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Here is so bad.
We just fast forward to the end.
Welcome back to new high ladies gentlemen show produced by wave sports and entertainment and a sunday ticket on youtube TV. That's right. You can still get N, F.
Sunday ticket for the rest of the na, fl. Regular season for just eighty nine dollars. How about that offer ends the second terms and embargoes applied.
We're your host. Some travel causing my big brother Jessie kelsie at a clive and high ohio since an eighty bar catala. Ms, how about that about those bearcats? Man, fuck. We've got a fuck to find a way to get a win. Please subscribe on youtube, one three plus where we get a podcast and for the show on all social media at new height, show with one Jason, let the people know what we have coming up.
We've got a fantastic episode for you guys. We're going to start up on the summer note with the chief s first loss of the season. Then we're going to get into a much up more uplifting note with the eagles taking down the camees who doesn't .
take down .
comes as well as the rest of the biggest story lines from across the nfl and eleven. But before we get start to work, to start with a little of that new, new this new news is something that why IT is going to be happy to find out is brought you by moana, too. That's right.
Moana two is coming to .
theaters november twenty seven. I can exciting. Marana is fantastic.
What are things really like about marana is that it's like, I don't know, IT feels like in a world where a lot of these stories just kind of get like we made moana was an original I think the lead character is a powerful female that I really like this. The music is great. The rock kills.
That now is a fantastic creature. But there's also not like the bad guy ends up being the same as the good guy in the movie. I don't know what one or two is about.
The first one was about really just like being good to the land and mother nature fighting back against you know really monocultures of coconuts I think um anyways um yeah no on a two come on and have every twenty seven can wait to see what this ones about. And if the fet is a back to um needs the heart, what was that? What was that? Was the heart some hard the heart of .
the fet be good to land anyway.
Mama Kelsey news, mama keli acting debut, right? Kelly is .
going to make .
her acting next saturday. That's right, next saturday. And november thirty one in holiday touched down a chief love story on the homer channel. Got admit, i've ve not seen a lot of hallmark movies.
I'm excited to watch this one. Mam kelis SHE owners, a barbecue joint that's tried.
She's a manager of barbecue, right? So yeah, and mom can cook a lot of things. I don't think sh'll ever made .
barbecue has never made barbecue for us. No.
like, not even like barbecue sauce. I don't remember that the thing that mom would do that was dad to deal.
Dad was like, yeah, leave the barbecue to me i'll make the sauce at home and you know, I think it's good enough to cell .
and I think he wanted you members that they have wanted to sell a zomara you sauce and mom was like, ed, we can't margins our entire financial savings because you want to sell your barber's us.
That barber I saw was really good.
That was fucking great. I've had IT again. IT doesn't taste. I don't know if dad didn't write down the recipe, right? I feel like, you know, sometimes when your financial and stuff just off the fly, off the cuff, you nail the.
that's good.
I also like he, we tried to recreate.
we tried to recreate IT.
And he gave me the listen, I expected IT to be like a goals. Please gave me this barby's saa recipe. And I was going to try and make IT when is like footage liars on my dad. And I was expecting you to be like, all you get, like these spices, these verbs, like ground sugar.
catch ground sugar.
This thing is nothing but other sauces and other condiments combine to you. Can you just wait? Maybe rates .
makes you a fuck in. But he just went to the, he is good as no wonder he .
went to the found coke machine, donal together. You .
know, IT was good.
That was onto something.
And another figured that out.
he guard out bari sauce could have been thing.
maybe you. And then the world around town was, you know, big. Eg, could make some wings .
when he could make wings.
Everybody love those wings, everybody.
So yeah, check out the member twenty seven. He said, mum's first acting. The view is, is in big screens. Well, tb screens. I think those go straight to tbs.
Don't yeah. I think they .
go to see moana, two theres arena.
Jason debuts, sena drives and astro van. That's right. yeah. Baby, how do I feel be in up on stage? Big guy.
well, my ice was .
one previous. We talked about this.
Yeah, I was really nerve to our remedy. I tried, I think I had about you. I probably had more honey than winning the poo throughout the whole.
See, you went to honey road. You went the wrong road.
I did T N honey.
He was, see, you went, t came, hear anything I said.
you didn't .
fuck and listen anything I said and you still had a rpi voice. You try to go the fucking you're so ridiculous tween .
this and then trying to film set miles.
I return the sound down for a second while Jason shaken his little shaker banana shaker ah yeah.
everybody, your computer love your .
faces. I'm not.
That's good. nice.
nice. And I love right before you get on the market like you're like looking .
at everyone here. Sorry for in the soul body.
We'll get through this though. We'll get through this together .
and enjoy the rest of this song. I could. Not think that was so bad. Just help.
You should have fuck in, just chuck some jack Daniel, before you walked up there.
Everyone, I would encourage you to listen to the actual recording where I saw much Better because the voice is not, yes, yes, but not IT was an awesome experience that was really cool to be a part of md. Joyce, phenomenal. The fact that they went their time and energy to this effort was fantastic.
Yeah, I don't know. The eagles fans made a special. There is enough energy already, because is the biggest game of the year for the field of eagles. So IT was IT was just an awesome evening of of music in football.
Does he feel weird? You've done this the past like three years. Does he feel weird doing a lot for Christmas, not in december?
IT dos feel a little weird but you can have to do the lead up to IT you have to stay ahead of IT. But let you know me. I've always love Christmas. We've always love Christmas. So um you know and listen the previous two albums, we've raised over four million dollars .
for two fifty different .
chair of the organizations because people have supported the album and bought IT and appreciated IT. So IT makes a lot as you to do when you know that it's going to make a huge impact in your .
community that drive an evan layman live e at the link. The third and final record in the phillip is special Christmas trilogy is is out now. So make sure you guys go and check that out. Yes.
please support. We've fed a lot of support in the past, and we're trying to do IT even bigger this year. We have aspirations to do a lot of amazing things for the community.
And you know, the only reason able to do anything is because people support the album. And it's turned into this wonderful philadelphia thing that I think this is fun. We have a Operation snowball were trying to execute on this year. Haven't even told him anybody about this shit. I even know my love to share this, but our goal this year, Operation snowball, is a city wide special initiative to try and a gift to every kid in the filly public schools.
So we're party ing with the phillip public school system as well as some other organza in the city and people in the private sector to try and get gifts to every single school for the kids throughout field off, which is a lot of kids. And the only reason were able to do that is because the city supports IT. People buy the album, listen to the album. But more importantly, and I really felt this from the moment I got to fold of you, it's really just such a city transfer, pride and joy for itself. Yeah, the sense of community and family is so strong.
And you know .
I don't know that IT would be done anywhere else, but I think I think we will be able to pulled off with how much you know the community is well on to support IT. So we appreciate you guys really excited to brings some joy around the holidays to everyone out there. And yeah, thanks for supporting.
Jason broke a world record. That last piece of new news here. Jason is now officially a world record holder about that Jason guinness book of world records.
You made a kid on monday night. Count Jason attended to break two world records. The longest blind folded catch of a football not go well at all. Was this inspired by the sun and eighty and t stadium.
I don't know.
Show all of the peaking through the glass.
I think IT was just dude, perfect kind of set up a lot of these games and they were like, hey, you're not going to get this ball, but it's going to look area was like up. So they actually pulled this off. They hold the world record.
I think if for longest right in the fucking class.
right in the jugular.
we got to keep her. We got to keep her hands up.
