in the offence. Let's talk a little bit of the biggest story the game in the sake one barki the new eagles run back and former new high guess as riders and gentleman yeah baby and former new york flippo giant sak one finished with three touchdowns, one hundred and thirty two totally yards in his first filly game um which is pretty damn good and he tried to real owns for the most TTS and eagles deb with three yeah no there's an .
impressive game and I think we saw how dynamics is not only as the great is running back but his first touched down I mean, that catch down the in the left part of the ends on there.
he makes those things look routine.
Men that's rare to see in a running and have a piece like this. A guy is that explosive, is a running back. You can, you can run people over you. You can make make you miss a and then you can also go a wide and run rats, or you can run, play action and then catch ball like that. I mean, just a tremendous ly talented player. And I think, uh, we all got to see first hand how he's going to a look in the um I guess that wasn't mdi Green for this game that was black and White but outstanding first came from sak on did not disappoint. Point one.
be not one bit to jail and finish with three hundred and eleven total yards, two touchdowns on friday night. And IT looks like we don't have to worry about jail inverse the blitz, because he seemed to be pretty on point with his answers for the blitz, at least this game.
He was fantastic in this one. And I think about people like, you know, why did they blitz more and and I expected more pressure to be onest with you with the way we ended last season. But I think this the ordinator comes from more like the same for this cal tree.
And when we played sanford csco, there's another style that of, I guess, what people have done to try and stop jail and and it's really played these zones keep everything in front of them and then their eyes stay in the quota c to try and prevent from scrambling. And I felt like they elected to go more that strategy that would be interesting when we play some of these ordinators ah that like to dialogued zr, it's clear that uh, he is he is assessing IT now he's playing faster. Well, he's been faster. He's playing faster because he's looking at that. And IT can make decisions .
based off of IT and has an answer he wants to go to first hand. j. Brown can be a very good answer to.
Obviously, we've spent a whole offseason on that. They have more answers just in general, i'm sure, because they've been working on IT and killing Moore is going to offer his new wrinkles, uh, being a the new O. C. And yeah, thought I was an outstanding first game in that category and no question about IT.
Well, we're not going to pass up. Jordan loves injury is very unfortunately, but he's out three to six weeks with a MC l spring one of the up in coming we're now here h corta acs top corta backs in the league. Jordan love obviously ending last year with an unbelievable season um and played really well and he is fun to watch when he's healthy men so hopefully can get healthy fast.
I don't think he was a dirty hit. I think jail is is trying to get them down and and Jordan just kind of got caught a bad position and trying to get rid of the ball and not take a sec. But yeah, it's kind of like IT looked away worse on film, especially when you slow IT down. So hopefully this MC l spring really isn't anything too serious so we can have one of the best players and lead back out on the field.
no doubt. Yeah, couldn't give more if I, janis, just trying to do anything you can to give the guy down and unfortunately got caught a position and ended up getting the MC l spring like some of IT. Also, let me get an at at least one personal file part that is earlier in the game like there is a lot of like pushing in shovin and I think but regardless, that player particular like did not look like he was intentionally doing anything. So in my not at .
all the brand start of the game, the filed of the eagles are the only n filld team in history to win a game in the southern hemisphere.
How about that? How about that? How about that?
Next syrian ni, now four and o and the season ops, and none of them have been at home. A couple of times that of the game. Final thoughts though, films coming back next week against the falkland who had tough of go gets a stealers the other night yeah, monday night football are you .
are ready of us football always and yeah, can be fun. And obviously is my first time being back at the link is a non player. So I get to taking that part of the atmosphere.
So yeah, and i'm looking forward to be in back in my home stadium. It's gonna awesome. Uh, focus. I know they didn't look good against the stealers, but do not be fool the stealers do this.
Dealers have been aid talen that a lot of people are getting on them for whatever you can get on their defense, especially when T. J, what's healthy. That defense is routinely one of the best in league, and T J was on one.
and so is all over the place.
The reality is we don't I don't think that's a fair evaluation of who the fans are as a team. I think that's a tough match. A for any of is going to begin stealers.
And they still they didn't you know still as often look a more question much around that, but you will be insure to see how this game goes as I do think. And Polly biased, uh, you know the eagle should take care business at home. You know I wouldn't at the falcons as a last week proves that it's gonna any type of like easy game. These truck cousins is a good quarter bag. Don't make any mistakes about IT and they're going to be coming in, uh, you know trying to get retribution for that first loss of the season.
