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You know what? My latest plan to divert our family from getting a cat is. I just keep telling our girls that catch your poisonous.
Why the fuck kids? You tell them that so .
that they don't like cats and I don't have to deal with having a cat and make them terrify IT. And it's whatever you find. I think why do your kids is important?
They going to go over a friends house and fucked in screen. Bloody murder.
They see a cooks like that person. S house from .
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to b they're describes and I did not get IT. Yeah right. We are your whole some travel because is my big brother, Jason Kelsey. Hopefully our team can end IT out what we just went through right there. Subscribe on youtube one one plus, or wherever you get your podcast ninety two percent ers, and follow the show on all social media at new high show with one s that's right. And Jason, when you let the people know what we got coming up today.
all of two percenters, happy football. Eve, that's right. We've got another fantastic episode line up, you guys right now.
Yeah, we're going to preview .
week one of the nf seas and give you our thoughts on the twenty twenty four, two th and equals and we are also gna answer some of your not dumb questions as always plus travis bottle horse and I need talk to about IT yeah.
a lot of derby this year of what is going .
to be the derby.
No, it's not. It's a three year old derby is only two year olds. Well, i'm just saying I had a lot of fun of the derby now and I team up.
talk about a little bit and reminder the percent. If you want to listen to us early eruptions and get bonus content, we're giving you three months free a wondering plus that's right. And and we say early, we mean whenever branding gets around uploading IT because we're not sure how much in advance .
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any worse, as always, we need to go to the first thing that we always talk about, which is new, new, new, new is coming in. New news has brought you by our friends at general meals. That's right. Our fiscal healthy mixes in store soon where a sneak peek follow the show on social media and some exclusive clips of travels and me at serial training gap. IT was actually a ta fun.
Settle to the kids that that we were doing with that was too much fun.
wonderful. The kids made IT exciting and fun as always. It's always but the kids now.
yeah, you only know it's pretty awesome.
We picked our three favorite serials to all go into one box.
You know.
a baby, it's marshmallows, peanut in cinema, yes.
those crunch a lucky charms and rec push some areas. Don't forget the chocolate in .
the this sounds an odd mix that wouldn't go to i'm her first put this in a ball and I then you eat your in my delicious take good i've always mixed .
similar tos crunch with ric pufas that was always a banger to me it's the chocolate and the peanut button and then the cinnamon and then you just get a nice sugar marshmallow thrown in there and it's just delicious is absolutely do this is almost like smoke rish.
Yes, I said the rec push default is the power flavor in there.
Oh yeah.
for sure. And then you get a cinema kind of kick to IT with just a wonderful marshmen from time to time.
Absolutely lovely. Make sure you guys have checked that out and salt to general mills still rock .
in a rollin with our favorite .
breakfast for a long time time be a time to last up the first um item of new news, the internet has spoken. Jason and you fucking cheated.
Well, it's a good thing. I don't care anything .
about this poll and learned, ladies gentlemen, you should never care what the internet says. I, because, number one, even if there are the ninety two percenters, this.
I am all for the democratic process, all for the democratic tic process. But when you have a bunch of people voting and they don't understand what the rules are.
then i'm not for. And on top of that, this wasn't a sanctioned you know tournament. There was no like bracket. There was no.
was no. This is just.
you mean right here.
find a way to get that done. Oh no, col didn't get the table, so you had an unfair advantage. Yeah, what? That's okay. I can be subject to being like sanctions because he does another another leverage. And she's got a .
gold metal. So she's great.
SHE doing great. I beat in olympian. Okay, that's what happened. I was on a hard chf, and I just heard .
that's pretty good way to make IT, way to make IT, way to make IT right? Well, now we know we have not lost faith in internet polls. I still believe he cheated. If IT was a real event is not a real event.
So OK, there's no opinion on this. It's you read the next part, it'll tell you exactly how I didn't cheat because the rules stipulate that the office is either grabbing a pig or congregate table. There's legitimate like a whole rule in regularly armas that allows for this.
Okay, thanks.
So there is wrong again.
Well, that was wrong again. Mom was right. Move in on to the next bit of new news, the Kelsey car jam.
Year two. Baby, that's right. Year two, i'm pumped. Announced Kelsey car. Jm, coming back uh to kinds a city um this year we're going to have a october fifth uh, that's a saturday before, I believe one of our monday night games and ironically, my birthday. So we're going to have some fun. Last year we started this event and a is a benefit it's to benefit uh eighty seven and running my foundation team um what that helps out the underserved community and the youth here in kings of city and back and clever of our hometown will have everything from old school muscle cars to some high end luxury vehicles. Uh, typically, we get some teammates to come down and and show off their cars and just everybody comes down to have some fun and come together to raise money for a good cause.
Man, everything we get here just gets injected into the city has helped raise money years past for the ignition lab and Operation breakthrough and the amazing the amazing things that they do, uh for the youth, amazing the amazing things that they do for the youth here in case of city, and have done in the years past and one of my favor parts is seeing the Operation breakthrough, a nian lab, the mechanics part of that ignition lab, a displaying all the things they've been working hard on, including the nineteen seventy shaveling that they turned into an electric car. That's right. We got high school kids doing that at the initial b it's pretty cool.
It's going to be it's going to be a fun time. It's kind of like a carnival atmosphere is always good food. There's always some entertainment outside of just the cars. And um once you guys go on the website, eighty seven and running that organ, uh the tickets are on sale right now. So um yeah can't wait to see you guys that saturday and .
october faith and hasn't, how is that .
we will run a always .
run .
in smooth aby yet。 I've been trying to get down. No, I haven't gone down there and been able to to take a for a test drive. But um i've seen that thing and IT looks fantastic. And i'm sure with that test of motor that it's got in, um they figured out how to get that thing ripped up.
Pretty good. nice. I got I got that pick up truck that that chevy one thousand hundred and eighty six pick up that never was running.
Yes, I got the Operation center working on that. So why? I don't know to be ready for Kelsey car.
G. M, year two. But i'm excited. Well, well, i'm excited.
A good Operation breakout. Been there. I know you and dad have talked .
about a lot of the year.
The faculty and the kids that are a part of Operation breakthrough just seems incredible. So I can't way to check check that out. Then we check out Kelsey car. And so what is IT just like .
it's like a car show, essentially. Yeah, there's a car show. You come down, see some cool cars, get some good food and maybe have a few garage bears aggression into the drag Grace yet?
Yeah, I don't know what what happened at Kelly car. Gm, year one, anything exciting?
Well, I think he was. But IT was the Operation breakthrough ignition labs, uh, first showing of kind of what they had been working on in the mechanic side of things, that Operation breakthrough, the ignition life showed up with the travel back then, and then showed kind of the beginning stages of them, I believe, doing a blazer, either a blazer or a bronco, an old school bronco, four bronco, yeah. So I think they are going to turn nothing into a metric. And yeah.
as my man as is behind the the mechanic side, right?
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. He's he's the one that kind of leads the mechanical side .
cyberia t or were they all life of me? I don't know.