I felt like I was a lot closer than wanted.
Just look like, no, that's I mean, how long did they say I was .
IT looks like that was over forty ards. That one was over forty ards. The longest hot dog was right around sixty ards.
Somebody through a hot dog, sixty ards. There's no from dude, perfect. He can throw a hot dog.
sixty ards. So he had a good little ARM on him. And we ve got down win. We had to switch side. So the hot dog would make IT down there.
Give this guy a fuck scholarship.
Fuck, but the fuck scholarship.
This this is that I am good. The longest throwing catch of a hot dog into a bun. No, yes. So he was just thrown in naked leaners.
And you were catching him in the bone, in my bone. Oh yeah, that's right.
Where they toasted. My bans are big toasted.
Mb ones were loose and lubricated and ready to receive that winner. Perfect catch. I say one, those you did do those hot dogs? A jury world are fucking ridiculous.
They are the girls on those hot dogs. And then we did another one. We actually meet the hot dog. Yeah I think no filter IT was disgusting was now now you know exactly what i'm talking about.
That's every hot dog you just finally came to realization .
this one just had a consistency to IT that was like, you know how dogs have like filter in IT like it's not me a filter, but I think that one was so the dom IT was too high quality of hot dog. I think i've found out through that eating that hot dog that I like cheap dogs. If it's too nice of a hot dog, it's like IT was a .
bad hard dog. No.
what I was, I was thick and like as soon as i've bit do and I like what in the help so honestly.
do a hot doggy in contest might be a nightmare like I think i've actually woke up in like a dead sweat out of out of sleep one time because I was in like A A hard dogging contest against my .
will had a nightmare you to get this nightmare.
dude. That I mean, just the smell and just you're stuffing yourself until you have to vomit and then I already have to form IT because of the text.
If you ever had a manage eating guns nightmare now nobody .
would ever do that.
Do that's the real thing. No, it's not a brand and find abused .
in contest and put .
that I have lunch .
just I don't i've seen IT .
like people have eaten like five jars. And should this look at this.
that's all had to see. I just .
want to see he is real on the probe too, too. So gross. So good, I what I do, I don't leave, get crazy. And this is the. IT looks like I kind of like tricking myself and thinking she's .
eating anger as this.
I'm like in my hair, my OK. It's actually the illa putting. That's the only way I could be comfortable .
even my yun h, my god.
that is so gross. Get IT out. I like just fast forwards at the end. How many? How many does he get through IT .
doesn't matter. That's just file.
That's just she's going back.
This is like fear. Factor man.
we got why is IT so like I watch hot, not unconcern all day and not growth out? This is like there's something just like can I just point out that like I would say swag get IT off the score is like .
nails on a chock board and I can't look up and I mean, IT could fucked in just housing. Fuck in. manage. This is disgusting.
five jars of manage in three minutes.
What the fuck was that? That was a, you just put me on a roller coast of range. I feel like I just fucking got tossed around the room and .
maybe now you will have a nightmare about that. Man, that's really gross.
That would was so on for everyone .
on audio that is not watching the sand youtube. I highly recommend you do not, do not go on watch that. What was the amy and michelet?
Let's go, Michelle.
Let's go do yourself a favor or and do not watch that Cliff.
And that doesn't for new news brought you back moana too, in thea, november twenty seven. How about that? All right, now, ninety two percenters. You guys know we love and fell on on youtube TV, and we're excited to have them as a sponsor for today's so week twelve trip.
And we've got some great games coming up this week and including a bunch of division ravary games i'm fired up to watch. Luckily, IT comes with multiple, so I can watch four games at once.
Well, i'm going to be planned a one a clock eastern on sunday. But Jason, who you're putting on your .
multi of you yeah I mean, how they have been to go, uh, chief s panthers for obvious reasons about your lions coach because I really like watching the lions play former of the corner shape taken probably go cobos commanders because of its NFC east and then viking bears division game vikings have looked really good interested to see they can continue to look like the team they have.
Remember right now, you can get the thanks giving sale Price of nfl sunday ticket for just eighty nine dollars when you sign up today, we're racing to the playoffs. Price won't last long.
Offer ends december second, no cancellations, terms restrictions and ambo apply. Hi, hi. I'm decided to talk about our next partner, disney moto, to a heck year, baby. That's right. Moto is coming to theaters near you and november twenty seven days .
of the girl's big moon fans. How many times if you guys watched this thing is that I like every every week to deal what they've always been.
big moon of fans, and more importantly, is one of the ones I cali. What I just really well done. The music is really good.
It's a unique movie and also happy that it's a newer movie that was unique in like IT embraces like culture. And they do a job. They do a job over disney.
But yeah, either I fired up about moana to very fired up. I also hear that in mowana, u SHE goes on an even bigger adventure that in the first film. And guess what? trave. That comes with some new characters and songs now right now.
when apparently there's a new song called beyond from the movie, which is supposed to be pretty electric, check out out ninety two percenters. Plus there's a hilarious dynamic between moana and mi played by the win. The rock Johnson right now continues in this new story.
That's right. Trave, you guys aren't onna want to miss this one to make sure you take the whole family to see mowana in? There's november .
twenty seven again, that's november to twenty seventh.
Some people just know they can save hundreds of current turns by checking all state first just like.
you know, to check if you packed your headphones before you get on the plane for an a .
way game or like you know, to check if you put gas in the car before you head out on a family road trip with .
three kids yeah in checking first is smart so check all stay first uh, for a quote that because save you hundreds, maybe even thousands, you're in good hands with all state .
savings very terms apply all state fire and casualty insurance company and affiliates tes north bergen oy I IT bold topics to wrap up we eleven in the nfl chief s recap let's get into a trap bills thirty chiefs twenty one great game is a fun game to watch did not turn out the best feet the cancer of chiefs the bills played .
a great four quarter foobar game turn over early. Got to buy at half possessions didn't have a lot of them. They were doing a good job of you keep our offence off the field.
Put together drives. I mean, keep keep at homes off of the foobar field men. So yeah, they were converted third down, something that I think we didn't do a great job of. They won there one on one matches in a lot of different areas.
And IT wasn't just you know in in terms of like the wide receiver db one on one match, I think he was all over the board and back to the jar board for sure. I think he was he was a nice I want to call the wake up call because we went into that game knowing that you know the bills were one of the top teams in the little ball in the nfl. Sometimes you need a different perspective on on, on things.
And watching this game back, you know, you kind of see a trend happening over the past, like three to four weeks, and and you just got a fine tune. Things get back to the basics, get back to the fundamental yeah and really just get back to to go on to work throughout the week. And you know I have all the confidence in the world will will be Better because of this game but at the same time, you know what's off to the bills for a showing up men?
Yeah, I have a feeling this is not going to be the last game. The cancer, the cheese and bills play this season and put us for the bills. They played great.
Josh al played fantastic. Like we are saying, they sustained a lot of drives and the kind of city defense has been so good. And I I like the deeper means to play bad.
There's more like the bills just made place at the right time. Josh, play great. This was true. Really good teams going up against each other. And the bigger play of the game, you know, obviously, pad is so good on the stretch of the bonus hand, and he did IT the drive right before buffo scores their last touch down. You guys drive down and bring the game within two points and mcdormand and the bills have a decision on fourth down with two yards to either panel or try and retain possession. And the last thing I think anybody thought was that, josh, I was going to screamed score, touchdown on the play.