Well, I can't wait to watch and fell countdown to see you in your in your element back there in the old link and the birds verse, the dirty birds will see what happens monday .
night and let's move on to talk about some of the other things that happened across the league in a week, one that was not a great sunday for offences, a lot of great defense of play. Once again, that's what the last and ended in this one started. And both the stealers and bears one without scoring and offence of touched down to that step bears game.
I looked the stats and was like, how enough like square I go with you, how in the future these guys win this game block on? I didn't make any sense. I had nothing going offensively.
If both teams have nothing going offensively is if you get a special teams in a defensive us on fourteen points is going .
to you fucking me and that's how we are. Obviously everybody y's talking about the world of interception .
in the .
game where he this is this post kind of sums up up while the place still going on you know he kind of knows .
that that is all that have yeah .
good times that good new had goes brian kelham was quoted saying if we just punted on first and ten every time, we might have won the game. That's a great fit.
Well, that's good. Shut out to brand color and and hofus ly you get things turned around over there and tens say, um in nashville broncos got two safeties in the first hf against the seahawks. You don't always see one safety would, let alone two first time this has actually happened in the antipa l since two thousand and seventeen miami verdel.
I think that happened against them. IT was a tough week for rocky corner bags bears, rocky cab William, fourteen for twenty and nine, uh, not even one hundred yards. Uh, yeah, it's a rough start.
But at the same time I see on to fail but rocos Q B bone nicks and a few more complications and a few more yards but a racked up a couple of interceptions and ended up with the worst cube rating in forty seven point five as the product was lost. Um at least the bears were he got his first win and then the commanders, quarterback jay Daniel, had a good rushing day despite the loss. Yeah seventeen for twenty four, one hundred eighty four years. He probably played the best out of all three.
And I did. And the other thing I liked about James Daniel stats where um I forget what is time to throw was but he was one of the lowest and illegal I am always a fan of a correct .
c that give the world out. I love that that ball was catch gone time. Brady was really good at that too. And sometimes you just got to get IT to you get IT to your playmakers kui k men.
when the corner backs know to get that ball out, opens up everything because then you can hold all at the time IT IT discourage. Is the rush so much? Um so yeah hopefully I can keep that going with jin.
Obviously commanders looking to have a huge turnaround. That organization in generals been through a lot. So I know they got in handed to in my tampa bay and my man back or may field. But yeah, I thought I was a pretty promising day for the Young man .
in his first start. Yeah, I was also just a tough wee for cubs in general, you don't really see too many cubs going over three yards, uh, eighteen, starting Q, B, S, through for two hundred yards or fewer this week tize the most a week, one since two thousand and eight. But there was one guy that uh that kind of got after IT there and he was, uh deck press got through for one hundred and seven and nine hours but still maybe had the best day.
I think he did and that that once seventy nine is like probably not a fair number because they got ahead so early that I started changing of what you do and offensively like they were being the crap out of the Browns and I think that they you start running the ball more. You said, I mean.
he was deck and his limited on.
yeah, earlier he looked every body of IT and I mean, he talked about a Better day. Just sign a multi hundred million dollar contract and then go out there and win. You're first you have a day that is a fun experience. Well done deck.
I've been able to kind of hang around deck here and there. And he was at tighten you this year, speaking his mind till all the tightens there and given him an idea what the tight position looks like through the eyes of a quarterback and that the highest pay quarterback in the league. So guys, we're get not get a gold from women.
I just so appreciative of this time and and be able to do that. But at the same time, he is such a good guy, man, just such a good dude, and couldn't be happy or form espresso with all the speculation to last year and the injury and having to kind of go out and prove himself. No, he he's kind of prove himself already, but did IT again last year. And sure enough, not the higher player.
And I think it's trying going to upset some eagles fans. I like we're deck prosecute. Is that right now like when he you can see IT in his interviews how much more comfortable he is being like a leader in the nfl? Oh yeah, I think early on in his career and anybodies like this, you're going to get more generic answers.
You're not going to get a lot of depth. You're not going to get really inside into who he is. And I think it's a big turning moment for a lot of players when like i'm going to say whatever the fuck I want because this is where I met and i'm confident and who I am at what I can do in the last two years you've seen I just feel like he's more confident. IT appears on the field. Off the field is just a really a bigger his entire vibrate now I was in that .
he's figured that out and he knows IT and um and on top that was actually I was talking to Chris Jones in the locker yeah ah today about IT and he was mentioned he was like, man a lot of guys don't know that press guy weren't a hard as working guys out yeah I was like, what I love is that how do you know this is how do you know this because he is the lady .
that may and the lady .
next of it's so good it's still holds .
up to today I might just do that right? So just .
hearing his voice while he talks on the rain of hilarious that's so good.
right? Let's go back .
to drag you .
where we on did you get to, uh, rye mas talking about that? Me one of the artist workers.