How do I think you can? Yes, if you want to bring the cyber c, those are always fun to watch this a car show. Do you got a cool car break IT down?
What does IT for a new news brought to you by your friends? In general mills, the official cosy mix will be hitting stores soon. Make sure you stick to the serving size.
stick to the survey size.
don't overdo IT it's .
delicious to make sure, yeah, you got to end the milk to serial ratio. His guard me is very important IT. And then you have to drink the milk at the end. I'm telling you guys, IT is unbelievable .
milk at this great k syria.
But the bracy post milk .
yeah and then on top .
of that simple crunch milk and then you get added sugar from those marshmallow and is just like .
that's delicious and you're lucky and you're lucky .
you're magically delicious and lucky. Let's get on to some van mansions.
baby, before we get to our official. And after week one preview, let's shout outs of of our fans, the people that allow us to do this arena. First stop.
A lot of you let us know about travel. Is Kelsey laa sighting at the minnesota state fair. I look at this travel's Kelsey dressed alama seen a minnesota state fair.
Many minor solar to lamas have homes.
Other camel, camel have homes.
Is that a person? IT doesn't .
like a person.
I just got the arms. That's funny as that's that's actually pretty funny. The more I look into that, I had to zoom to see. I was like, why does this long have arms?
Pretty later, they are fake arms.
you big lama, not a big, a lot of people .
on start back. There's somebody around us as a full box. That cat was pretty good.
right? You got to watch out and you stare things .
and you, I think the thing lamas .
are fun to like, watch plants around.
do lames serve a purpose.
Ah yeah, I think all animals .
in the animal.
what is an obama, a hippo, make sure that .
everybody stays in line. Yeah, they're hungry. And then they make for a great pool game.
What is that? So they provide meat and milk. So people eat lamas.
I'm not eat lamas.
And I I K, I knew I figured you could make, you could .
use all that looks rather.
people make lama leather.
I think that's a little fuck up.
What's the, what's the one that love the time? Is love the time? Make some of.
Peter would be on their ask if they doing .
that to candles. Lamer fat is used for making candles.
yeah. Well, kind disgusting shout to the ministry of state fair. Didn't know we had cheese kingdom .
up there in travesty. Lama did not win. IT lost the coast contest to the champion and emerson crow and heralded a mckay to seen here.
He was in second place.
You came in second place behind the water, which i'm gonna honest. I think the watermelon is more creative. I mean, look at that .
costume is a pretty.
and I think that's Better.
That's a person that's not allama well.
allama is to the left of the person that doesn't .
look like a watermen at all.
That's a slight that's like the slice watermelon. I agree, that doesn't really look like a watermelon. She's got the Better watermelon of .
IT shout out all the lama contest out there.
Maybe that's a bad view of allama maybe at a different angle.
kind of looks more like water million every thought that there would be a student contest for lamas.
What other animals I think there's be like a dog costume. Competition .
laws are .
That's the one of the relevance you are asking, like twitter lamas.
yeah, the .
customs and staying with animals. I bought .
a horse.
Swift delivery.
Swift delivery. Did the name prompt interest or did the outside.
you know, when the stars a line know just IT feels good. So how did you .
how does one go about buying a resource, or even finding out how to buy a resource? Take us this.
yeah. So you have, uh, you have really good friends that are good people that are endorsing, yes, the road Bruce and alex old and i've known alex for about ten years plus now so it's i've been in the league and fellow ohio and shelter to Young town family that we all got and um yeah there's all just there are awesome family own friend of firework, one of my favorite of fireworks stores up in ohio and throughout the midwest, really throughout the country.
And I just i've had so much fun going to events with them and just building our relationship and share enough they were at the super boy yeah they came. They invited me to the derby this year, and I had one of the best times ever at the derby, love IT as they were my host and show off. I was like, man, it'd be fun.
Like get involved in like see, uh, one of your horses like in a race like that, that seems like to be a fun, fun thing to be a part of knowing that they would ve actually had a horse win. And I think he was. The early two thousands, there was a horse called magic kingdom is a me.
They won the dirty, that is. And wow, yeah. Sure enough, they asked me if I wanted to jump in on a three year old that they had. And the name was IT made sense to the team up with this one, uh, being swift delivery.
What's cool is that the the different style of horse is some horses get out to a fast start and trying like, lead the pack and just take off and like, yeah spreaders yes. And then the others are like the finishes, right? The ones that kind of come around the the last turn .
of the last two turn to make straw, yes. So that's my question. Does swift delivery have an a large heart? no. Do you know how big is heart is? no. See that be the first thing I be doing as i'd be getting an ultrasound and seeing how big this things? Artist.
yeah. Well, that you I just got on board because I was fun and I could team up with a good friend of my I don't i'm not in IT to look at the size of the hearts um and i'd like the way that swift delivery and i've seen like three or four races that swift delivery is been in. And sure enough, I had nothing about great reviews and it's more finishing horse IT comes around that turn and just hits hits the just like top speed kind of saves the last of the last like straight away for with all the juice that has got.
So as you did say, that is a three year old horse. So it's not egil to participate in any of the triple crown races, correct? At this point. How much longer will this thing raise for? And what's the end goal to like hopefully IT win some and they get started out.
You're asking questions that I have no, no answer for. You are asking me not absolutely no questions. I know it's next races.
Is gonna somewhere with the next next two months? You said to finish second place last time. Yeah, up in woodbine.
Yeah, up in toronto this past weekend was second place finished IT was weird weather. The ground wasn't in its like in its best like suit race track for a swift delivery. So we still got a lot .
of faith in IT. So swift delivery is A A dry track racer.
It's not a good on the witch. I'm not sure how it's switched. I just know that I didn't make IT easier for so IT delivery.
Have you thought about giving a more stewards to improve its second place? Finished the first place?
IT does not i'm not answering that question because IT does .
not take your .
what do you think this is the one thousand nine hundred seventies? Everything is regulated now, Jason, man, we actually care about the horses.
You sure?
Jason, just leave with that.
And lately, travis got to shut out from the king himself, lebron James.
Lebron James.
He was asked to name his titan moult rushmore, and he named travis first, the number one tight .
and north ohio baby.
which I don't know. I he did any first was he was very clear in the video too. He went right to travis. Then he went kEllen windsor senior, shain and sharp actually. Then he went tony and, alas, kill windsor senior and share and sharp.
And then retroactively, I think somebody is like, hey, you might want to put them up there and is an old crap I forget about grown. That's where the video seems. And he took tony off and put wrong on. So his final mount rushmore is travis drunk, shane and Kevin's a senior.
He's checa list all five of those guys. You could take me off there and put those four up there and IT still be the same list. yeah.
I feel like the guys that i've played before me help make the league so that I could have the success i've had in the league. And that includes ground that includes tony, that includes even killing winslow senior who played back. And I think like the seventies lady.