But I mean.
I think that a.
you have to do you give me A B, C, i'm saying, josh, out doing something with this feet?
Yeah, yeah. So, I mean.
were the back power that in superman?
Yeah, db, he executed IT to perfection. That's what they had to do. I think they knew if they were to give that ball back to pat, it's out of our hands.
And they decided to be aggressive and take control of IT in a paid off and look at to and klapka was so close, if you judge either way, I was an awesome game. You could see the intensity out there from both teams because I obviously guys have played a lot of meaningful for football games against each other. Let's get some post game thoughts.
My homes, you can use IT as fuel. That's a good foobar teams. So it's nothing to hang your head about.
We feel like we can play Better. So we'll get back to work and try to use IT as a Spark to be a bit foobar team. In the end, the undefeated thing was cool, but that's not our ultimate goal.
I love this, and I think that this is all you can do. You take losses or you take things that you're not Operating at the right level or where you want to be at and you try and become Better from IT. Yeah, the bills are a great football team.
They are they're one of the best foot all teams in the nfl this year, and they are going to be able to win any football game there, especially with the guy they put got playing courter back and the team theyve assembled. And you know it's a it's an experience that will ultimately make the canada city chiefs Better from moving for. And I really believe .
that yeah anyway.
on the undefeated talk going away potentially being a relief first team, is that on a really care about which? I mean, how much were you guys hearing of the end of feet to so because the feel there's this narrow about there that that was potential in your head, I find that hard to believe that you guys were even like even thinking .
about that you don't think about, oh, I really want to win this game so I can remain a defeated no. We want to win this game because we we have a lot of really close ball, all games against the buffo bills, and we'd love fucking competing against them because they're one of the best .
teams in league I could find point against.
Yeah yeah. I get fired up playing against the best teams in the national football league. And I was fired up for this one and I didn't play my best. And that should that should fuck in IT pisses me off.
And IT maybe, you know, go right back in a work on monday after the game and get after IT and a find a way to make IT right yeah I think this is something that um that you won't see out of us um in the future. I think we're very confident that will get the things fixed. We have all the talent that we need to go in and win another super bowl.
I've been on super ball winning teams. We have enough talent to fuck and make a run at this thing. And I think everybody knows that all we got to do is just be be at our best.
And that's what we were not for four quarters. I mean, there was wasn't a single quarter that where he was like oya, we outplayed them. We got them on that. No, they were out there. They they had a little bit more idea what we were doing and they were fundamentally more sound in a lot of different areas.
Yeah, you know I put that on myself, uh to be more fun to harp on the fundamentals to our practice makes you i'm getting out there and i'm running around. I'm not just go through the place, make sure i'm focus, make sure I get the timing down with the to back so that you know we're on time for pad and pad could be confident and throwing uh thrown the football where IT needs to go. You know a lot of this shit is just it's very fixie. And and I got all the faith in the world in in this team. I obviously I just, I focus on on the office of side, but I got all the faith in the world in backs and and their defensive .
get IT right as well. Well, andy had a similar message to rookies and newcomers, and really the whole team. I'm sure you ve got to dig in.
This should hurt you spend a lot of time and ever preparing for these games. As coaches and players, you have to figure out these problems and worked to solve them. You can't just say everything's going to be OK.
That's how this works. You have to check the you go at the door and do some self hie that which I think he's clearly saying, similar to what you're saying is this. And we've closed to losing some games for the last couple weeks. And like now, we finally had lost one. It's time to really focus on what we need to get Better at.
I don't give a fuck how your bodies feeling. I don't give a fuck where your mentality is off the field when you step in that building. We are here to figure shit out, and we are here to get Better as football players. For the football team, I think that is a mentality going forward that everybody has to be a part of top down.
And I think, myself included, I I I got to be the leader that I i've been in the past and and you know hold myself accountable so that everybody sees you know how what's done and um knowing that we got a lot of new faces and a lot of rockies and and what died you know and sometimes you just need that smack in the face IT is what IT is. Sometimes you need a smack in the face. Be able to push in the mouth yeah to lock in and and know that this is is any given sunday type league and and not saying that, that team was just any any other team, but I I do believe we have Better players and we get another shot at that. That team I definite get excited about IT. Well, leos.
I share that he and his team mates planned to use their first loss as motivation with the three word phrase, remember the feeling of its a bright spotts my homes get the ball to eleven different players. Guard mckEllen do caught a spread out to convert.
The third one got me fired. Man, oh yeah. Now we got me fired. And client one of those guys, he's his right now, his number six on on the online. So whatever, whenever we need a guy.
we bring him in. go. I love a little extra alignment in the game. Yeah, oh yeah.
Heavy personnel, a one, a one guy, one of the best t mates on on the team guy that just gets after whatever unique coach. And we put him in a situation where he's just gotta feel IT out, he's gotta feel the feel the area out and on top of that would be ready for the football at any moment, because pat is, yeah, I pad trusted him right for a big time there down.
But right, just for those of you wondering what this this is called the side view, they call IT in spring out or boot naked action. You have somebody that secures the edge for a second and then it's his job. Just kind of be like a the last minute like kind of safety mechanism for the quarterback, the dot on the ball. If everybody overplays the naked action like they do, you feel like the chief office is making progress to where you want to be at in january? Of course, I know .
wasn't process. I don't I don't know if progress is the right word. I think I think obviously there's there's good games as bad games, whether or not you you come out Victorious or you're winning your one on one matches.
How well do we execute offence? A lot of people like to go into practices and say that we have a good practice or a bad practice. We just fuck in to have practice, right? You know, we but we figured out either how not to do IT or we figured out how to do IT, right? And I think right now, we're still figuring out how to run this offence the best or how to be at our best when the place called, you know that every play can be like the most, the best play possible that the other team has no ideas coming.
Yeah, you're not going to out scheme on every single time.
be wide open. Sometimes you gotta run the ball known, they know the exact run. Sometimes you've got to, you gotta make a play in the past game, when it's, when they have everybody covered in the balls in the air, you have to be able to make shit, right?
You know, coach does a great job in the offer of staff and the defense of staff in in. Casey does a great job of putting us in positions to have success, but then it's our job to go out there, make that should happen. And you know, that's where I put my pride and making sure that no matter what big ride calls, we make that shit work.
yes. And I think pad is he's got the ultimate trump card back there. And being able to do that, he's done that throughout his entire reer. And um and that's that's the goal. The goal is to keep trying to make everything the coaching calls, whether it's something that they got ta take on or not, we got to make that should happen. And and and I think that's that's the direction that we're going for sure.
into what you just said. That's the thing that's made pad so unique is, know, I think andy is as good to daland a plays as anybody in the nfl. He's gone to get you guys in a lot of events situations but when IT isn't the adena situation, that's when pat really is special.
He can then improvise and do things that a defense can prepare for because it's gonna something that is unique to that situation and um that's the great equalizer. So ah you know that's the kind of ownership and project guys want to have. And knowing as players at the end of the day, you we're the ones out there playing and we ve got to make things go. So love that next week, the chiefs are headed to Caroline to take on the pandas um obviously not the same matchup as the bills, but IT is the nfl and you will get humbled by any team, especially when coming after by pens are coming up there by and after being the giants in germany two game windstream ow after I declared the season was over, I I didn't do that. I was mighty hard on the panthers.
Courter bax playing Better. They got some guys back on the defensive of side. Um deline is very good deline.