Yeah so he said that ah the passing game might have been in a slump but IT was a record week in rushing the entire league average one hundred and twenty one yards rushing um and yeah um is the highest week once two thousand eight is running the rock officially back is this now of running league? We back to a running league.
The league goes like it's always go on in cycles. I mean, it's it's never going to go back to what I was in terms of like as much .
running as well and a gate paddy, my homes frenchie record that you just try to fuck and say it's a different league, it's a different DNA. No.
what i'm saying is it's never going to go back. I just literally said it's never going to go back to what I was. But the reason you're seeing more yards, the reason you're see more, you are to now because defenses are doing everything they can the last few years to play these bendle brakes zone defenses take away the big play.
And when you're playing that style, that opens up some stuff underneath and especially the winning game. So you're gonna continue to see teams running IT a little bit more to take advantage that. But the reality is it's a throwing league.
It's going to continue to be a throwing league. That number more reflects, I think, what defense is now are trying to do, which is like like the biggest thing on defense for years. And roland set before your game, which was funny, was stop the run, right? How are we we going to stop the office? You stop the run. And I still think that's true, like shannan style offence .
to make a team one dimensional.
Yeah yes, make a team one dimensional. But IT is far more gone into this category of stop explosive place. And I think that the teams s still want to obvious ly stop the run. But in order to stop exclusive plays, you gotta play more conducive coverage. And back in principles, they reduce explosive place from happening, which opens up the run game a little bit more, although teams are doing some creative things to try and still stop the run with lighter boxes and things of that nature. Anyways, not a sufficient answer.
They they do anything else. I think it's yeah I think it's it's very efficient and yeah.
Couple of other team surprise, the football world. The sites looked great in there. Forty seven, ten.
Blue went over. The painter is, i'm not gonna lie. I saw that won't in the painting. Rr aren't a good foot. All team. And Derek AR, he just goes on do he goes off and sometimes and it's not surprising .
car go off a times when he when he was with the raters and um yeah got everybody healthy in in in the orland right now. So when everybody y's healthy, you got all your weapons, man, there are, is going to die you up if you give the opportunity.
And like I said, we are talking about the the games. We are going to watch a one o'clock. This was not one that was, I really thought the same were going to win this one.
And pretty one side of fashion anyways, the patrons also beat the bengals. We are to talk about this one, sixteen, ten, don't sleep on the page's defence. IT was great last year. I know there is some injuries and have changed some things. And they're often so bad that, uh, the defense war down towards of the air, they still got a great difference LED. Now bejar a mao, the bengals private, they get off the slow starts and with all the demand chase things with with jobaria coming back from an injury, not surprising they weren't click on on all cylinders. Listen, even though I just said that, I still think it's an upset that the patriot, the bengals.
I mean, upset as an upset if favorite.
if if you're given the other team points in new loose, that's an upset brother. Yeah, bills took on, uh, my former given the ordinary janson again in the zone of cardinals and get out to a slow start. Cardinals were were win in premises, le fer staff and then Allen had a great a two minute drive there at the end of the first half and he must win in and gets some milk because he looked up in the second hf. He went off .
in .
typical josh fashion milk .
and he's .
big milk drink isn't I mean.
who isn't? Is that he's like Michael Jordan, special stuff in space jam. He just goes to the he just goes to have to IT is fuck invitation .
in will is is on this manage.
Can can you get on the milk cake? Clearly, oh my. But he was coming out the traffic that he still .
doing the commercials for. The main is bits.
I love some.
May I try out books the in thanks for the manage.
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This things give IT, if you can watch one movie, hey, you wanted to come this time make IT. Ana, 我。
unite. Wanna hold on and now we both got out the house solo, but this weekend Jason will start with you Jason's first monday night out down on E S P N. Uh, you went up to the bay area for your first money.
I ve, uh, countdown experience and forgot to pack a shirt for Jason. Luckily enough, there was a lululemon around and he got to explain himself within the first thirty seconds of his U S B N D B. In quotes from A S D P. Jason is wearing a shirt he got at the mall because he left his travel bag in the truck, just like Jason just said.