So ah mt restaurant was more of like a that's more of like a historic presidents you don't have like new president like on not rush more. So maybe wrong, travis. And maybe when tony tony is pretty new, I mean, he's pretty modern tin. What who would be the classic tightens that should be not .
rushmore senior. Yeah a mida. Maybe he knew some .
on .
the .
some. I don't even know if I get a name of what tipping from back then. Who's the guy caught the past from joe tana? That was Clark.
That the wide receiver.
he was a why receiver? Are you kidding me? He looks like a titan. Okay.
I pay the legend. Yeah, you would have to put him and up there. Your shame you SHE is .
a modern that i'm talking about .
like pri mean, what's technically tony and shane played in the nineteen.
You you play football .
before the city. Didn't the was you before?
That I think is before the nineties, as you knew.
as you know, no reason like an eighty nine guy.
I think aussie was like similar to killing wind's, right? Make sense. As he knew he finished playing with the Browns in the year one thousand nine hundred and ninety.
So he he was really .
the eighties. I know kEllen winslow senior, yes. So they played in the same time for yeah, dick is also probably somewhere in that same window, right?
Yeah, it's probably more eighties.
seventies. Yeah.
he is eighty five years.
The code yeah.
john maki.
don't just reach for john. My, these, you are all the other ones are going to be new age teens shared and travis grog, tony antonio ga, so I guess it's magi.
I think is the original like the mako ward is the college. N, C, W, by tight end of the .
award IT is let's see what to stand.
I mean.
it's a different game. It's a different game. So it's not to put the stars, okay, three times first year all pro, five time pro .
bowl and he was like, like you said, he was like, kind like the founding father of the tight position as dicko was aussie kind of transformed IT into the nineties and then our guys, tony and shane took IT over .
yeah because like not rush more. Those guys are all like, I mean, three of them are real old and then you got rules of vote up there. Who's like, when was tea rose vote a president? Early thousand nine hundred ds teos, vt.
This entire episode is just going to be as searching shit I don't know tty roles about look like any read I just .
know is big in the parks president to term nineteen no one I don't take that. Nice to know one. The nice to know one.
Dude, how's that possible? Aren't the president usually in even years? Because is every four years not mean you got me out at what point?
Ask if they are wrong. Question.
i'm just so confused. I thought I was every four. I whatever, there's a leap year and there are somewhere that fucked up the I whatever I would we go from here. Good little Brown. This for giving my brother .
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Travis, yes.
this is your .
twelve season .
in the n flies.
I mean, reading twelve season, I feel oldest fuck.
Yeah, no.
But today in practically felt like house from .
that's good your mash makes you to look older too. There's something about a must test and makes you this seon in a good way that like that makes .
look like powers so you .
like IT yeah I just watched this wide erp thing netflix and i'm in on the most that that's a very there's i'm going to like listen, there's a you want some award. What award did you win?
The sports men of the award?
Sports of the year, which we're not going to get in the but you want to sports one of the year war and have .
closely brothers should never be up for. And the two guys, they cheat the most and scream, and everybody .
on the team you the most stash with the sue IT was like, I was looking at somebody out of the wild world with. So he was a deep er moment what your with name be you are going to have like a cool, like guns ling your name, like your your porn name is like the shirt you grew up on and then like your your dog's name or some shit, right? So how do you your west first .
pets name in the street group?
Okay, you know this .
a little bit, right?
Flash courage, man. It's gonna .
in everybody's arch. How do you figure .
out your western name?
We think out our .
best name is a weapon.
That what good web big yet?
I maybe you can, but it's another form of big tumble's.
big tumble weed.
Kt, john the bear .
demanded, who? Who would we have over? who? nice. What's good? That's name. What's travis .
west nicknamed ninety two percenters?
No, I don't even know how you figure that out. Neither can you tell us how to figure that out or you just .
got a couple west nicking people in this common section that big time western movie and culture fans, they had great nicknames even end of, fell back from the day. There are some about like that's big read. Why is red? Because you get red hair. Yes, what's like a great nickname of a old tb all player shoe is joe Jackson. That's a baseball player.
but that's a great mae. Joe Green.
we got to come up with a good one.
cheese holic.
Well, the fight of the fifty three main roster is officially out for the canada city chiefs, and here are a few players that chief s fans are excited to see this year. Travel, get your thoughts. Let's do baby.
Rookie, y ceive. Savior worthy. That's right, the man. But the fastest forty time ever. Does that speed translate to the field?
Here's some.
And watch, as travis answers this question.
i'll say this, some guys have the speed and some guys are just foobar players. Man, his, a, his intelligence, intelligent, is picking up on the offense, very smooth. He can see things and reacted.
So his reaction and his awareness is up there. And then on top of that, he has absolute speed that is unworded. Yeah, it's just on a whole another a whole another like strategy sphere in terms of his stride like once he gets going.
he is a story that was going to be my question is, is he we kill quick burst a guilty driven player? Is this a lady year like take the top of the defense or both?
I think I think is a little bit of both. I think he's his died is more you know, relevant how quickly is um I think he's right around six food is somewhere in there. I might be line.
You might I be small than that? Do you talk to me? I don't know. You're asking questions that nobody knows.
Jason, when he runs, does he run like a robot or does he have that fluidity? No.
he's flew IT. He's a fluid ID runner. He's very smooth that kind of comes with the stride. And he's I say i'll say this, he's very like I say he's a smart guy so he's understanding the office and he's understanding when pad is gonna to come to him on the road.
Yeah and that's the biggest thing in this offence and that's the biggest thing kind of getting used to as a rookie is being able to see and trust what you're seeing so that you're on the same pages, you counter back and and he's doing a great job with this so far. And it's i'm excited for men. He seems like one of those guys that rises up to the occasion when the lights are on and pump forming for the life.
For me, I don't know why other teams keep along. And I read to draft the fastest human beings. He did IT with the Shawn Jackson did IT with tire. Now he's done IT with savior worthy. Then it's always fun to see a fast receiver in an anty.
right IT.
There's also a new fan favorite and drafted a rook kie carston steel man. Not a good foobar name is bringing the full back back, casey.
I think he's little bit more than a full back to he's athletic and he can he can do some things with the ball in his hand. On top of that he's he's a big special teams guy whatever you need me to do, coach kind of guy. Um so you're going to be seen some some of cars and steel um well, as I like to call lum dorr for crack .
for .
a one birthday present from his father, I .
believe is that got to .
tell you a lot about him and I guess you .
need like a hundred .
permits to have a .
have this is the real life baby who shape as K. Good, he sounds like a good that I would call a trainer, where he can do a lot of different things, almost like a cow you check. I don't want to put him in that category until he starts playing games.
But there's this world in the na fell that calcium a hand. A lot of these offences have done where they have you take like a guy that can play full back tight, and you even split out wide, and you can all the son get to all these formation. You get a, you can get uh, titan wing.
You can get to, uh, three by one, like there's a lot of different ways you can utilize A. I like this which improves you. No, just see about to plays and formation ally what you can do. Yes, i'll be curious to see how andy start utils .
m and another formation another piece to the puzzle that the difference has to be ready for. And um I think any reads offences have typically had that fell back type player. Um we didn't necessarily have him last year, but this year we really have a guy like a like carson that can just he can do more than just what a typical fullback can do, which makes IT harder on the defense to have to account for that.