That's the where the all their horses are. There are a lot of their guys are up front. They got a they they got a very veteran type team.
You know I feel like I played a lot of these guys on different teams um vikings, broncos kind of all over the league that that have had this style of defense. And we're gonna a fucking and chAllenge we ve seen us at, at our worst these past couple weeks. We just haven't been playing our best, especially on the office outside of the ball.
And I think that that's going to motivate them to feel like they have a chance. It's up to us and it's a mentality game. And we go in there and do what we you know we know how at our best.
I don't think there's a team in the league that can beat this. Yeah, yeah. Let's move along to the to the eagles, baby eagles, little thursday night football action against the command.
Oh yes. Ele.
twenty six commanders, eighteen. Washington have been a they came out, the the gates had and i've had a bit of a up and down the past like three or four weeks, I believe.
Yeah, I mean, they've still been good. The the commanders are a good football team. They really are the well coach.
Dq in is a phenomenal head coach and we're seeing how different that deal cowboys defense looks with him. Not at the home. I think I just think he's he's very good at utilizing guys within his system, scheming things up. There are a number of things he did in this game that stole the run game out.
The running yardage might look good a because IT ended good at the end of the game, but there were a lot of negative runs and things that they did that I think kind of through the filled out of the eagles off, especially early in the game. And eventually, we saw kind of what I think is probably the commanders weakness this year, which is the trenches on both sides. I just think that they are very good team.
The courter bag jane dance has played out of his mind for the majority of the season, especially as a rookie. I just think they're gona struggle against teams with good offline and good defence lands. I just think that they have good players or office line is fill with a lot of journeymen that have play football, the league for a long time and they are good players, but on both sides they're missing.
Just like a couple of those dudes that like you can lean on to like this guy is going to create movement. We know where to go behind this one. They're just missing a little bit of that.
And I think that in teams that are going to be able to win that physicality with them, they're going be able to put pressure on jain Daniel and take him off his rythm in timing, shut down their run game. Who's a run game? Lot of you've been talked about j as a thrower, brian Robinson, in this rushing attack between him, magnus, s and echo, all three of those guys. They've been run on the ball like crazy. I just think that the eagles defense been really clicking as of a well.
eagles are now first place in the ennis. Behind only the lions is nicer. Ani not get enough love from filly.
You know, what is this in the VIP this morning? I think the eagles for fuck is W I P VIP is the local like big sports tork show station in phillip.
fia. So they are the ones that have been said.
well, they control a lot of the narrative, but I will say they usually are. I think wp does is pretty much for the most part, and I don't want to the most part. B A, P is often times just a reflection of what the fan is .
truly thinks about the team. Are you keep the fans involved.
sometimes they are there also. IT tends to be IT tends to be the loudest fans, which you know a listen I go on wap. I like listen to the wap for these exact reasons i'd like here in those perspectives.
But I think nick, nick was facing a lot of criticism for the end of last year and early on this year. He made a lot of fort downtown ls that just haven't gone their way, and he's faced a lot of criticism for that. A lot of fans have been saying, you know, what does he do is not calling place anymore.
What is he doing as a head coach?
It's so unfair.
IT is very unfair.
So fuck. And a nick is really that narrative is starting in the flip. I is when you win games, that's all people care about. And at the end of the day, what I think nick does a really good job of doing. He's a great communicator.
He does a wonderful job in team meetings and communicating who we are as a team, what we need to do, how we're going to attack them, what we're going to be on offence and defense, making critical decisions in the games, which some of them haven't gone this way this year. But I still don't disagree with most of those decisions. And at the end of the day, I think nick is in a great job, especially retooling from a disastrous analysis.
We lost a lot of games down the stretch, and they bring in VC fangio ah they bring in kela more. And you can just see that there's so much more well ordinated and well oiled machine this year as well as retooling from a teleperformance. They go out in science, say quan barki. A lot of the Young guys that they drafted have really started to come on, especially the devices of the ball. Jane Carter plane as good as anybody is right now um and and nick is definitely starting to get back in the good Graces of filly fans uh even though was a rough start, I think there's a poll today that you know most really yeah yeah he's he's got a Better twenty percentages than like all these coaches through the first three seasons. I can't just all be luck like he's got to be doing something good what you give them, the best players in the league.
what you want to work with, what you want to.
People don't win with bad players. I don't care how good of a coach are. That's not how IT works. And but there are people that will lose for good players. One of my favorite quotes or one of my favorite saying and i'm trying to member who kobe said but remember when the last dance came out from the chicago ables ah and my whole life I kind of thought filled Jackson was a little bit of rated if i'm being like duty coached Michael Jordan and copied shit yeah and I like this, got to do anything with deep then I watched last thing, oh no. Like helps that whole fucking and thing together.
He just put Jordan and pip and .
hating each other towards the end of IT.
Everybody, this dude was kidding. Circle what we're going to do, some mindful yeah.
master. So I think .
I would have been so out on that.
So kobe came in time.
IT is sounded that like, feel what the fuck are we doing, dude?
Kobe came to talk to the team h one year, and he talked about this narrative that fell, Jackson is in a good coach. He is always a good players. And copies like, who do you want of the wood with? You one of the wild with? And he named like somebody.
And I can remember who I don't want to throw shade and whoever baseball per he did name, but he is like this somehow work. You have to have good players to win, right? But at the end of the day, he want and there's a lot of coaches are in. So I think you, nick, is put together.
so most time go off. And Jason, everything's geometry. You got to understand this is you've GTA spread the floor out, give two guys freedom. Everything outside of that. We just need cutter guys in the right place at the right time, down, open shots.
Well, next syrian is off in the paint.
an elevate sun.
What do we do with the easy shot?
basketball? He is closed. You care.
Michael show.
Our boys, we're going to implement the triangle offence. Yeah.
that's a long with the way of saying that like at the end of the day, next year has been on some really good teams to fold out here. Yes, we've had really good players, have a roseman and the and the personal department have done a great job as well as the coaches of building a roster that is gonna, you know, anonymous with the team and way they want to play football. And I think that right now, they're really short to come together.
They found out their identity on offence. sakon. Arki is a big piece of that.
speaking a sq. I rest for one hundred and forty six yards and two studies against washington. Man, this guy is fuck in bolen.
Man, going to happen to a Better guy. And we had him on the podcast in the off season, and I think we both realized that right then. And there that we're like, then philly just got a fucking in, just stole from the entire nfl man.
And you could tell how how just down the earthy was and how much of A T. Mate he was. He had been dealt less of injuries over there in new york.
But it's this awesome to see him get the thing go. And game ceiling thirty nine years, touch down late. The game set out the camp jergins on black, on the safety.
Oh yeah. Twice on this play. Did he book them?
Twice on this play? And he, he got on the play right before this. They ran this place.
what? Two times? This is the second version of IT. They ran this play. I think three times in the game I saw he obliterated. Just see the office.
Just everybody's creating grass. Half their team is outside the numbers, yes. And when you get a defense trying to play their gaps so far of their like daming on the sideline, it's creates so much room for a guy with speed and vision to be able to work with men.
They're playing in this like four minute defense. I got the time in front there. The safety down week side and calm as a great job beginning up to his hands are so strong he has that great like three inch punch that that is just so violent when he can actually launch his guys in space.