And Jason replied.
ah if it's my belly now, i've lost a little bit of weight, but my are still struggling. Which is a great quote and military were watching that actually dying, laughing at IT. IT was the perfect thing to open everybody up to what they were going to experience for the next eighteen weeks. First of all, do we think this is the first time tits has been said on spin?
You, I don't know. I got asked on twitter and even when I said that, I get like tis is a funny word because I think it's allowable. Like they're not it's not against the rules to say in a broadcast, but it's definitely something that you wouldn't typically say in a broadcast. You know. I mean, like it's like one of those words that doesn't belong on a broadcast and it's like i've tried to think like what other words that I would work like gundo like you said gundo I technical won't believe IT but it's a weird word to just .
pull out your s yeah this this was the most perfect word that you could have used for that situation and that those burdens were hold known by the three. I mean, they were. They looked like a stretchy shirt, but IT looked like he might.
He was stress the promise. My belly was swim. So go to a three ex would have been we've been hard wanna looked right .
at and I replied on x and surprised he even bought a new one. You typically you you just go shirtless if if you forget your shirt.
I mean, pat mcafee, that a couple of these things shirtless, I think I feels like anything goes now in the world of broadcasting.
Yeah, tits out. Sound out. Tits out. This is in the actual show a little bit. Did you feel prepared for your first broadcast?
It's it's like anything you do your first time. I did not feel prepared. I felt very nervous. I didn't know to expect. Um and then you realize that you were prepared that USB N A did a great job of a setting everything up and that your own set, thankfully for me, with three other guys that have done in a bunch.
you guys meet so well, ryan.
ryan was saved in me like you was was one time I was struggling for the word to say. And he is like, exotic. I get exotic like there's I think IT was.
I was nervous. There's no two ways about IT. I think whenever you do in something for the first time and you don't know to expect, I think that's natural. IT was a lot of fun. And I think that maybe in up there with guys that had done up before and are so good at IT, uh, you feel more comfortable the moment you start doing IT with.
well, do you guys all look like you guys have been doing this for a long time together because I was very entertaining. I hadn't watched the monday night countdown from start to finish like that in a long time and ah you guys look like you had missed the step um coming into the season and uh, IT was just a lot of fun. Everybody had great point.
Spears came in with the glasses that you're still wearing today. Ah you love them so much. Shut out the swag man.
Such a good it's fellow titan. We're just everywhere. What can we do?
What you play the line?
Yeah, I did. But he also played title.
wait to bring this up.
And S, V, P is just the absolute best man. And I was entertain, though. I was having too much fun watching you guys crack jokes and and really talk good ball, really talk good ball about both, both teams yeah, and he was a lot of fun.
IT was IT was fun to actually get one under my belt. Now I kind of know what to expect going into this next week. Well, I guess that will be different because this was at the link, baby.
This can be a wild environment. Yes, it's also, it's, it's also to be in the stadium. IT really is. You see, got to see trend Williams, got to see john land.
You see in all these guys, you know, debo all these players that, you know, you played a bunch of against, it's it's fun to actually be in the stadium itself with the fans. And one guy I got to see was my man, Jerry rice. Rice, I don't know that there was anybody in the stadium more fired up before eight thousand.
Is football than Jerry? Yes, I think he, we dept. Up maybe fifteen times.
He is forty nine of the person.
He and his hands are still bigger shit and hard because that is tired of dependent .
up by the end of this interaction that was .
fired up for the .
game is truly the goldman. He's beloved by the minors organization, by their fan base. He thrives and and he knows that he's he's one of the greatest to ever do IT.
And that was a big, big part in sand friend where he did IT men in um it's always good running into even out and taaoa I got to say what's up to for like two seconds and IT was it's like like i'm a little kid in a Candy story going to say itself is a rice man well hopefully the the forty nine years fans treat you well well I don't know always get that response to h. jin. You also somehow managed to meet an eagle fan at the nine is jets game .
I did there was one sixty two jersey in the crowd, had to make sure I got up and sign that one four thousand is minutes, for the most part, were very nice and respectful. I know there's been a bad lot of bad blood between the eagles in forty nine years. I've never said A, I work about the original because I would expect them as a team.
I know that there's been a lot of trash talk involved. I stay at all that nonsense um to me um you've been a really, really good team that was fun to actually be in some friend for their season opener got a couple of booze and I I actually like I don't know what I A team saves you it's like, yeah you're boing me because i'm great nobody but is this exactly? It's respect.
So keep in common if you want let's get the year out of the house because I think that's what ninety two percent of the people listening pot gets away near try. Have you went out of the house during your mini buy and went to the new york, uh, U. S. Open final?