It's hard to find no guy that can do full back and do that. Those usually the full back guy is like a meat head.
I at the anthy shirt, man, right away from you, one of my favorite vel, the guy that everybody loves, because he does all the work that nobody else wants to do, which is basically just run full speed and blast your head into the other person's hard you can yeah and it's rare to find a guy that you wouldn't to do that and then also athletics enough to do all the other stuff. You it's hard to find that guy. That guy has a turn of value. If you do find one of .
the exactly insurance was a huge special teams guys as well. We actually i'm pretty share he filled in plane safety forest one one day, one year. He he also was our starting running against the dever braces a few years five, oh yeah, sherman later. He he was one of his one of the best full backs. He's one of my favorite guys to play with men.
run a lot of downhill plays, don't get go on his watch.
just get the big fell move in north themselves. Th, so he's he's going to be a fun peace to see how any reduces and and sure if I think he's he's to help the team.
And well, one of the great things about carsons steal is you just got a football name, carsons steel. I mean, it's asking for a great nickname .
is going to go with all dd, or I just call him carsons because his name is carson.
And here's the picture why I call me done. E, here's this allegation or very juice. I'm it's a big allegation, bro.
Let is neck. That's how you know that this guy is willing to run into things. When your neck is Whiter than your school, you're going to good to run.
In my next here it's like the outsides my eyes.
Typically you'll notice most people's neck is not wider than their joy.
That that means they hit the fuck out of them yeah.
That means when you hit somebody with with the neck is not wider than you draw line exposes your spine a little bit but when your neck is wider than your ears, you're not your have not going to move anywhere. You're .
basically are safe. And do you have your seat on? That's exactly that means. So this guys .
a neck wider looking at quotes guy just spent doing lay extensions all day. How do you get quotes .
like he put on like a like a legs sleep for like recovery and like to to reduce like swelling and stuff on his legs. And he was wearing and and he expanded the sile's so much that he looks like he looked like he had piny hose on the only way.
I could be more like, but stock higher on this guys. If you had a bunch of tattoos, like if you had a bunch like, just like germy shocky, tatoes, i'll be like i'm all in our cars and steel. He's got to alligator earrings, a neck wider than the fricking nail river. And he's got quads more cut up than so super cut up. IT looks like .
his coat is overflowing over the way.
doesn't make sense. You get to see me cap because our biggest quite messes are I you .
know that you do this course, he's going .
to right fucked and hat, look at our skin. That hat looks with his neck. Sky, fuck can do. And four way .
that i'm tell .
you he like to a brick .
wall and all feel yeah right .
right how wood Brown, holy wood Brown.
baby. Probably the biggest offseason .
movie guys made outside of the draft there. Anything else was signing hollywood Brown? Or I mean, we're get into some of the extensions and stuff you're in a little bit.
But yeah, hollywood Brown, veteran wide receiver. But unfortunately, he is hurt right now. Is that safe to save? Is there been any injury information?
Is is Better. Yeah, he's Better. I'm pretty.
It's public. He's he's excited .
to be able to play with pat ma homes in this offence. He's seen success. He's seen how it's ran and he sees the accountability that is put on the wide receivers. And he's excited about that band. He's very smart. Another guy that came into the building immediately wanting to learn, wanting to understand the nuances and in the little in the little things that that make this offence go um and is very detailed in his work in a smart, smart player that can play fast. Man when he was out there, he is out there role in and he'll be an asset form as soon as he gets back .
the full strank. Man, it's awesome. what?
What he hurt as something, something in the shoulder, I believe.
Okay, one of the shoulder, that s yeah in other chief s roster news, create humphry gap ID. He set the bar, brian knew for centres must be nice to place center sign of four years, seventy two million, nine, including fifty million, guaranteed. He is now the higher ge center in the history.
And he deserves every second. Every penny of that contract create has been really since he got on the leave, which has been unique for him for the center position. Typically, there's like a there's an on boarding process where you learn the trade and you got to that create.
He's been great from day one. He's been one of the best in the league and he doesn't I me I don't display that slowing down anytime soon. And this is four year extension for seventy two million.
Yes, sir. So yeah, that's a big deal worth every second penny.
Like you said, do we know what the A P Y is you now?
And like I think he's like sixteen and .
seventeen years yeah yeah well then .
bubble yeah no is like we said, he's worth every single penny, man he's so he's just so good in between the tables. Les, in space getting the second level. Um he's one of those guys that can just do IT all man on the office of line and on the top of that, a guy that takes command, a guy that that is in terms of a leader is shown everybody nothing but the best and i'm just happy as health for the guy. One of my favorite teammates on this team, and sure enough, I didn't know is this much money, but I knew that he he got the extension during our precise and game, the nurse game, the news league during the game that he was signed in an extension.
He went in there and his sign this contract and get a hot dog in the locked went back.
what a day.
what a day. The ball park.
what a at the ball park baby.
okay, fifty million dollars, and that's good. Okay, how dogs.
I can smell them. yeah. So set out to create for dinner extension. Um the core of the of the cheese office of line is now signed for an extended period time. You're so chees candies you can get pump ed on that.
Well, don't really well. The other thing we've been hearing about all of season is the three peat yeah that's the story line. Everybody is talking about what the chiefs I don't know you know this, but it's never been done before. I'm sure nobody has mentioned .
two years did my research.
The one thing I I knows and you guys have talked you guys have been pretty en about discussing the three peat is affair .
to say I haven't tell who if I talk to about IT.
I feel like the first time I heard about the three peat was from you guys right after the you want to the second one.
That's probably the only time we've really .
talked about IT. So now you guys are more focused on the with this get right, uh, week one, right.
You don't get to the super bowl by thinking about winning the super bowl. You get to the super bowl by slowly creating this routine of success. We can week out.
We have to be a Better team in december and january and and february. And we are right now and we know that it's a process that you have to go through. You know you can't peak too soon.
You can't you can look that far in advance and just assume that you're going to be there. You gotta make sure that um you your present every single day. yes. And you you're put in the work in practice. You're put in the in the time to get right mentally before the game. And then on top of that, being real with yourself when you do play and if it's a good game, it's a bad game, always finding a way to get Better. And I think that mentality and that that formula of success that coach read has implemented here, I think that itself is that that what you got ta focus on, you can focus on anything down the line like that.
Before your rabba chief s talk, let's talk a little bit about the season opener against the ravens. This is a rematch from the asc chain chip game last year. trave. You missed weak one last year against the lives. That was the first game you missed in.
Thanks for the were .
reminder what was at nine seasons. Ten seasons I was.
I suck, Jason. I was, I was. I felt older last year, and I feel right now that's how I lost the game.
This game will have the banner raising, which is, which is the last celebration of last year. Super bow. Are you ready to finally stop talking about last year?
I haven't so done. I am not even bringing up last. Yeah, you just bringing .
up every time he's ultimate. No.