So they ran that play to play right before they ran that exactly play to the left and came if len would held on to that, like they probably was score on that place, because he did the exact same thing to the guy, just lodge him and took this up. W cheese, so strong. And you know what we did the head boit there. Oh my god.
big Jerry.
beef jerky.
jerk, jerk ese kid, up, up. Make a play. Make a play. Fuck back on the ground. I had a couple big ones at .
the end of the game yet that one. And then the play right before that, they scored to touch down on, not right before that, but the drive before that when he school LED the touched down on, they'd been, you know, when teams play a shell like, let's say, were true by two. I don't know if this is worth getting into, but you you run a zone, play outside in that nickel plays the big gap late to the weak side, you know I mean.
yeah, here you we call a nose.
nico. They were doing that a bunch, and that ball was getting so close, like sake, one head, like two or three, that could have been huge hits right through that big gap the day, the first time, if he just want to dug the Nicole just a little bit harder, that would have been explosive. Then there was another one where just gotta gotten the way enough right, where ruin the run right before he scores a touched done on IT.
I think they're confused. I don't know if Bobby didn't know that they were rotten down to the tight end, but they didn't have anybody in a big gap. And IT was a gay twenty five attach, whatever IT was.
But anyway, they really should have done Better on the ground. I thought danna a really good job of scheme and some things up, but I came away from the game. I mean, this was really positive sake.
One is so good, man, the speed and jump in over people. That's a lot of the stuff that people notice watching him. What I notice is he is on, he's got such good vision.
He makes so many plays and makes reads that i've never seen or play with a guy make. I mean, you could argue with Shawn was as good at IT. The shown was maybe the shift.
This guy i've ever seen play football. But sake one does so many things. His patient, when needs to be, he gets through the whole with explosion. When he needs to, he hits at front side or backside. He's going to do what you can get IT to that backside, which is so hard to see.
He just has a phenomenal job of creating runs and combine with this offending line and the cortege c they have and the threat he is, you know, good luck. Know so anyways. Well.
say ones rush for a thousand yards, the one thousand, one hundred and thirty seven yards and a touchdown so far this season, just one hundred and seventy five yards behind this season. Beds with what? Saving six games left.
Yeah, I I don't want to drink anything. But yeah, he's looking pretty good about midway through the season here.
The last running back to win MVP of the national football league was asia in Peters. And back in twenty twelve, that was the last none correct. C, to win IT as well. Should we stop calling IT the M V P and just give IT to the best correc like the most valuable courtier? C.
just amount of the best quarterback is the M V P yeah the most .
valuable counter back and then make the I mean because then the offence are player the year that's the one that kind of gets shuffled around to like running back s and White out and not need to think a White out to want IT. But yeah, I don't know. I just think I think there needs to be some other metric for outside the courtroom. Acs, it's hard because there's so much being put on the courtot.
C ality the ball .
this time the most of the time.
So I get IT. But yeah, the reality is the the majority, the counter bag is the most valuable position on office. So that makes sense that they're once waiting this award the best majority in time. Every once a while there is a running back like age, peace and two thousand and twelve.
Where is so obvious that the only reason this office is successful or the main reason this office is dominant the way they are, is because of how good that players there can absolutely be a case made for six one barki this year in the way he's playing and how he has elevated the office and what the office has turned into because the t that ah we've always been a running team a little bit with jailed and kind of the attribute he brings opens a lot of the run game up. But they have really turned into his run and play action team first and second down and their embracing IT and sake one. He's just he has made the office and the team so much Better as a player and as a person.
I think it's a very good argument that he is the most valuable component to a team. Uh, this season, we'll see other rest of the season goes. I think there's a lot of people saying like you know, because of the touch bush's a lot of touchdowns, anybody taken touchdowns away from six on arki like that's making him less valuable, I think shouldn't be allowed to you know choose one. M B P is like the dude is being dominant. I know this, the autometer c that should get that while .
talking about those touched down. Take one has has landed on the one yard line nine times this year. That is every yeah and he has eight touchdowns. So you add those nine, two, it'd be said at seventeen right now a halfway through the season and that would be insane.
Yes, I mean, it's partly out one hundred percent, but let's say out of those nine he ends up at least seven touch sounds. I think that's probably a good percentage off of those .
from the one airline I like sake one given the ball, I think that's about a seven eighty .
percent change. That's fair to say A A .
how many times i've been stuff ed at the one airline.
So it's hard to get in there. It's tight spaces like that said that I can sold perfect as down there and that one you're .
line not should water take down there and oh yeah, crappy end.
What's the other ducks bottom? You've heard that one. There's with a duck in the bottom and it's yeah next week the eagles had to los Angeles to take on the rams.
nice. I like the question who's going to win the nc. west? A great question.
And .
it's .
right. They are got they already got a game on everybody, right? They're leading.
They are leading. I want to see keller continue to play the way he is. Like at the end of the day, you just have to see IT proven. You, I mean, in the forty nine years have proven IT more over the past few seasons.
Matthei stafford has proven IT in the past and chavah as well as, you know the seahawks and geno, both of those teams have have proven IT have a track record. We've on super balls have been in super balls. Cardinals are hot right now, but the cardinals are hot.
China, the game has a plane really well, have a great running game. And callum is playing really well right now. So yeah, IT will be easy to see. But if if they keep playing like this, I think is the cardinals.
there you go, eagles right behind the lines over there in the NFC.
Who would have thought.
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That's the farmers dog dog m slash new heights the rest of week eleven in the nfl. Come on, ata, fast and IT is brought to you by burger king. We're going to get to the wapper recap right now.
wow. D, S, news. Out of the week eleven for the first time ever, the detroit line, the favored to in the sub. congratulation.
We'll see her not to take away from anything the lines are fuck can do right now because, god damn, they look unstoppable.
Do they look very good there? And we brought, we talked about like kind of a running back ever win the MVP. The lee has shifted back. You know, this linus image, run and play action, like the last few years has gone to this. Know, I mean, the last decades been really pass heavy spread IT out, dialed up with.
When you get a lot about gan cambell.
get this guys the big nee caps. Man, there. One, two points .
there in the back field. I might two of impressive, two of the best we ve seen in the national foobar .
need no kind of different. Like I love the way David mongo was just a great every day. Our great.
Like first, second down. Like just run right, archer gibs. I've really like watching him play his shifty, his dynamic.
He can do a lot of things really, really well. I think both of them combined are are really just a very fun time. Ah, I didn't know this. They are nicknamed sonic in nuckles, so sonic is definitely monga. I gives kind, reminds me of a nuckles.
I could see that. Do you think you yeah, you got a twisted sonic is the fastest of the bunch yeah.
But like sonic doesn't when I think nuckles, I think more of shiftiness from what I remember, what is like something was just like a frequent road runner. Like was a like a bowling ball, which I think of more like you would bowl up. I kind of think of that more. And like David gum lane, but what clearly, I don't know the nickname.
Well, they both can do both. Either one of them can be whoever they want to be because they get the full package.
That's about the dynamic of a do seeing. We saw what they did, the check wires, and we're going to a second. But first, when I started with the game that might have been my favor game from the best week, especially from sunday, stealers beat the ravens. They're something about stealers in ravens game. It's always tight again, it's always physical, like that asc north style play that we group watching in cleveland.
See north man.
And I did not disappoint my goodness, when you're playing, especially when your older and the chippy ss happens on the fuel. And I feel like a lot times you're like, do what you stop at the nonsense. Like what are you doing being ridiculous? You, I mean, like, just like, can we just play foot all why I got to get stuck.