How about that? I did this.
Should first time going to your open?
Yeah IT was my first time in my second time going to a tennis match, uh, at least a professional tennis match as big as this one I was. I went to win in indio, california um out there in palm springs, uh, to support my guy jack sack now retired and play a pickle guys pretty salsa on a pick able court as well as you would assume a tense play would be. But yeah, this was nothing like that.
This was a completely different world. Um I looked to my left in my ride every single time I did IT. I saw familiar face. There were so many fucking people there to see the action, especially the final game known that an american was in the us. Open yeah baby Taylor fritz unfortunately couldn't come away with the wind, but I was still fun to see two the top dogs in the in the game. Go at IT for a couple hours.
What is a live tennis match like i've never been to that love?
Very quiet. It's very quiet. And you know us when it's very quiet. We want to say something and you want to do something and i'm not a quiet person. I've never been a quiet person. I've always like been the kid and like the back of the class like when he gets quiet like say something smart or say something funny at least trying to get a rise out of people um so the entire time I wanted to handle the the italian singer, the number one player in the world yeah um and really trying to get this head to help my guy first out and given a home court advantage here here in america. But um I I played a cool I played a respectful um I knowing that that's kind of frown upon and i'm sure I started heckling um like like the guy did in in happy gilmore a screen jack has a happy if you would get to that point out to probably got asked to leave really quick .
no doubt they don't mess around with that in the gentle man sports.
yeah, the gentleman. Ds, oh yeah. I don't know. I dressed the part. I acted the part. I just I I was very quiet access during intermissions when they were playing music. I was about the only time I was really shown on my personality.
Another reason you might have been quiet, I saw multiple people on twitter and swiftly in sports center as well kitching. The fact that you are actually watching football.
Well, Jason, you get something like youtube TV and sunday taken on youtube TV. You can watch any game that you want. You can actually watch .
up to four games of what you can you do on your phone.
Are you kidding me? Yes, it's perfect, are you? Yes, it's in the first sunday of the nf. You, I was onna miss. A one o'clock like start is like the match starts and I think a two o'clock. So these games were like right in, like the second quarter, right at half going into the second half. IT was prime time for for any nfl fan.
and i've always been a fan. First men for the combination. You got a point .
of the best players.
Yes, okay, there's an age. Nobody is make noise. And I can still hear the anounced down here.
I was watching that miami dolphins game. Just waited for tiger hill to go for three hundred yards and five touchdowns. Known what happened earlier in the day. And sure. Now finally at the in the fourth quarter, I believe the third quarter when jack I think jack villa is just fumbled the ball and literally the the next play, they go up top the Terry hill and he has a fun touch down celebration where, yeah, you can lock me up all you want, baby.
Well, either way, I had a blast watching you guys in the U. S. open. On twitter.
had the old country cloud look, go on with the the car again and and button up, and then the hat to match. I was good. He head to toe and spend, yeah.
And then I had the megumi ash, the bucket, the bucket had with the mustard. Ash is very meguiar. And I am, I was a huge mister mgi fan. Grow on up, men.
Mago didn't have the bug of you like the .
boller had in my yeah, but he was IT like this. Look, it's very, which makes me feel like the go well, shout out to mister go and shout .
out to youtube TV for the watch.
Exit oh right now before we get a no dum questions. That's right because there's no dumb questions. There's just dumb ask people like me, jay, answering really smart, intelligent questions that that .
you .
need to have a very clear mind answer. No dumb questions brought you by our friends, said. And fl sunday ticket on youtube TV.
Every guys that I was using to stay up on all the action throughout the n. Fell when I was at the U. S.
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You guys know what embargoes me one over that last week, our first no dumb question from a mela on x uh, can you explain the new kick off and why they decided to change IT? Also, if you guys think that will benefit the game in any way, ninety two percenters and swifty shutt out to the swift. Thank you. No dom question about that.
We've kind of already answered how it's different. There's a landing zone. The players on both sides are starting five hours to wait in the landing zone. The kick has to go in the landing zone. We're not going to go back into all these different rules right now.
to be honest with you. I mean, I wasn't in on IT now.
I'm in on IT. I've been in on IT. We've talked about before.
Why is he going to benefit the game? Because it's the game is more fun when special teams make IT backs on the game and just it's it's it's more fun when it's part of IT. It's onna turn to do an electric play.