I bring up two years ago. You'd never stopped talking.
Here I go. I don't if you know this, but we won the suitable all last year.
No, I always say we won the last two years.
You make shooter.
I think I think that i'm so done with this. I was kind of done with talking about last year after the after the ring ceremony. I'm so thinking forward and thinking about this, this this game focused thursday. I'm so focused on this year and just like I said, trying to trying to get Better every single week.
Man, well, trace Smith is with a he waited on this question, winning the super well last year. No one cares about that. Nobody cares new season and cares.
Nobody cares right now. We're poking them. It's a completely new season.
We have to prove ourselves. We can week out. Love that quote for tray is also one of my favor.
Guards of watching league.
Exciting for no reason at all. Do you want to a watch? tray? Smith, rex, somebody. shit. yes.
So you read my mind branded, how do you know I wants to see? This is just the D. V one.
This is like, yes.
this is like, you do what good evasion slaps and bion gets flat. That's the most important thing. Nobody knows this.
right? After you get that release, you gotta get flats if you go up field. If you go up field, you're gonna miss that block. He goes flat. And then just cocos is do in the side of the head.
It's all about angles. It's all about angles in this league. That's football, son. That's football, son. That's how football supposed to be played.
That is not an anomaly. Trace MIT does these kind of blocks all the time. So why we love a man.
Many thoughts on the ravens leading up to this first game. You just play the fc title game. Two very similar teens from last year.
Not a lot of changes. Obviously, they lost past the queen. They've added there the geno stone. They have a new division ordinator was promoted within. So you probably can assume it'll be a similar system as they ran last year since somebody that was in the organization.
Yeah, then they can have similar pieces. Don't give me wrong. I mean, cloudy might not be there, but they still got a edge. Russia, they still have have a great difference of line. They have a core good line backers, yes. And then on top of that, they get one of the best second, there is definite one of the best safety and kail hamilton, who I think they'll give even more responsibility to now that he's even more comfortable in the league. Have the the the unbeliever season had last year.
do you think cos gona want revenge?
I think the entire team is definitely going to be fired up for this one. Yes, i've been in a situation where i've lost uh, an afc change game and the super bowl at that and the next season you come out pretty fired up and then ready to to rehab c ment love IT. So to match that intensity and and makes some placement at the end of the day when that balls in the air, we got to make the catching and we got to get the wrong game going.
We have to get the wrong game going. You heard rock on Smith earlier this week. Talk about how you stop him and you got to make one dimensional is what you say in. And hopefully we have the the full arsenal firing on all solino ers h best.
So I go, I go again. My invited I I don't have anything to .
do like to take IT for you, but that's about IT. All the other tickets are fuck and sold.
So I kind of I did you know.
very good. Dari common.
I think you yeah already. Yes, I raps up weak one chiefs verse ravens. To over.
This things give if you can watch one movie. Hey, you wanted to come this time, make sure IT anna.
you. Might wanna hold on, why get all your holiday decorations delivered to install ard? Because maybe you only bought two risks but have twelve windows? Or maybe your tid ler got very eager with the advent calendar or maybe the inflated able snowman didn't make IT to the snowstorm, or maybe the twinkle lights aren't twinkling.
Whatever the reason this season, instincts here for host and the whole holiday hall get decorations from home, deep C, V, S, and more through installed and enjoy free delivery on your first three orders, service fees in terms apply, right? Let's talk about some eagles football. Baby fly, eagles fly.
Go into the week one. Yeah, this is still a half filly podcast. We're not going to take that away from the the filly ninety two percent as that we get.
Don't take illy.
Don't take you away once a bird, always a bird baby. He might have retired, but Jason will not leave the building. That's right, Jason. Do you still have a you have a locker er .
the lucky I have a lucky in the staff portion of the building.
Your staff still .
you know anybody from accounting or whoever wants to go get to work out in, I am in that part of the locker.
I love that for you. Sexy batman was back in the eagles training camp, made A A ride back over to what is a nova care center.
No get center and is correct.
Nice help and out holding bags and stuff. Uh, did you just become like, what is IT a dummy? Back holder, punching bag? Yeah, me. I don't even .
remember holding this bag. So this is interesting, but I would love to, I actually would want to put, stop putting cleats on and given the guys looks and stuff like preprint tice, I think there's some things that help out there, but I just haven't at the time. And you so in my busy schedule, just tough.
Specifically, I want to stay involved in the game. Now I get to go and talk to start cam jergins s new starting center. Obviously bit of veteran.
His own right right .
is in his thirty years is second years of starter. First year. He is a cat. We played the position lot.
So he's been in action. He's seen lab bullets mant doubt he's going to be great.
I feel like the more connective you say to the game, the Better i'm going to be for a monday at foobar selfishly. And then also the mood just stay sharp. In terms of light overall.
foobar has sb or the nfl told you that it's okay for you to be in the building and still do commentary or and I guess that is in commentary. It's like presume post because time bridie disco told he could have be a part of organization.
We could be an owner, correct?
But you can be like a scout and still do IT and still be I think it's the affiliation with a club.
Yeah I don't know what the rule is for me. I'm not accepting any money from the eagles, right? Like I don't have an official al position.
I'm really just going there out of pure interest on my own to keep my knowledge based the game up. And obviously, I built up a lot of relationship for the people around that building that you i'm going to help out anyway. I can. But h the reality is that's not a job.
tom. He was he's just he's now not allowed to have like production meetings with other teams and get the access in the building that all the other broadcasters technically had. Like this week, we got the c cast and we got a micro Chris Collinsworth.
I love those guys away. They were so fine to talk to today. Just the absolute best in terms of call in a game.
They're just class x with IT. I think that tom isn't allowed to do that. He like he's not a lot like my meeting with with tom would have never happened. I don't think he's even allowed .
to like to production calls. I think he still is. Is he an owner of the writers?
I think that is I thought that, that fell through because of what we're talking .
about and pressure they just made IT to where he can do IT, but he's not allowed to be on production and kind of get that insight for other team how rose men told k. Adams he tried to recruit you as a scout. I think Jason would be great at anything in football.
I think he'd be a heck of a evaluator. I tried to recruit, become work with me too, because he can, even he can evaluate players very well. When we were in the draft, I gave a few centers that we really liked. And he came out said, I love camp jergins s unlikely. I only gave him the players that I like, so I can't come up with somebody else so he can.
yeah, this is the real key. They give me guys that they already like and they just all they want is for me to firm what they already think they don't want me to come up to him and be like A I actually like this guy over here. But yeah, came Jordan is the guy that I like a lot land and decoration.
I like them more. A guard coming out, a lot of things, looking at the centers would do so just fine. But his skill set, in my opinion, translates more to be more impact for the government position.
But I also like other day, I mean, listen, I think I have fun watching football and looking at eyes and is so interesting watching players. And like almost right away, you kind of like, oh, like what that guys doing right there. I like the way move the lips like we sink. I like the way out in space in the merpeople. You you're taking all that in the consideration, but partly not accepting a position because I want to be able to be honest assessment as an individual media member, although I think everybody knows i'll always be biased towards personal relationships that I have the eagles um maybe that's in the future, but not in the cars right now.