I felt that's where I was now I find myself. I do. I love IT.
I love and people are like gidding into other faces and talk and trash like rodger Jones going at IT with humper, they're got to a get warm because they're about to get kicked out of the game because I join at each other and hit each other after the whistle. That's the kind of football that get you excited. And that's what this game, that's the energy this came, had.
And I see energy. You guys game head, you guys a lot of back and four dian doctors was all over the place that when you know the meaningful games are happening, and IT was fun to see if that kind of foobar being played in the steelers and ravens, IT was an old fashion barrow. IT was two teams that new are important.
The game was, they were going at IT. And ultimately, the still is one. The game without scoring in a single touch.
Six field goals, baby boys, well, six fiel goals, leading them to Victory, I will say, still as one the game they're difference like outstanding. And they clearly know how I cannot get under the mars skin. They cannot have always played them well on part of its.
Their given language is so good. And they kind of shut down some of the run action and things that built more less to do. T.
J, what is a dynamic player? Cam heyward is a dynamic player. The raven had the opportunities, and I still came away from the game thing, and that the raven is probably the Better team. They just had a lot of penalties, a lot of mistakes and and things kind of kept the stealers in the game for long enough to secure Victory. Shout of still, as is a big, big one for them, they are playing a lot Better.
Two or nine and two is .
well thing right there. Potential coaching changes this point in the season, there's a lot of speculation are obviously what is in the future because at this point season, some teams are clearly not going to be competing for super. And some families want to know what is in store for next year. They've already .
to give them up traf. I just .
don't believe in .
doing that. And through the season, I understand things can probably get a hostile in the building between the front office and a head coach, and I understand that, that could be a part of IT. But if you don't know the direction you're going in the future to just fuck in cana guy and make everyone's life that much harder to change the scenery that much that I just I don't see the .
benefits of IT. I think for me also .
never been a part of a team .
work what you've and to read pretty, pretty good. You guys had the coaching can figured out first. All agree. I think most of the time that does not makes I don't like firing head coaching with the season. I'll see the one time that I think IT probably does make sense in summer guards is if there's tension in the building as a result of things not going well and the head coach is not a part of fixing that, he's a part of like making that an issue in exacerbating problems and exacting.
That was the word I was looking forward because thank you.
There's a you know how do you know when the right time is to move on from any code? I think a lot that comes down to when there's just like a difference of where you want the team to go from the ownership uh and personnel and hate like there's a disconnect, you know, where we want to go next. And what we're doing right now isn't working and it's time for in the best interest of everybody involved to move on.
yeah. And most of the time, the right time to make that decision is after the season, but there are sometimes where they are, right. Listen, this is like not a conducive environment that we want to have.
We want to have uh, everyone more on the same page. So let's get rid of uh, the head coach and and also kind of establishes to all the players that are still there. I go out, they just fired to coach.
We've got a you word next if we don't prove come out you know who we are what we mean in this team yeah in general usually not a fan of that, but that's kind of when you know it's time to move on. What is just like, man know this coaches had his opportunities in his time and he just hasn't gone that way or in a worse way. It's like men everybodies figure point upstairs.
That's what it's bad when people are figure point upstairs. You know everybody's every all the coaches in front office doors are closed instead of open. It's not a good side.
Yeah, another blowout loss. So I guess these are who we're talking about, my mind. Doug Peterson and Jackson bill lost fifty two to six to alliance, another blowout loss.
I mean, listen, IT is not on well for the jax this year. I think there's a number of reasons for that list. I played for dog. I know the type of coaches. I know how much cares about his players in the value he brings in that position. So yeah, I will never not be willing to play and suit up for dog Peterson and his brother because the type of guy he is in the in the way he coaches the game. So IT IT hurts me that they are struggling down there in Jackson, bill and you ultimately the head coach bears the brunt of all this stuff, that part of that position uh, but it's hard for me to go there with doug because I know what a fantastic, phenomenal coaching is another one that people are talking about is, uh, you know a situation failure, uh, with the bears of packagers bears and now five and seventeen and one score games under ever flux since twenty twenty two. Man.
that's rough there. There was another state after that really is just like. He just IT looks us hasn't been on a side late. The games men.
I will say that that that is been in that many close games and like I just think that I think there .
was another start saying that he he's had the most like ninety percent chances to win. And my, yeah, I I forget what I was, men. And I, I, I had the me and coach reflux over the off season actually thickens cki derby men and derby great fucking guy. You could tell the guy just fucked and loves ball, and we were hanging, and i'll talk and ball just about the entire time we were around each other.
Man, he should be the about coaching dallas and he would coach sean lee and a bunch of those guys and give me fits. He was a either fantastic coach. Yeah, defense has not been the issue for the most part in chicago.
They played defense pretty well. They're really struggled offensively. And again, ultimately, the head coach is kind of the one that bears everything fact there in that many once war games that tells me the defence has been playing well, theyve had opportunities. This haven't been able to execute. Um i'll be there's the one clearing one that they kind of mess up on with the hill mary and even the play before the hill mary against washington earlier this year, the black field goal, I don't know you but I on either flus, but I guess you put everyone .
fucking paul in the air and you kids just fucking like it's not even like they got penetrate.
How did refluence not tell them to not let them put their head up.
keep the hands down on?
been here with the a bunch of things that just I feel like you've been out of his control but there is so much to go into all of of of a football game, all four quarters of a foobar game. And like you said, man, he coaches. He's going to take the right is going to take the beating and some is going on.
So I don't know the one thing that you reflux and listen, I to use a fantastic different a coach, they just invested a lot of money to kila volumes. So they need to figure out something that's going to make their kid throw and maybe that's if it's not the office of ordinator, you got to hire a guy and steal in from an organization that is a proven offence of mind, in my opinion.
I think you have to figure that out just from like your resource allocation, right? They lead and want kilos of pain out. We're going have to figure out a way to make that happen because I got players over there like there's weapons over there in DJ more and keen and Allen, they got horses over there. So that opens a line to struggle bit and that I think I think they kind of got some teeth and off ice lemon, you haven't really .
executed as well. Big question mark in in the ana filter. Head coaches is a very shocking one for me because i've i've had a lot of trouble going, or at least had a lot of bumps on the road going up against his team. And exact Taylor, it's since.
And ati, yeah, when you start seeing quotes, it's not a good sign, right? H je marche said, how do I do? IT, I don't know, as zc, as the coaches don't ask me, that's not my job. What is? What was the question.
uh, was asked, how can the team finish Better? I was the, the, the question was, how does the team finish Better?
Why do IT, I don't know, as zc as coaches don't ask me this not a job. I know that you're still in shade zac in this yes, thank you. On the field, I don't call place for us, you know so I can't really do nothing.
I think he's just basically saying that's like, yeah I me maybe don't show me anymore how the team could finish Better and he just deflecting blame yeah and put in on jack. And I mean, I don't know I don't know what to think about this. This was not as bad. I thought before seeing IT, I think is probably I just frustrated you know feels like yeah .
doesn't esn have the answers right then and there know how to see he's playing a fucking ass off his leaves about to be the triple crown winner if he stays on this place yeah so it's like, I mean, he's doing everything he can to win and I think the question itself was asking him hate you have the answers like, no that's the to figure .
that out .
yeah that's about my .
pay grade kind of type answer yes.
actually right the fuck. Now after I just had another heartbreaking loss, like, would you like yeah, what the fuck you even ask him you right now, I think IT was one of those differ to the head guy and let the head guy answer those questions. Because right now I want to fuck and even think about .