We artistry first touched down on IT this past week with the arizona cardinals, and the reason they changed IT is because of trying to find a safe way for the kick off to still happen. The bottom is kickoffs weren't being returned at a high rate because of some of the rules implemented and touchback rules designed to reduce the amount of returns and make the game safer. Overwhelmingly, fans prefer that the kickoff actually happens and that the archive returns a at a decent rate.
And so far, IT seems like it's accomplishing IT. Uh, overall, it's been a nine point five percent increase on kick off for turn sense of last season. The returns also have average twenty seven point two yards that's up from last years twenty three yards.
So overall, feels like this is going to get back to make IT an impacting games, which I am all in favor of. And especially guys are played in the league when special teams players are impacting the game exciting. Those are guys that are doing if they're playing scout team, they're doing all the dirty things there.
A lot of them are making legume still good money, but they're not making the big contracts. A lot of them. So it's it's just more fun watching guys that put all of this time and effort in, go out there and h and ball out on game day. You love watching IT when guys do that and have .
a moment so I can curve exactly what you just said. And i'm only laughing because the fact that you're still taking serious takes on things with those fucking glasses his, arise.
my rose shades. Yy, oh yeah. Our next note. M question from the show. Morgan, do you either you guys like pumpkin spice lot or pumpkin flavor? Anything, especially those pumpkin cakes and cookies and grocery stores left allowed Michelle from acron ready, ready at some .
candies hio.
okay, don't know. Never had one.
What do you don't know? Everyone, I really only do pumpkin seeds in in my own meal.
You do on the home seeds are pretty good. I agree with that. What about you? pumpking?
I'm not a pie guy, not a pie guy.
I feel pocket pies, little different, a different texture and Normal pie, pie, pie, pie, pie, not A A pie. I got to get you down the shore. Have a little Stephen cookies, blueberry pie.
I'm not a big pig, I either, but the blueberry pie, Steven cookies school, it's pretty good. I don't mind pumpkin pie in the right environment to look cold outside. I see some leaves changing for some reason. I get the each to have some, but in general and they pump is an overrate of flavor. I think it's it's similar to um a lot of these advertising trends that people will do to try and get you to commerce their uh businesses um or making up national holidays like h IT means a damn thing just to get you to buy whatever product that holiday uh in selling uh so in general, I do not fall victim to the pumpkin spice latte, pumpkin cookies, pumpking cakes. About the only thing I fell victim two is by and some of those kept little pumpkins to put on a fort porch you and I do look forward to making some Jackson and this year with the with the girls not to be fun project .
make sure you share can't wait to see that as well. Um i'm right there with i'm not a big pumpin anything .
other than halloween .
edition that a shape like .
little publicans .
I haven't had haven't had those forever.
I have four victim to those ones. But really i'm just looking for excuse to my reasons at that point.
I'm in on seasonal stuff though .
I am like .
how you are saying you like I like a like .
a hard harvest .
yeah i'm like a fall harvest like cup of O. This is I just feel like I see a few of maybe just .
I think you told me, you just told me you're deserving a pumps ice.
It's not pumpkin though. It's just like a cinnamon spice pumpkin .
spice latte have cinema and pumpkin .
yeah but not pumpkin who what i'm talking about is and pumpkin.
So you're talking about more of like it's a later fall around the holidays of like f post thanksgiving. Ming maybe like what they put on the rim almost for a Christmas sale. How do I victim of Christmas?
great legs gets me on that.
I am in a coffee being seasonal. I think sometimes I just matches the air. IT is connected perfectly .
to try my first pointed yeah.
give us a, give us A A good j Jason Kelsey review you don't to starbucks, yeah, and get you your first home spice atte let us know what you think love IT will shout .
out to Michelle Morgan brought by friends, and they take IT on ug. TV. Don't forget the sign up today at youtube that comp slash in age that reps of this show, this one hundred episodes, is in the book thank you so much ninety two percent of for help and get here make sure you subscribed on youtube to the new hyde channel will follow on new heights on the wonderful APP or wearing your podcast reminder you can listen to new episode new heights early and ad free right now by joining wondering .
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follow .
the show on all social media at new hyde show with one S A for a fun clips throughout the week and thanks to our production crew again and again and again are always looking out for until the ninety two percent is for two or in and we will see you guys next week.
Do, do, do, do you really do .
do so Jason looks like right now, just a Jessie little do, do, do.
Jez, I don't know. Jaws would be like.
guys, ridiculous.
I just got the glasses I used to play just.
right? Better at. That's exactly what I just did.
You literally .
just did what I did. But put yours could .
have been with a different rythm section. Now I completely change IT up. You don't swing in yours.
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