Well, ni syrian ni also said that the door is open for you to enjoy. He was coaching staff .
will see maybe, maybe one day. I I know selfishly, I would love coaching, but that's a big time to meet at this point in time on that willing to make maybe down the road. yes. Well.
as an unofficial eagle scout in coach, what do you think of the twenty, twenty four eagles? Rather, I think they're immensely .
talented and did a lot of time less. You're specially on offence, and I think that something stalled out. I think that this year, we're gonna really good.
They've improved on defense. You've added new pieces in the secondary. They've dropped to some guys and have some have a more rounded gop, uh, deepens the lines SE.
I think there's they're very good, uh, line backer is the question mark. I think it's waiting to see on the kobe in comes back in some of these new guys fit in. I like the line back was coach.
I've talked to him and I think that I just think they get really good. I think they have a lot of talent. I think the jay hurts are going to have a bounce back year. I think they've two ordinators who have proven success in the league and kalamba now and big fangio um and I think that last year there was a lot of place after losing those two guys in the previous ordinary and shamed, taken and JoNathan gaining and for whatever reason, IT didn't work. There's a lot of reasons for that. But I think that with these two guys here theyve, they have on a lot of football ames, they've then a great job calling plays on both sides of the ball and when you when you taken to account, good play calling with greatly, highly talented individuals. That would be shocking me if they don't perform at a very high level this year.
Yeah, they got a whole lot of talent that would be sure well, the immediate has been asking jAiling hurts on thoughts on the on the first season nt on the receiving end of a jasie snaps.
Thankful for that.
His stake was we had a great player in Jessie elsey who took on A A lot of responsibility. And as a result of that, I was told not to worry about a lot of things. And so my, my eagerness to learn over the years was kind of halted. And but now times are different, which sounds like jAiling took his, his game to another level. Man, and you gotto love that.
There's a lot of media and filled of you that are blowing this into l like a negative assessment, like he's making an excuse for something like that in no, I shared this exact sentiment with jail and and I think he's at the stage now in his career that he can take that next step forward in making a lot of these protection calls and things that I did for him early in his career and is a Young player. He he's seen a lot. And I think that a lot of the things we strugling with late in the year with the blitzes, when teams do a great job of disguising things, and you really don't know if you can wear to direct IT the cortege c has to feel comfortable worries on that. And I think that jail and now controlling a lot of this and taking this ownership on is going to help, especially for situations like that.
one hundred percent.
But I think him taking on this as a responsibility is going to accelerate his game across the board. And I think he's ready for that one from a knowledge base. true.
I think he's ready for IT just by being a more experience ed player. And he's gonna be more of a leader. He needs to be more of a leader and have more of this responsibility on them. So i'm excited to see how this goes form this year.
I think mixing in that portion of IT as well as you listen the coaches of that a full off season, they know that they are going to get blitz a lot early this year based on how last year ended. They've been focused on different ways to defeat the blitz, either from, you know getting rid of the football to checks to putting the protection in ways that are, uh, conduced for the players. Ld, and I think that all of these things that they've been working on all of season is going to I think it's gonna lead to a much more productive often, especially in regards to that. So i'm excited to watch all .
you can take anything negative to that. All you can take is that he's taken the next step. He's getting Better, ladies and gentleman. So don't take that as a negative thing just because it's something that he didn't have to worry about the years past, understand that he wants to know.
And now he's putting in the work to figure those things out so that he can play Better, he can play faster, he can play more confident. Pat my homes talks about how he couldn't even read a defense. The first year he was in the league IT.
All just you have to find that the group of wanting to get Better in and really have to have to be surrounded by coaches and and players and people that to tell you exactly how to do that and how to like figure things out. And I think the is a great, great orphans of mind or a great coach. And um obviously killing more is going to do a great job of making him feel comfortable. And couldn't I just think that I think that is blown way out out way out of proportion if you're looking at that is a negative thing? All I see is that he's getting Better and that he's looking for ways to improve in twenty four men.
Yeah, absolutely. And I think, nick, back to up with this comment, he said jane hurts comment he made on the radio this week about how you will have more control this season, as Jason tells us previously, in charge of a lot of things to land scrimp. He said IT was jail and being able to do something.
The last remains in Kelsey handling a big portion of that. So yeah, what he said is a hundred percent true. I think that, you know, i've made this exact statement to jaan.
I think he's ready to take this next step and I think in some ways is going to help him become a Better player. I don't think reading into this negatively, I think try have you had on IT really well as well? I'm excited to watch how japan, you know, grows as a player. And I think coaches.
well, a lot of people wrong. They they, they doubt him. That's no insurance.
And I think the coach is nx irian, I and everybody involved. There's been a lot of attention put out a lot of this stuff all of season and an effort to fix IT. So it's always interesting playing new coordinators we want, especially guys that weren't promotions from within the eagles applying a cortines or jeff, like half ly or heavy for you as last neighbor.
He's been like a year in sanford and then like the last five or six years, been in college. And so, you know, what is this guy gona do? Yeah, IT be ancient.
I don't really know what to expect. You know, the packagers for the most part of been a three, four system as of late in this guys kind of got a lot of stuff in his, in his veins. So it'll be able soon .
to see what he looks like. Well, the best thing the best thing is he's got a lot of talent around a baby. No, and he's got a big office of line that can be able to run the ball. Um so it's it's one thing if he was all on him, but I think he's got a lot of guys that he can he can help him along the way and half the battle, just get that ball in their hands and let them be special themselves.
Mean, you are so big off into line and we sign six barki like do I mean it's and then you took at the weapons outside there is a ton of town and fold alpha. I just think that they're .
going to I think there's gonna try the bill.
So well, this year I was up to see a dallas is a star. People filled out, you know, but he's got all the tools. He's a sneaky, sneaky savy road runner. He's got wiggo.
When you turn on that film, you see IT man, yeah, exactly.
They might not be in .
the state book as much. But when you turn on that film, you see IT men, sure, not right. Well, eagles down in brazil friday night about that. The packers, about IT man eagles play the packers down in brazil on friday. And I can't wait to see that one and .
shut out to the birds already. Let's get to the multiple we want preview. How about that last order of the business before the nfl season rolls out, we get to decide which games are put on our nfl sunday ticket multiple.
okay. No.
that's right. Because thankfully, we've partner with our friends and and also ticket in youtube b and with most of you.
we can now watch up to four games and .
what which games we watch. And let's go .
through what do one. Let's see. I'll pick my first one. So we got pay their sales at one o'clock. We got stealers falkiner, texas codes, cardon's bills tightens, bears, James, dolphins.
A, S, and sales clock, proudly watching .
this one.
I'm just been an honest I don't .
i'm just just to see Bruce Young, man. I'm just to see Bruce Young take another take another leap. And then on top of that, I guess sir bank over in, uh, knowledge we'll see probably not on my mult of you though stealers falkland.