IT as police plays are part of since and anties and finishing. He said, I don't know, he just been asked. Yeah, no, no, no.
I think he I think he spoke his mind and in the past, and I think people are just looking for those kind of quotes from him. But I don't think this one I don't think you dive too deep in to this .
one or maybe you do. I think they are going to especially since and I because the bengals are much worse than they expected them to be. You know everyone expected the team with burrow coming back in being healthy to be a super table contender.
And as right now, looks like they're not going to make players. So sac Taylor is going to a face a ton of criticism. And again, as the nature of IT, he's been over six years.
This where is started. But the bengals are unique. The bengals don't in a family run business.
They hold out of coaches. I would say the coach tailors.
not anywhere. The one thing that probably does make sense, dale's, I mean, so bad last night against houton IT, just doesn't feel like anything is said in the right direction.
really look like that the motivate to foobar team no.
IT looks like it's a IT .
looks like every bad is collecting chicks over there and you can tell a team when it's fighting and IT doesn't look like too many guys are out there fight now.
And like you want to talk about quotes, there's a lot of quotes stuff on the sideline. Lake, I mean, they've fought in the first half yesterday, know they tried to fake pon. I just .
ask these nuts. Talk about these nights all time. I love that i'm too much of a child.
I'll fer to that. I shut out the diggs men. I know. So I mean, that sucks losing.
And when you don't have your best players out there? Dx, not plan. It's tough. Man, it's tough.
And you know, city lambs out there trying to make IT shake as much as he possibly can. And same with the wrong game. This is it's tough when what .
sucks for mike is that IT feels like a lot of what is going on and dallas and listen, decade has been played as well as everybody expected this year. IT feels like it's a lot of its personnel had driven like they had opportunity to sign guys as all season. They chose not to.
They trusted the guys ahead in the building. And a lot of those Young guys of people that they trusted just have not played a high level in. I don't know that you can blame mccarthy for that.
Maybe can I don't know who's making those decisions. Everything if you do a resident dalai fan brand and turn Brandon think is more Jerry fault. That's kind of what i'm gotten that like. There is the one who's making all of these decisions.
who's one one who created this fucking stadium so that the sun would peak through, is the one that fucking that doesn't want to do mainland on the ceiling.
If we want to get rid of my murthy, go for IT. I do think they just paid that all this money similar to kill William, like they got to to find a way to get him .
go for to make invested .
a lot of money. I know the kilo isn't like when that investment has been made in the counter back. You, you, you have to figure out away for that investment to make sense.
The giants are in the same boat right now.
Oh, no, they've their cards of artists. They're move on .
off and day or Jones, what this news did he .
just get venture on?
You get benched. You've go on a Tommy cut, let's baby here this no man.
yeah, the Jones, they need even go to jw lock, they would straight the timmie cutlets. And i'm like, what is going on all we they want to they just want those shirts. They want everybody in the study of like we know weren't not very good where just going to be a cricket ure of italian dude from new york but no I mean this is clearly the dane Jones experiment is over there are benching um so they doesn't get hurt.
They don't own a bunch of money. There is going to be a bunch of changes in new york after this season but yeah back to deck and dallas um yeah we are not talking about that one. How's that one out of the coaching? I mean, deal, we think they safe.
He was a coaching in the year two years ago. I don't really know what to say about all this coaching self because is hard to know what the right moves are unless you're in these buildings. Ultimately, coaches are responsible for the, for the product, for the outcomes beyond, say, heart. Time is come to you live on .
I can miss IT David, yeah.
baby, I can't wait to watch this one announced this week beyonce, I will be performing at half time of the texas rabb's game on netflix. Yeah, how much is the N F L hate the N B A Christmas games out of Adams over. Do to deserve this. Listen, MBA does not have, you know, Christmas, right?
do you know they're not the king of Christmas.
specially when they are a files and dowbly y, hey, come on now. We get some, we get some big time, maps, taxes, ravings, chief stealers about that. Who would have thought? I mean.
that felt people figured out. Come on now, pretty good, but good.
Hopefully neth letes can figure out out as well. Because the last time.
hopefully they get the streaming stuff right.
Got David my shake that froze literally on mike tysons cheeks. Too that was the one of IT felt like a parity going into IT yeah just from like mike slap them in the in the wains and are the interaction of the three fight stuff .
yeah you know .
that and then just dude, when he did the interview and then because i'm pretty sure he did the interview with the sun, that was sun, the interview dom, he kisses him on the cheek, which i've never seen that in an interview ever my life. The guy is done with with the interview right before his five goes and kisses another man on the cheek so I love you and then walks off in the camera pans and slightly scores down so he gets this guy nothing.
A I immediately sent that .
to fucking everyone. That was the funnest shit ever. I was not watching at this point.
I'm kind of embarrassed that I watched to begin with. I should have known Better. I couldn't help myself.
I will say though.
the moment I saw that clip on social media, like I didn't think mike was going to win before, but I knew when I saw those cheeks, he wants going to win. come. Whose whose your game? I mean, he is the old man photo would be in, be honest.
just keep your glue past like forty.
This is my point. This is why andy said that lose game he can be out. There was sad goods. He don't have the same.
He wasn't bounding. He wasn't.
He tried. He was in, he was trained. Boxing is a whole other, other thing. Yeah.
oh, no, man, I just was. That was so funny. I should hopefully photo x, though, back to the point. Yeah, figure out. Yeah especially going to be watching all about all the Christmas games on deflect because I was fucking I was pretty pissed. I was pretty pissed to keep going and out to kick kick me off about four, five times.
I am past nothing netflix that i'm only bad of myself for actually expecting that and contributing the stuff like that happens. I don't know what I like. I just love my title and so much I couldn't help but watch IT.
But I mean, I just love watching .
I do what I was going into before IT like even happened and I still like just because but you can.
nobody can. It's the best you ever.
I'm not a like the action of you definitely. I think so I don't think I was gonna ch IT kan after what is great british big off. And then I saw that s of you as a ky.
I gotta watch, I gotta watch .
this old man who used to be the bad test person on the planet.
try and go up against this fuck and beast of a clean about brother baby.
Did I just only go? So the jack po f or not, not can out mike.
the mitis that we know if he was in jake pause position, he would a fucking K, O, that guy into a coma.
That's why jack pause, not my .
got a heart.
yeah. They wanted to talk about the inner view with the kid that was asking you, what do you think of your legacy, mike?
Yeah, but i'm talking about the .
business that's a different lower. What thing is not changed about mike tights? And is this ability to answer interviews in the most spectacular fashion?
Think I give a fuck about .
legacy going to be dead. Who cares about legacy?
Young girl reporting? God, that really good. That's a very interesting. I've never thought of you like that.
They did not prepared me for this in my multimedia class in high school. I did not know that I was going to get ridiculous. People, well.
welcome to fight that. Okay, at some point, some is going to tell you that .
nothing you do in life matters because everybody is going to be dead and you're going to have to act like you wasn't a ridiculous statement. Go.
okay, I can. I understand .
that .
I get where you come from.
that up to my time fut .
route you a now let's move along to no dumb questions .
to close out the show with some no down questions because there's no dumb questions. Ninety two percenters, just two dumb asses trying to figure that out. No dum questions is brought to you by .
mint mobile.