I'm interested to see what the new a falcon look like, right? yeah. Is the abu as a stealer? For some reason he does look fitting in a stealers uniform.
The brace's uniform was a little I D. I didn't see IT this one. I can. I'd like a minister's uniform.
I kind of feel that I kind of pick up, but you put .
down and then her causses baby, he's back with reckless a band and out there and atlantic with the falcons. They ve got a lot of Young weapons. Hopefully I get my guy cow pits going again, man, and get that tiding going, man and forth perform a two years ago or three years ago.
Still waiting to see him. Have just absolute amazing year. Now in the data thousand arts is Ricky year.
I will be interested.
Watch this one. H, that one might be on IT. I think that one might be on a texan's, a cots. You know what? I think, I think this is going to be a fun one, man. I think anything, any rich impact with the courts, taxes, Young quarterbacks going at IT C I thrown in the second year, obviously, to find, dig a huge addition to that. I think this ones on for sure.
I like without question, the text can be a mult view every week as long as they just try to playing because I think he's one of the best going back in the league and I want to watch watch what he's doing. And then obviously, you just talk to about Anthony Richards and the culture. sneaky. They are good last year, and I did a great job with him a year one. Ah they could take a big step forward this year, but it's going to depend on how Richard comes back from injury in plays so i'll be watching that one to see how that adam folds yeah for sure.
Then we guy .
alex fill cardinals at bills .
cards, bills.
I think this one's on mind because when I get to watch my former people with a ordinator, JoNathan, game, and in a second year at the carnegie know, they get Marvin eric junior, fine ative love launcher, Marvin hair, son senior. So that'll be fun to watch. But i'm more excited to see what the bills offence looks like, what joba now run in more that new orland style system, very different than what they have done.
Yeah, I don't think I don't think that wants on there for me. I'm liking this tightens at bears a little bit more than that.
I want to see.
I want to see what the rock got, man. In first time, the time the titans made a lot of of season movement, they got, they got a new head coach, they got a new secondary and snow, they got new weapons and calvin ridley.
how to say what i'm like looking forward, watch in the times, they got bill Kelly and often the line legend. They always, I don't know that i've ever seen a team, the bilk alan is coached that is not a dominant running game. He's been to claim in the last few years our native team, the Browns theyve, been outstanding since he was there.
That's especially in front. So i'm excited to see what the times look like with in this. The reason is with the times because his son is bk Allen, so that duo could be exciting to watch with the titans, but very cool. What else if they have done?
I mean, the makes the fellow beat.
but yeah, definite excited. The bears offence, the pieces they've added. I mean, I really, i'm excited.
See a kills. I think you've done that right. They've surrounded him with a ton of talent. I got keen in Allen and they beefed up the opens line. Does a lot. It's a very conducive volume position for cabillo ams to go into his first year in chicago.
So there's a lot of juice, baby, the load of juice over there in shutdown. So i'm thinking jaggs and dolphins are definitely in IT for me. I old duggle p and versus micro Daniel, I think um the battle of florida is is a legit game this year.
I think the dolphin ins come out hot and end up get them because of the speed and everybody being healthy. But yeah, and two are going at IT. I think that is just a that'll be a good gear. I mean, a good game to watch, man.
It'll be interesting. Now i'm kind i'm onna watch because i'm not looking forward to see what the dolphins look like. They would ve lost a lot of people at front.
And I feel like that system is so predicated i'd being able to run the football effectively, not a very offense of line friendly system. The coal shanahan, uh, new run play action deal, they're still so fast out on the but if you can establish the run, it's tough to get stuff going on. So i'll be looking .
to see if they look like but you get a so out of the one a clg games i'm going texas codes in, tightens bears in, jag dolphins in and i'm going steal this falk's.
I'm going to texas called titans bears. Guess i'm probably going on jack dolan, I got to turn on doug. Gp, if he's on there so IT comes down to cardinals bills versus als and fakers, yeah, not go corners bills and see what my man and jonathon again and looks like in the second year.
And then watch and johhny, a clock could just have all the games. But do you go see hawks? Rather.
you have to have four.
Can you do two? You probably can just do three, to be honest. You can probably do three or two. Yeah.
but two is the picture big thing?
I think the same preaches the matter.
Ward box, that's kind of sitting blank.
Now they were, they IT goes and like, like a one this game.
And then two little ones yeah it's the what .
do they call you when it's like middle spacing? You're not all the way far left. You like middle spacing. It's middle space.
brain and borders with the hot take. One of those boxes can be red zone.
Are they good idea when .
you're doing the mult you got to pick which broadcast listen to and I know for sure i'm going to be listened to the fox broadcast. So yeah, for the four clock games, you can have all of them on the multiple. Uh, but I will be highlighting the cowboys Browns because that is going to be the debut of time brady in the booth and I can not be more excited. Listen.
what he has to say, i'm your that.
So where is also that? He's a bee booth game now yeah.
do you want fucking go down that again?
Just what game is he doing? So he's doing washington. I'm kind of cures with this j and dying cut those. That's IT for our breakdown.
What we got go in a week one, remember without a sunday ticket and you do TV, you don't have to listen us. You can choose which live. And if all games you want to put on .
your multiple view, it's whatever you want.
it's whatever you want. Like mabe, maybe the game is getting blown out. Maybe we're really excited for one of these games.
And all the sudden the dolphins are beaten, the crap out of the jack. I don't want to say that for dup. Maybe the jack are being the crap out of the dolphins in your turn IT off at a half time. And you know the steel thousand games game on, no, it's Terry kill or maybe it's a really tight game with the panthers and sates. And you do want to watch IT.
You can make a good game. I watch, I watch a good game.
yeah. I want the closest games on my motive.
You unless you I want unless it's like fucking three to three game going into the fourth quarter.
then I do not. That's nice. We watch accord about taking complete and passes already.
All right, now let's let's wrap this thing up with some no dumb questions brought you by mid mobile, the smart answer to saving money on premium wireless. That's the right, ladies gentlemen, premium wireless network. While saving money, we gotta love a man.
Two things I would love to do. Jason waited, asking for some no dumb questions to start the season. And we got almost two thousand replies. So such two percenters, no dumb questions is back and Better than ever.
Be tough to get up.
The first knowledge b question comes from beeper B E P A R on x. Where are you? Grandparents never bring up you. You never bring up my mama where is SHE and Jason replied um with a very kind and straw to IT um yes come a dead unfortunately our grandparents have passed um but if you were on x and you saw that come by your timeline, you got to get checker out .
of IT I guess maybe they also just made fun of because I used the wrong version of there which either, I mean.
yeah you did yeah they are they are. Yeah, get to do that. Pastor y Jason, make sure you just you prove for you that you gotta a reread your tweet before .
you percent your an s so .
why are you? Nice or you just do that and I care.
You know, we don't talk about mama because mom, is that what we call our gram? We call our gram other grama in the Kitty. That was what her name was.
Gram in the kid. He's yp everybodies .
to get their own nicknames. Everybody use their own specific. We call.
I see why. And the girls call calls, mom, ana, ana.
we go. Donna D D, yeah. And which is dead skit. And they call ed r dead a pop.
nice. So yeah, I think dad kind of got the short into the stick and all those nicknames right there bit.
It's Pearler at least creative. Cram on the Kitty was, I was a good name.
is I SHE loved her.
some kitties.
SHE had a bunch of run around the house.
You know what? My latest plan to divert our family from getting a cat is I just keep telling our girls that catch poisonous. And now in this world, they I, what I got ta do.
why so that they .
don't my cats and I don't have to do what having a cat and make them terrified IT and ever not find out I I think, why do you get support .
not in this, not in this regard .
I think great genius.
And you're going to go over a friend's house and funk and scream bloody murder because they see in.
I like that person is from you're .
a psychotic guy is ridiculous I got to get these kids .
on my side other's i'm a sinking ship. They're like, Jason, cats are not poisonous.
You grew up with the cat. Travis.
I know, are not poisonous. I'm saying my girls don't I have got them in this world.
They don't know what to so much.
Kelly is like, they're not poison if your dad is lying to you. Like, listen, if you have a cat, the government will come and take IT from you because it's there are so lethal that, I mean, they can kill you if they don't even after by you just then licking you, you fear the tongue. IT has little needles on IT. And then I bought pictures of a zoomed in picture on a cat tongue. And IT looks like needles and IT terrifies the fuck out of fucking great.
do fucking ridiculous ous why do you have IT out for cats so much? You would grow up with the cat? I don't know. I just know, you know why you just don't want to say IT.
But why? why?
I don't know. I am trying to get. I'm trying to get don't want a cat.
I don't want another animal and house my dogs are ready room in furtado. There's some of our cats. I don't like name IT. They're fine if they stay outside. How do an outdoor cat have OK with an outdoor cat?
I I don't know your fucking ridiculous.
I think. already. Next, no dom question, what color does travel? Say his eyes .
are fuck.
You know that this has been a hot topic everybody wants to know, because everybody.
how is this a hot topic?
Everybody online says your eyes are Green, but mom claims you have blue us and i'm going to lie right now zoo and in they kind of look blue.
telling you, do they switch up on you .
IT depends on what .
kind of dam happen.
You have a what's I called had a chrome air.
whatever the switch is from like a bluish turcos to like a light Greens. For the most part, I think .
they're gratis, which makes them .
some S M gra. If you, if you really get up close, it's like, it's like blue, a blue, yellow, gray.
Been looking at, been looking at you my whole life. You have Green us.
So what he says of her .
driver's license, the exactly. So why does our mother, a woman who gave birth to you, not know what color your eza? What is shifted in her mind that makes her think that you have blue eyes?
Because I was a fuck and blind her kid and I was a baby.
And I think as A Y times be different change as you get older. Yeah, that's the only way that makes sense .
that mom still think you are blue .
us and I right now.
blue back .
bw right now, and they usually do.
but they still agen of my em m. Mom, they might have been blue. And other kid has a black hair kid, like, i'm talking about, like, straight.
And I was a black hair, blue eyes kid. How about that? And now i'm like a Brown and gray hair and then a Green and great eye.
Don't be.
get rid of the day, you know, riad, in my hair. Last no time question.
Would you rather chug a pitch and then run windscreen no, or eat fifty wings and hit the slid for ten minutes? I'm assuming the pitch is .
beer and hitting a sled for ten minutes, I might take whats the difference what you mean in terms of wind's rings and sled? What's the difference? This sled is more .
like you're like it's like a waited thing in wince. Prince is just like you're running I mean.
this I can't, dave, just when you think there are no dumb questions, yeah right questions that make you feel dumb, that you even have to answer them.
I mean, chuck in a picture and then running sounds awful.
That sounds stupid as fuck.
I feel like sound i'd be very bloated.
Chugging a pitch sounds exhAusting I mean, we've done but before but it's it's always like I regretted IT and now I .
don't .
need a drink for the rest of the night but I might choose windscreen .
just because I feel like it's like both these sound pretty miserable.
Hitting a sleep for ten minutes doesn't ds terrible.
I don't like in a slight for one minute. I think it's sled for some of the most like overused pieces of equipment on a profil. Ld, I think they're give me a guy with a bag any day the week I hate hitting slides I have just do I hit a crowder, slid, that's about the only one I like IT.
there's something about hitting something as hard as you can that I just have a love for.
So you like IT in the sled.
I like hidden the slide. I like hidden the golf ball and like hidden the baseball. I like taking a huge slap on the ice. I just like hitting shit as hard as I can.
We're talking about drastically different things.
It's all the same. You're the impact. I like to hit things at a very high impact.
You can hit somebody with holding a bag at the same impact level.
Okay, I like that too.
Yeah, but I don't like sleep. This really comes down to, I think, slides for the most part of a gigantic waste of time. I'd rather hit somebody of the bag. There's like one sled I think is actually that functional and that's a crowd's slid that teaches your hip side of function and fire off into something really well. I don't really like most football lids.
I'd rather hit IT out the bag that moves and IT feels like i'm actually striking in individual, not like a piece of medal that doesn't move over, Operate on the same planes that like a foobar blue does. That's fair. So I guess i'd track a pitch and run once because I feel like and at least I get something out of the winds prints that I appreciate, which is conditioning.
Yeah, you d get out the pitch of beer, then you just charged will come right at you.
I mean, I check IT up to the first winner print, then I go back to on the winds prints. I would be my first time I drown .
out and run more inspiring, spoken like a true warrior college windsor. That's only time. Anything, whatever makes me want to throw up what I run that doesn't for no dumb questions brought you by min mobile, the premium service with your money in your pocket about that saving them dollars. Man.
that rap up this episode new heights hopefully IT was short enough note too long make sure subscribed a youtube to the new height channel and follow the new uh on the wondering APP or wherever each process reminder you can listen to the new heights episodes early and f free right now by joining wondering plus and the wonderful APP or on apple focus.
you heard the man once again. New heights is a wander show produced by wave sports and entertainment and brought you by nfl sunday ticket on youtube TV this nfl season. You can watch every game every sunday when you bundle nfl sunday ticket and youtube TV follow show on all social media at new hype for some fun clips throughout the week. And thanks to our production and crew, we always need you. And a now more than ever because it's it's football season, baby, and were back to all the ninety two percent of same tune and will .
see you next week.
Double smoke, check whats good going. Have one of them and i'll be golden. Well, i'm doing IT.
I'm order that right now.
Flavor, should I make IT a? Let us rap. I can make IT a.
Let us up. Don't do that. This, Jason, if you're going to be a man, be man, do you don't go to shake, shake to get to let us rap? I'm doing IT like going to talk bill in the salad. Follow new heights on the wandering upper. Or whereever you get your podcast, you can listen to new heights early and and free, plus enjoy exclusive episodes of the show by joining wunder plus in the wandering APP apple podcast or spotify today before you go .
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