We're going to answer some not dumb questions from our high hot line voice miles today line is deline next color on the headline would you for hi guys my thing actually and um take them in the paccar ah but let me be like other ninety two percenters out in the wild, what are we used to do you know, like for you they like or do you know but what do we say when we see a fellow ninety two percent out in the wild? You know, yeah, be yong anything at all? I like this. Should IT be something, you know.
prove me .
anyway. We have to know bed. Thank you actually for calling in on the height, and thank very much.
I don't think that's a question at all. I think awesome question. Yeah not ponder.
So Jason, I don't know about you but whenever i'm out and about uh I do get grayed m calls and and shut out from the ninety two percenters. The real once listened in every single week. I'll always get a good new get down .
and that's a fucker .
and that's like a fucking yeah that's a that's a calling for all the ninety two percent to unite right there. And then a was profound as I was. He said he wants won.
That profound of fame is what he said, asking if we should have a swear word in there, which i'm all usually i'm all for profanity, but this .
is yellowed, forcing. I think that was that'll get, that'll get everyone to be like that. I only know one guy that really talks about that on a weekly basis.
We're going to be in a public setting which would probably limit the profanity um jumanji somebody put .
you don't for some reason .
when I thought of anyway. So new heights is everything in old to cliver height to .
we grow up the heights.
baby, what do heights, no matter what, like clash from? Hi, hi. Like that's .
the was like notional .
high tide greeting. Yeah what bring the act to new heights?
No heart, no hope.
I shall we just do high tie.
I think no news. Is this probably the best one?
No news is definitely the one that everybody goes.
but news always does IT.
How about you guys send us some recommendations? How do you guys greet each other out in public when not just us? What do you guys say to each other?
What are the first things you you bound over when you see somebody wearing S A new heights of peril or somebody, you know, that watches the show? That's a tough one to answer for us. And I don't know.
We have the the denial.
the the power to make such an on a dacians decision for our famous. Then we go.
why do we get another one? You heard this one of another one out. Hey, guys, hoping you can answer a question that's causing a bit of a disagreement between me in the life OK. When is the earliest of, for each time, the product of the Christmas story? Am I being a complete .
screw by saying we should wait at least until after you can go? Bird, I like thanksgiving has always been the the date and the company household.
Thanksgiving was the day yeah.
I mean, preferably you put IT up on Christmas day. I really we never stay true to this.
Put IT up on Christmas.
aren't thanks to check up on things giving IT. So I like the tradition. We have never done this in our house, but maybe we actually get to done this year where after thanksgiving is over, you put the Christmas rio. I like that tradition of the that's a good one. You know, thanksgiving is really the start of Christmas season.
We would have the Christmas tree already up though. No.
you've got the Christmas tree. You ve bought IT already, but IT hasn't been put up right. Maybe a buy the day .
i'm pretty sure we put IT up yeah you like a few days before and then the ornaments and you you dress dress. It's eight healthy question.
Thanksgiving is definitely to me, the pinacle like day that you're really that's the start of Christmas season. I said here advertising Christmas .
self and that I am also not trying to see Christmas lights in the beginning and november. You know, I don't .
I don't do that to me. Don't ruan thanking things halloween is giving and then right after things. So I mean, the moment that turkey goes down .
your golf pais you to force their kids to eat stuff that they don't want teeth them lessons in life, be thankful let thanks giving be its own day hey j son and travis this is lia from acron o ohio people and love your show my relations of question for you. Oh, they want to hear from the lady man, don't to do. And I told them, when their older, they're going to have to be doing around the house anyway.
So I wondered, what course did you do going up around the house? And do you do them? Now was an adult.
How many not?
Well, you got to understand you. If you got to understand, I mean, you know, yes, I did do chores. So I started off as a child. Having to do chorus, a filler has very good, important lessons that I learned from mom. And did we've both expressed the stuff that our father used to have as due in spreading mall outside, cutting the grass with the, with just a blade lawn mower, engine less lawn mower raking ly, you know, that was all the outside stuff that dad didn't want us to do. Yeah, vacuum ing.
We never really did the trash.
No, no, because yeah, big add. He was always up early. He was the first one up. He was always the one taking crash out mom.
which shout, mom ish. M.
it's not that hard, Jason.
and it's I know I .
just I really that hard and every now then i'll i'll get into IT, but I say that I didn't at the Younger age because now I just you know, i'm so busy and I like nps. There are so many services that just do things Better than me. They they fall Better push IT away. But you know it's just everything's way more organized when i'm not doing that, not that I can't do IT because mom taught is very valuable lessons in being able to do this on our own if we needed. And there's times where you know you.
One thing kindly makes me do is trash like that is firmly my job, and I suck at IT. I miss sed IT all the time because we're traveling right now. But I I tried to really stay on top of the trash, taking the trash down, embracing that.
Not that i'd like, i'm trying to do the dishes all the time, but have done occasionally. Kelly hates when to do the dishes. why? He just has O, C, D about getting all the food off the plate before you put in the dish washers in the dishwasher. Instruction clearly state to not do that, to like put them in the dishwasher, like gets .
cleaner without doing that.
So really a cleaner without.
yeah, that's what that's how they tell you that they did.
That's what is somehow like using soap and scribing IT off first and then putting in in there for some reason like I don't know why, but that's what they say OK is get mad at me. He's got no CD of a clean so if that I can't really hi, we'll keep your hands .
off the dish fine. I won't .
do the dishes.
Um yeah, no, you should do your chores if your parents tell you to do your chores. And for all of you that don't live with your parents now and have a fucked and messy .
house figured out how beautiful boots, oh, beautiful clothes oh, look at your head. So I like that. I was getting shown a pair, new boots, new cloth and new heads. Tell you, froze.
No, that does IT for no dumb questions brought you by mid mobile heep called in sten guys questions whether they're done and tell weird.
Thank you guys for calling in that rips up at another episode a new heights. Everyone, make sure you subscribed a youtube that a new hyde channel follow new heights and wonder or wherever you get your podcast reminder, you can listen to new episodes of new heights early and ad free now by joining one and the winter we have or on apple .
podcast once again, new heights is a winter show produced by waves, ports and time in, and brought to you by any sunday ticket on youtube. T, V, right now you can get the thanks giving sale Price of just eighty nine dollars for the rest of the season at youtube 点 com slash N H get IT now right now offerings december second, terms and embargo apply, no cancellations, device and content restrictions apply as well for those shown on social media. New height show one s for fung clips throughout the week ninety two percenters and thank you to our production crew are always making us look Better than what we really are see guys next week.
What is your digestive system do with five pounds of my?
This is how they do IT serving size one tlees poon, do you know how many tablespoons of man is that woman just say.
I don't know what you're .
even trying to find surfings. And then servings container, a table spoon of manage is ninety calories. And 这个。
that woman in grams of fat in one tables saying, this woman .
just had what trying to say.
there's no way you can digest that much fat.
So he had two thousand and fifty two grams of fat in one jar. Two hundred and fifty choose savings times. Ten grams is two thousand and five hundred and twenty grams of that per jica. Five of them. That woman had twelve thousand, six grams of.
I'm good with a early .
it's the exact same thing. I don't know how you can get over.
This is a different taste.
What is manage?
Can we google IT?
No, they got any manage in mowana to follow new heights .
on the laundry upper wherever you get your podcast, you can listen to new heights early and and free. Plus enjoy exclusive episodes of the show by joining wandering plus in the wandering APP apple podcast or spotify today.
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